生态贫困,ecological poverty
1)ecological poverty生态贫困
1.Study on ecological poverty of Gansu province;甘肃省生态贫困问题研究
2.This article put forward ecological poverty meaning that the poverty results from the natural frail environment and other human livings such as unreasonable resource using, environment pollution, destructive engineer constructions;analyzed the connection between the frangibility and degradation of environment and western poverty conditions.“生态贫困”是由于环境先天脆弱和资源的不合理利用、环境污染、破坏性的工程建设等人类活动引致生态环境恶化,最终导致的贫困;分析了西部先天脆弱环境对西部生态贫困区域的形成、分布、人类生存和经济文化发展等方面的影响;总结出三大生态贫困地区环境退化的主要原因、脆弱的环境因素,其成因机制包括生态环境的脆弱、人类生存环境恶劣、自然禀赋较差;提出了西北黄土地区实施植被的生态恢复;西南石山地区适宜配合生态经济林的植被恢复、合理利用水土资源以及加快城市化步伐;青藏高寒区重点优化资源开发模式、控制人口增长和强化生态文化意识等生态恢复与重建的建议。
3.Poverty means a state of unsatisfaction of certain needs, and ecological poverty is one form.生态贫困是贫困的一种基本类型。

1.Real Diagnosis Analysis of Ecological Poverty and the Way of Ecological-antipoverty;生态贫困实证分析及生态型反贫困的路径选择
2.Ecological Poverty and Ecological Anti-poverty Strategy in the West China;西部地区生态贫困与生态型反贫困战略
3.The Cause and Strategy of the Ecological Poverty in the Western Area;当前西部生态贫困的成因分析及对策
4.On the Ecological Poverty of New Country Construction in Western China;西部地区新农村建设中的生态贫困问题探析
5.Ecological Poverty of Western Region and the Countermeasures;西部贫困地区的生态性贫困及其治理
6.The Poverty-stricken Undergraduate: from Material Poverty to Spiritual Poverty;高校贫困生:从物质贫困到精神贫困
7.The Study of Dynamic Management Early-warning Mechanism on College Students;高校贫困学生动态管理预警机制探析
8.Reflections on the Negative Mentality of Poverty-stricken College Students;关于高校贫困生群体消极心态的思考
9.Meditation on Ecological Construction and Poverty Reduction of Xiaojiang Valley;小江流域生态建设与消除贫困的思考
10.Economy And Ecology Reconstruction of The Mountainous Depressed Areas In Western China;西部贫困山区经济——生态重建研究
11.Advances In the Relationship between Payments for Environmental Services and Poverty Reduction Research生态补偿与缓解贫困关系的研究进展
12.Study on the Dual Inhibitory Effect of Ecological Poverty in Our Country--Based on Analysis of Poverty Belt Around Jing-Jin-Ji;我国生态性贫困的双重抑制效应研究——基于环京津贫困带的分析
13.The living situation for the poor people immigrated into cities--A survey on 100 poor families immigrated into Beijing;城市外来贫困人口的生活形态——来自北京100个外来贫困家庭的调查
14.Construction of Harmonious,Solid and Ecological Agricultural Production in Poor Mountainous Area;和谐的立体·生态农业生产与贫困山区的脱贫致富
15.All this played an important role in improving the ecological environment and speeding up poverty alleviation in poor areas.这对改善生态环境、加快贫困地区农民脱贫致富,发挥了重要作用。
16.Analysis and Solutions to the Current Situation of Chinese Psychological Health for Impoverished Undergraduates;我国高校贫困生心理健康状态与对策研究
17.Study on Some Problems of Anti-Poverty and Eco-environment Sustainability;反贫困与生态环境可持续性若干问题研究
18.The Poverty-stricken Strip around Beijing and Tianjin and Developing Strategies;环京津贫困带生态环境现状及发展对策

ecologically deficient and developing counties生态脆弱贫困县
1.We studied the characteristics of different agriculture industries in ecologically deficient and developing counties,analyzed the comparative and competitive advantage and set up a model for the selection of leading agriculture industries in these counties based on the application of Michael E.通过研究生态脆弱贫困县农业产业特殊性,结合生态脆弱贫困县农业产业的比较优势和竞争优势,将波特的竞争优势理论应用于生态脆弱贫困县农业主导产业选择研究中,建立了生态脆弱贫困县农业主导产业选择模型。
3)poverty of urban ecology城市生态贫困
1.On the basis of interpreting the poverty of urban ecology, the author analyses the characters, the causes of formation and the resolvable measures of the poverty of urban ecology.在界定城市生态贫困内涵的基础上 ,对我国城市生态贫困的特征、成因和治理对策进行了分析。
4)Ecological and Anti-poverty生态型反贫困
5)tourism ecological poverty旅游生态贫困
6)poverty status贫困动态

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