政治影响,political influence
1)political influence政治影响
1.Globalization: Its Political Influence on Developing Countries;全球化对后发展国家的政治影响
2." However, the decisive factors of the outburst and success of the rebellion were: CCP s political influence to the army since the Great Revolution Period, CCP underground organizations effective mobilization of military rebellion and thorough deployment, CCP Central Committee and the Soviet Area Committee s direction and cooperation.宁都起义的爆发固然与“九·一八”事变后的国内政治形势有关 ,而中共自大革命时期就对起义部队进行的政治影响 ,中共地下组织在该部队中卓有成效的兵运工作和对起义的周密安排布署 ,中共中央和苏区党的指导、配合 ,才是起义之所以爆发和取得成功的决定因素。

1.The Status and Political Influence of Political Parties in Hong Kong;香港政党政治的发展现状及其政治影响
2.The economical development afftects politics.经济的发展影响政治
3.On the Impact of Political Personality on Politics--Analysis from the perspective of statesman;论政治个性对政治的影响——以政治家为分析视角
4.On the Impact of China s Entrance of WTO on Chinese Politics;WTO对中国政治的影响与政治转型趋向
5.Influence of Internal Party Politics on Taiwan Authority s Cross-Strait Policy;台湾政党政治对当局两岸政策的影响
6.The negative influence on constitutionalism of the argument of that “constitutionalism is democratic politics”;“宪政是民主政治”论对宪政的负面影响
7.The Influence of Political Marketing on the Inner-party Democracy of Major Political Parties in Europe;政治推销对欧洲政党党内民主的影响
8.Influence of Anti-Japanese War on the development of Chinese party politics;抗日战争对中国政党政治发展的影响
9.Analyse der Einwirkungen des Wahlsystems Deutschlands auf seine Parteienpolitik;德国选举制度对政党政治的影响分析
10.Study on the Influence of Digital Governance on Good Governance of Municipal Governments;数字治理对城市政府善治的影响研究
11.Politicians should not engage in business affairs that might affect their icaljudgement政治家不应该参与那些可能会影响其政治判
12.On the Influences of the U.S. MNCs Political Behaviors upon the U.S. Politics;论美国跨国公司政治行为对美国政治的影响
13.On the Influence of Chinese Contemporary Political Culture on Its Political Development;试论当代中国政治文化对政治发展的影响
14.On the Impacts of International Political Resources on the Change of International Political System;论国际政治资源对国际政治格局变迁的影响
15.Influence of online political participation on the political stability of China;网络政治参与和政治稳定的新型关系及其影响
16.The Influence on Political Development of Traditional Confucianism Political Culture;解构儒家传统政治文化对政治发展的影响
17.The Analysis of Influence of the Political Psychology Factors on the Political Development in Contemporary China;影响当前中国政治发展的政治心理因素分析
18.A Brief Discussion about the Influence of the Ttraditional Political Culture on the Political Modernization;关于传统政治文化对政治现代化之影响的思考

political impact政治影响
3)political influence政治影响力
1.The New Tide Faction (NTF) of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has been a faction that has strong political influence on Taiwan’s politics.本文运用“政治影响力”的概念加以分析,认为:在选举方面,新潮流系向来具有较大的影响力,但现在已经有人提出质疑;在决策方面,新潮流系对党内路线、决策、人事安排、夺取政权等都有相当大的影响,但在某些重大问题上无法对陈水扁产生牵制作用,影响力正在下降,而且目前正在受到其他派系的围攻,处于相当孤立的境地;在政治动员方面,由于脱离了劳工群众,影响力有相当大的衰退。
2.This article explains the structural level of china’s political influence generally based on the analysis of the concept and content of the political influence.本文在分析政治影响力概念、内容的基础上,对中国的政治影响力的结构进行总体的说明论述,政治影响力可以分为直接影响力和间接影响力两个层次,涵盖政治外交、意识形态、经济、社会、文化等领域。
4)Political influence power政治影响力
1.Under social transformation background, discussing the nature of vulnerable groups’political influence power can be useful for profoundly understanding the issue of vulnerable groups during the past 30 years’social transformation in China, and also can obtain the principles of protecting the vulnerable groups.在社会转型背景下,探讨弱势群体政治影响力的性质,可以更深刻的理解近三十年来中国社会转型期出现的弱势群体问题,得出维护弱势群体的方针政策。
5)international political influence power国际政治影响力
6)interaction of political influences政治影响互动

政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political division zhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。