完善措施,perfect measures
1)perfect measures完善措施
1.The paper discussed the advantage of lowest bidding price,problems and specific methods of perfect measures for reference.就低价竞标的优点、存在问题及完善措施的具体做法做了叙述和探讨。

1.Dilemma and countermeasures of the implementation of college accusatorial system高校问责制的实施困境及其完善措施
2.A Preliminary Study of the Situation of Action for Public Benefit and Improving Measures;试论我国公益诉讼的现状及完善措施
3.Landscape,Problem and Improvement of E-Government in Our Country;我国电子政务发展的问题与完善措施
4.Issues in Local Tax System in China and Policies towards Them;我国地方税制存在的问题及完善措施
5.Quo Status of Yunnan Forest Classified Management and Measures for Perfection;云南省林业分类经营现状及完善措施
6.Status and Improvements of Independent Director System in Our Country;我国独立董事制度的现状及完善措施
7.On Current Situation and Measures of Improvement of Capital Systems of Chinese Companies;我国公司资本制度之现状及完善措施
8.The Implement Problems of International Protection of Human Rights and Solutions;浅析人权国际保护实施中的问题及完善措施
9.About the Measures to lmprove the Added Value Tax System--about the effactive measures to strength the management of added value tax system增值税的改革与完善措施——采取有效措施,强化增值税管理
10.To perfect the facilitation measures for trade完善贸易便利措施。
11.-- Measures for preventing and controlling industrial pollution have gradually been perfected.--工业污染防治措施逐步完善。
12.Good management is becoming critically important.完善的管理措施成为极其重要。
13.Perfecting the Principles and Measures of Corporation Administration Structure完善我国公司治理结构的原则和措施
14.Measures for preventing and controlling industrial pollution have gradually been perfected.  ——工业污染防治措施逐步完善。
15.The improvements made the Chinese course even better.这些改进措施使中文课程更加完善。
16.Regulating the Circulation of Forest Resources to Improve Supporting Measures of Forestry Property Right System Reform;规范森林资源流转 完善林改配套措施
17.Research on Measures to Perfect Community Social Security System;完善社区社会保障体系的思路和措施
18.Improving Anti-Money-Laundering Measures,Guarding Against Capital Flight;完善反洗钱措施 有效防范资本外逃

improving measures完善措施
3)perfect measure完善措施
4)Improvement Measures完善措施
1.Thereafter, some improvement measures on improving the corporate governance and strengthening the role of independent director and supervisory b.本文通过对以德国和美国为首的两种不同公司治理模式的分析,来探讨独立董事与监事会在我国上市公司中能否并存,并对完善我国上市公司的治理结构、加强我国上市公司中独立董事和监事会的监督职能提出相关的完善措施
5)Improve Measures完善措施
6)Measures to improve完善措施

不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)corrective actions for nonconforming product:see corrective actions bul,卯ping jiuzhe叫euoshi不合格品纠正措施(~tive actions for non-印雨皿吨prt泪uct)见纠正措施。