污染税,Pollution tax
1)Pollution tax污染税
1.The purpose of collecting environmental pollution tax is to raise the fund,and then utilize the tax revenue lever to protect our environment.征收环境污染税是为治理环境污染而筹集资金,利用税收杠杆来促进生态环境的良性循环。
2.After comparing with the other measurements, the author proposes to take pollution tax to deal with the trouble of pollution.环境污染是一个严峻的话题,笔者通过诸多治污措施的比较,提出征收污染税是符合经济规律的最佳措施。
3.Of the various solutions to environmental pollution, pollution tax is favored in Western economics.对于环境污染问题的各种解决方式 ,在西方经济学中比较倾向于开征污染税

1.Comparative Research on the Foreign Taxation System of Water Pollution AND Construction of The System in China;国外水污染税制度比较及构建我国水污染税制的设想
2.Review on the Construction of Pollution Tax System based on the International Practice of Environment Tax System;从环境税制国际实践看我国污染税制度建设
3.On the Economical Meaning of Taxation of Packaging Contamination;试析我国开征包装污染税的经济学意义
4.A Model of Competition with Environmental Tax under Conditions of Duopoly;寡头垄断条件下环境污染税收的博弈分析
5.Compared with other approaches, it has an unparalleled advantage and distinct characteristics.污染税具有其它治污方法所无可比拟的优越性,在各种治污方法中独具特色。
6.Economic analysis displays its effectiveness in tackling pollution.通过对污染税的经济学分析可以看出其较强的治理效果。
7.tax allowances for anti-pollution investments税率优待反污染投资
8.An Analysis of Energy Tariff s Effect on International Trade and Environmental Pollution;能源税对国际贸易与环境污染影响的实证研究
9.Study on Model for Regulation and Control with Tax of Transboundary Water Pollution Dissensions;流域跨界水污染纠纷税收调控管理模型研究
10.The Unreality of Selling Pollution Right and the Necessary of Levying Pollution Tax;排污权交易的非现实性和征收污染环境税的必要性
11.Pigouian Taxes,Coase Theorem and the fixed position of the government role-Analysis of "pollution rebound" phenomenion庇古税、科斯定理与政府角色的定位——对“污染反弹”现象的分析
12.antipollution vessel反污染船污染清除船
13.air pollution; airborne pollution; air pollution空气污染(大气污染)
14.We made energetic efforts to increase imports.完善出口退税、税和加工贸易政策,控制高耗能、污染产品出口;积极增加进口。
15.Circular of the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation of the People's Republic of China, on Deferring the Execution of Sales Tax Deduction Policy on Cars of Lower Exhaust Fumes财政部、国家税务总局关于暂缓执行低污染排放小汽车减征消费税政策的通知
16.A "pure" effluent charge system requires payment of a fee or tax on each unit of pollution released into the air or water.“纯粹”排污收费制度要求付款和缴税,按照释放到空气或者水中污染物的量缴纳。
17.soiled with dirt or soot.被污垢或者煤烟污染。
18.To spot, blemish, or pollute.使有斑点、玷污或污染

environmental pollution taxation环境污染税
3)first-best pollution tax最优污染税
4)Tax of packaging contamination包装污染税
5)Pollution Tax污染环境税
1.The Unreality of Selling Pollution Right and the Necessary of Levying Pollution Tax;排污权交易的非现实性和征收污染环境税的必要性
6)Air pollution tax大气污染税
