战略意义,strategic significance
1)strategic significance战略意义
1.Discussion on the rise of India and its strategic significance;印度崛起的影响因素及战略意义
2.Strategic Significance and Fundamental Solution for the Speed-up of the Development of Cycling Economy;加快我国循环经济发展的战略意义和基本对策
3.The strategic significance of developing further education;论加快发展大学后继续教育的战略意义

1.Government E-Procurement: Strategy and Tactical Choics;政府电子采购:战略意义与策略选择
2.The sincere strategic meaning and tactics of the small and medium-sized enterprises s management;中小企业诚信经营的战略意义与策略
3.Briefly on the Strategic Significance of Building a New Socialist Countryside;浅论社会主义新农村建设的战略意义
4.Value of Strategic Resources in Central Asia and Its Strategic Meanings to China;中亚的战略资源价值及其对中国的战略意义
5.New Progress in Strategic Cooperation Companionship between China and Russia and its Strategic Significance;中俄战略协作伙伴关系的新发展及其战略意义
6.a strategically located island south of Sicily in the Mediterranean Sea.位于地中海的有战略意义的岛屿。
7.The Strategic Meaning of Advanced Education MarketOpening to Foreign Capital对外资开放高等教育市场的战略意义
8.A Strategical Significance of Geographical Enviroment on Antarctic King George Island论南极乔治王岛地理环境的战略意义
9.A Strategy to Construct Metropolis-group and Its Counter-measure;积极建设大城市群的战略意义与措施
10.The Strategic Sense of Development Grassland Industry in the Interlock Region of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry;论农牧交错地带开发草业的战略意义
11.A Study on the Strategil Significance of Devoting Major Efforts to Developing Circualar Economy in China;论我国大力发展循环经济的战略意义
12.On Strategic Significance of the Sustainable Utilization of Cultivated Land Resources;我国耕地资源可持续利用的战略意义
13.The Strategic Significance of Developing Service Economy on Henan Development;发展劳务经济对河南发展的战略意义
14.On the Strategic Significance of Reinforcing the Ruling Power of CPC;论加强党的执政能力建设的战略意义
15.Tactic Meaning of Exploitation About Chinese Sports "Overseas Force";中国体育“海外兵团”开发的战略意义
16.Identification and Strategic Analysis on Clusters of Science & Technology;“科技集聚区”的界定及其战略意义
17.The Strategic Significance of Human Resource Development in Western Area;论西部地区人力资源开发的战略意义
18.The Strategical Meanings And Main Way To Plan City and Country Development As A Whole;统筹城乡发展的战略意义和主要途径

strategic meaning战略意义
1.Study on technological conformity of enterprise and its strategic meaning;企业技术整合及其战略意义研究
2.Prominently, the paper expounds the strategic meaning and characteristics of China's Agenda 21.突出而较系统的论述了《中国21世纪议程》的战略意义和特点。
3.Based on the analysis of the condition for port construction of Xiaomiao Tidal Channel at the radiate sand ridges in South Huanghai Sea, this paper puts forward the tentative ideas on planning of Lusi Big Port, and expounds on the strategic meaning of the construction of Lusigang Power Station to development of Lusi Big Port and starting-up of the port group construction on the north wing of the .通过南黄海辐射状沙洲区小庙洪水道建港条件的分析,提出吕四大港的规划设想,论述了吕四港电厂建设对吕四大港开发以及启动长江三角洲北翼港口群建设的战略意义
1.This article,based on an analysis of the contents,functions and final goals of such a culture,analyses the strategic significance and existing foundations for the realization of the cultural reconstruction in Zhejiang.为此,文章在分析“乡风文明”的基本内涵、文化功能及其在社会主义新农村建设总目标中所处地位的基础上,立足浙江经济社会协调发展的宏观背景,从理论与实践的结合上,探讨了浙江新农村乡风文明建设的战略意义与现实基础问题。
4)strategic importance战略意义
1.The strategic importance of Russia-China crude pipeline system is discussed, and some constructionplans are comprehensively analyzed and compared with the conclusion that the line from Irkutsk through Mongoliadirectly to North China inland has obvious advantages.论述了俄中原油管道的战略意义,并对建设方案进行了综合比较分析,得出从依尔库兹克穿过蒙古国直插我国华北内陆的方案优势较明显。
5)the meaning of brand strategy名牌战略意义
6)Geo-strategic Significance地缘战略意义
1.Geo-strategic Significance of the Russian Far East to China Today and China s Policy Adjustments;新时期俄罗斯远东地区对中国的地缘战略意义及我国的相应政策调整

战略性贸易政策的积极意义战略性贸易政策的积极意义: 战略性贸易政策以更为符合现实的规模经济与不完全竞争市场为分析基础,探讨了国家适度干预对一国产业和贸易发展的积极影响,分析了寡头垄断条件下国家贸易政策选择的基本取向,对一国制定符合本国利益的贸易政策提供了重要的指导,其对传统的自由贸易政策的修正,也在一定程度上给人们以启示。此外,日本等国实施战略性贸易政策的成功也提高了该政策的受关注程度。战略性贸易政策的缺陷: 首先,战略性贸易政策以本国利益为最高目标,政策导向常常以牺牲全世界的经济利益为代价,其对自由放任的背离也与市场经济传统相悖;其次,战略性贸易政策保护的是那些技术含量高、外部效应明显、动态规模效益突出的产业,然而如何准确选择这些战略产业是政策实施者必须面对的问题,甄别不准、保护措施不当,都会使战略性贸易政策的效果大打折扣;第三,当多数国家都实行以保护为特征的贸易政策时,政策效果会在很大程度上相互抵消,毕竟这是一种以邻为壑,以牺牲别国利益为前提,招致报复是不可避免的。