环境行政,environmental administration
1)environmental administration环境行政
1.One is the special effect as an important method in environmental administration, especially in the enforcement of environ.环境标准的法律意义依其作用的领域主要可划分为两类,一是作为环境行政管理尤其环境执法的重要手段和依据的特殊意义,二是作为环境行为违法性的判定标准之一在司法中所起的作用。
2.Directed against this problem and based on the legal principle analysis of the environmental administration public service lawsuit and the comparative study of the environme.针对这一问题,文章在对环境行政公益诉讼进行法理分析和对国外环境行政公益诉讼制度进行比较研究的基础上,提出了建立我国环境行政公益诉讼制度的具体构想。
3.It is proposed that,the important issue of Chinese Government at present is how to break through the situation of complicated environmental administration.提出如何突破环境行政内外交困的境况,是当前中国政府的重要课题。

1.Environment Administrative procedure plays Role in Environmental Rule of law论环境行政程序在环境法治中的作用
2.On Limitation of Administrative Action of Environment and New Research;论我国环境行政诉讼之困境及新展开
3.Discussion on the Establishment of the Environmental Administrative Litigation System: From the Aspect of the Public Environmental Right;从公众环境权视角论环境行政诉讼制度构建
4.Discussion on Compulsive Administrative Solution to Environmental Problems in Local Environmental Enforcement;基层环境执法中环境行政强制问题的探讨
5.Discussion on the Legislation and Cooperation of Environment Administrative Power and Public s Environment Rights;环境行政权与公民环境权的分立与协同
6.Discussion on the Reasonable Position of the Administrative Power and the Civil Environmental Rights in China;我国环境行政权与公民环境权的合理定位
7.From Administrative Environmental Powers to Public Environmental Interests:Conceptual Change of China’s System of Environmental Law从环境行政权力到环境公共利益——中国环境法律制度的理念更新
8.Environmental Administrative Guidance;论环境行政指导——环境法视野的行政指导问题分析
9.Discussion about Establishing Chinese Environmental Administrative Public Interest Action System;建立我国环境行政公益诉讼制度初探
10.Studies on the Environmental Administrative Permit System of the Unite State America;美国环境行政许可制度对我国的启示
11.The Legislative Framework of Regional Environmental Administrative Organization;区域性环境行政管理机构的立法构架
12.Departmental Administrative Circular [Environmental Protection Department]环境保护署行政通告
13.Office of the Environment Fund and Administratio环境基金和行政事务厅
14.the competent department of environmental protection.环境保护行政主管部门
15.On the Status Quo of China s Administrative Reform;现阶段中国行政环境和行政改革略论
16.Commission on Environmental Policy, Law and Administration环境政策、法律和行政问题委员会
17.Reviews on the Influences of Administration Environment on E-government;行政环境对电子政务影响的研究综述
18.Political Environment, Strategic Benefit and Corporate Political Action;政治环境、战略利益与公司政治行为

administrative environment行政环境
1.The analysis of the irregular system factors of administrative environment in minority Areas——Case in Guizhou Province;少数民族地区行政环境中的非正规制度因素分析——以贵州省为例
2.On the Cultural Construction of Integrity Aimed for Improving the Administrative Environment;以优化行政环境为导向的廉政文化建设研究
3.On the transforming of administrative environment and administrative functions—from the perspective of administrative ecology行政环境与行政职能变迁论析——行政生态学视角的考察
3)environmental administrative power环境行政权
1.For a long time, people have confused the relationship between environmental administrative power and the civil environmental right, which results in a serious disordered phenomenon.长期以来,人们对环境行政权和公民环境权的关系混淆不清,导致了环境行政权与公民环境权的错位。
2.In the process of protecting the environment,the environmental administrative power is the key problem of environment regulation,while the public environmental rights is the embody of environment democracy.在环境保护中,环境行政权是环境管制的核心体现;而公民环境权是环境民主的生动彰显。
4)environmental administrative law环境行政法
5)environmental administrative behavior环境行政行为
6)environmental administration环境行政管理
1.Sustainable development is the goal of modern environmental law and administration,and the comprehensive decision-making on environment and economy is the key of environmental administration,and the mechanism for decision-making in environmental administration is the support to realize sustainable development.可持续发展是现代环境法和环境行政管理的目标,环境与经济综合决策是环境行政管理的核心,而环境行政管理综合决策机制是实现环境与经济可持续发展的保障。
