政策导向,Policy guidance
1)Policy guidance政策导向
1.Analysis on obstacles, route and policy guidance in the forming of industrial districts in the northeast region;东北地区轴辐型产业区形成的障碍、路径与政策导向
2.The motive effections which policy guidance produce on the developing of medium and small enterprises on the basis of the problems are also involved in this paper.文章对中小企业在融资渠道不畅、技术创新投入不足、管理薄弱等方面存在的问题的原因进行分析,并指出政策导向对发展中小企业的促进作用,提出中小企业在发展过程中应当把握时机,充分利用国家政策扶持的有利条件,最大化地实现自身价值。
3.Correct policy guidance plays a very important role in promoting the transferring of the results of the research .政策导向对于提高高校科技成果转化率起着重要的激励作用。

1.On the French Budgetary Policy:from Expansionism to Good Health;评法国的财政政策导向:从扩张走向健康化
2.USA Policy on IT Industry美国对信息产业发展的宏观政策导向
3.Political Guiding and Market Trend of Macroeconomic Regulation and Control on Real Estate;房地产调控的政策导向及其市场走势
4.On national policy guide in western district s economy development;论西部地区经济发展的国家政策导向
5.The Economic Policy Guidance of Upgrading Private Sector s Competitive Ability in Zhejiang Province;提升浙江私营经济竞争力的政策导向
6.Policy Guide for Information Networking in Foreign Medium and Small Enterprises;国外中小企业信息网络化的政策导向
7.The main reason for this phenomenon lies in the problem in policy direction and guiding ideology.其主要原因是政策导向和指导思想有问题。
8.The Selection and the Political Guiding of the Leading Industry--Following the Example of Anhui Industry;主导产业的选择及政策导向——以安徽工业为例
9.The Policy Guiding of the Attllee Government in Berlin Crisis浅析柏林危机中艾德礼政府的政策导向作用
10.On the Policy Oriented and Development Countermeasures of Fasting the Construction of China s Cheap-rented Housing;中国加快廉租住房建设的政策导向和发展对策
11.Government s "Bona-fide Rent Creation" --Viewed from State s "Rent-oriented Policy;从“租金导向政策”看政府的“善意创租”
12.On the Government Financial and Tax Policies Guided by the Internal Economic Growth;以内生经济增长为导向的政府财税政策取向
13.Product-oriented Environmental Policy:New Development of Current Environmental Policy;产品导向环境政策:当代环境政策的新发展
14.Ideal Orientation Policy-making:Analysis on “985 Project” Policy Process;理想导向型的政策制定——“985工程”政策过程分析
15.Second, the central bank will introduce credit policies and improve credit structure.二是及时制定信贷政策,引导贷款投向。
16.On Tax Policy Orientation under the Guidance of Scientific Development Thoughts;论科学发展观指导下的税收政策取向
17.Selection of Cost Driver:From Fair in Theory to Management-oriented;成本动因政策:从理论公平到管理导向
18.On the Development of American Accountability Policy Based On the Efficiency;以绩效为导向的美国问责政策的发展

Policy orientation政策导向
1.On the attributes of culture industry and policy orientation;论文化产业的属性及政策导向
2.The research shows that we should analyze and implement the construction job of cheap-rented housing from the aspects including national condition,policy orientation,capital resource,manage mechanism and de.研究表明,中国加快廉租住房建设工作,必须从基本国情、政策导向、资金来源、运作机制、发展对策等方面进行科学的阐述、论证和实施,才能确保廉租住房建设的顺利进行。
3)policy guide政策导向
4)political guiding政策导向
1.The article expatiates roof garden distribution in the world and possible political guiding in china and the ecological economy domino effect.屋顶绿化是一种积极的生态景观,通过存在于城市已经缺损或丢失的结构,利用再生自然的生态循环,其具有强大的潜在改变我们城市的能力;本文阐述屋顶绿化在世界部分城市的现状和在中国可实施性的政策导向和生态经济效应;最后,介绍了实施屋顶绿化的必须考虑的技术性因素。
5)policy guideline政策导向
1.This paper summarizes the actuality and the harm of coal mining environment pollution in China and analyzes the policy guideline of local government on how to deal with the environment of coal mines.概述了我国煤矿矿山环境污染现状及其危害,详细分析了政府在煤矿矿山环境治理方面的政策导向,从煤矿矿山环境现状出发,提出我国在煤矿环境治理和生态保护方面的对策。
2.It is time for definitely putting forward policy guideline to promote independent innovation and steering it along an orderly way.应有针对性地提出推进自主创新工作的政策导向,有序引导广东自主创新的深入。
6)policy-oriented planning政策导向性
