支付制度,payment system
1)payment system支付制度
1.The implementation of Diagnosis Related Group System(DRGs) in the medical insurance payment system was approved of great importance to control the irrational increase of medical expenses nationally.疾病诊断相关分组(DRGs)被广泛证明应用于医疗保险支付制度中对控制医疗费用不合理的上涨具有重要的现实意义。
2.It includes four subsystems,namely management main body,project making decision,project procurement and payment system etc.从政府投资项目的管理主体、项目决策、工程采购和支付制度等四大子系统的相互联系和作用中探索了政府投资项目的投资运动规律 。
3.Therefore, how to further innovative and perfect current unemployment insurance system especially payment system, and to bring it into full-play is an urgent issue to be resolved.我国同其他许多国家一样,面临着较为严重的失业问题,因而如何进一步创新、完善现行失业保险制度,特别是其中的支付制度,使其全面发挥作用,就是当前必须立即解决的一个严重问题。

1.centralized budgetary and payments system集中预算及支付制度
2.Improving transfer payment,enhance expenditure efficiency;完善转移支付制度 提高财政支出效益
3.Building China′s Transfer Payment System in a Harmonious Society--The Enlightenment of Japanese Transfer Payment System to China;构建和谐社会的转移支付制度——日本转移支付制度对我国的借鉴
4.Research on How to Improve the System of Fiscal Transfer Payment;规范和完善政府间转移支付制度研究
5.A Study of the Fiscal Transfer Payment System under Province Level;省以下政府间财政转移支付制度研究
6.The Research on Treasury Concentrated Payment System in District;对区级财政国库集中支付制度的研究
7.A Study of the Fiscal Transfer Payment System under Province Level in Hubei Province;湖北省省以下财政转移支付制度研究
8.The Reformation and Improvement of Chinese Treasury Concentrated Payment System;试论国库集中支付制度的改革与完善
9.For Perfection of the Chinese Intergovernmental Financil Transference System;论完善我国政府间财政转移支付制度
10.Analysis of the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Treasury Centralized Payment System and its Countermeasures;国库集中支付制度的利弊及对策分析
11.Reforming Special Subsidy and Perfecting Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfer payment system;改革专项补助完善中国转移支付制度
12.An Analysis on the Usefulness of Intergovernmental Transfer System in China;我国政府间转移支付制度有效性分析
13.Combatting Obstacles in Perfecting Centralized Payment System of Universities Treasure;破除阻力 完善高校国库集中支付制度
14.Perfect the Transfer Payment System and Balance the Regional Economy Development;完善转移支付制度,协调区域经济发展
15.Consideration to China s treasury centralized paying system;对中国国库集中支付制度改革的思考
16.An Analysis of China s Fiscal Transfer System;对我国财政转移支付制度的现实分析
17.Impact of State Treasury Centralized Payment on Funding Activities in Colleges;国库集中支付制度对高校筹资的影响
18.Implementation of Financial Centralized Treasury Payment System in Colleges and Universities;浅议国库集中支付制度在高校的实施

fee payment system费用支付制度
1.In order to establish a perfect fee payment system of the medical insurance, this paper specifically discusses in category the calculation basis and settlement approach of the medical insurance fee , and offers suggestions on the future development of the fee payment system, of medical insuranc从建立健全医疗保险费用支付制度出发,对医疗保险费用的计费基础和医疗保险结算方式进行了详细的分类讨论,并对今后医疗保险费用支付制度的发展提出了建议。
3)transfer payment system转移支付制度
1.Based on the problems existing in our country s current transfer payment system, this paper studies on the perfection of Chinese inter-governmental transfer payment system from the angles of the implementation purpose of the transfer payment system, the modes of implementing the transfer payment and the legal aspects.基于我国现行转移支付制度中存在的问题,分别从转移支付制度的实施目的、转移支付实行的方式以及法律的角度来研究我国政府间转移支付制度的完善。
2.Fiscal transfer payment between governments is the important system guarantee to realize regional equalization of public service;equalization of public service is the aim of transfer payment system.政府间财政转移支付是实现地区公共服务均等化的重要制度保障,而公共服务均等化是转移支付制度的目标。
3.The reasons that result in the unbalance are analyzed in the paper from transfer payment system.以我国的转移支付制度作为切入点,对造成我国东西部经济发展不协调的原因进行了分析,在此基础上,就如何完善我国转移支付制度从而促进我国区域间经济协调发展提出了有益的建议和措施。
4)transfer payment转移支付制度
1.On Innovation of Transfer Payment System to Coordinate Regional Development;论协调区域发展的财政转移支付制度创新
2.Combined with the absence of a scientific transfer payment system,this has resulted in the fact that fiscal system reform at and below the provincial level has overall lagged behind the requirements of the market economy,giving rise to many proble.1994年实施的分税制财政体制改革,仅在中央与省级政府之间搭建了一个以划分税种为主要内容的框架,既没有明确省以下财政管理体制如何构建,也没有依法规范地划分事权,再加上缺乏一套科学、规范的转移支付制度,致使省以下财政体制的改革,整体滞后于市场经济的发展要求,造成了许多矛盾和隐患。
5)financial paying system财政支付制度
1.This article mainly analyses the abuse of traditional financial paying system,and explained the significance and advice of carry out the treasury centralized paying system.本文着重分析了传统的财政支付制度的弊端以及实行国库集中支付制度的重要意义和建议。
6)reform of payment system支付制度改革

转移支付制度 转移支付制度——  转移支付制度是指中央财政将集中的一部分财政资金,按一定的标准拨付给地方财政的一项制度。其主要功能是调整中央政府与地方政府之间的财力纵向不平衡,以及调整地区间财力横向不平衡。