古典文化,classical culture
1)classical culture古典文化
1.It is presented that Christianality, as a culture ,came into historical stage following the decline of classical culture.基督教文化是在古典文化衰落的前提下登上历史舞台的。
2.Facing the disorder of ideology in the period between the middle age and Renaissance, Dante, by his keen perception, his profound knowledge of the classical culture and his creative skill, has finally reached the highest religious ragion and completed an ultimate search in his great poem La Divina Commedia.在中世纪与近代的文化交界地带,但丁西对内在外在的价值纷乱,在其长诗《神曲》中,以个人认知、洞悟的方式,藉古典文化与诗情生命的力量,最终到达宗教至境,完成了一次终极追寻。

1.On Classical Cultural Heritage and Modern Spiritual Need of Han-Tang Classic Dance论汉唐古典舞的古典文化传承与现代精神诉求
2.Trap of Allusion Culture in the translation of Chinese Classical Poetry;中国古典诗歌英译中的典故文化陷阱
3.Promote classical garden culture, protrude Beijing s features as an ancient capital;弘扬古典园林文化突出北京古都特色
4.Thinking of relationship between Classical literature and Conternpary culture;古典文学研究与当代文化关系的思考
5.Of or characteristic of the literature, art, and culture of ancient Greece and Rome; classical.经典的有古希腊和古罗马的文学、艺术和文化特征的;经典的
6.The characteristics of the classics and the approach to the science of culture;古典性特征与文化学方法——关于中国古典文学研究方法的思考
7.On the Gain omd Loss of Manageing Public and Cultural Events in Classical Athens论古典时期雅典管理公共文化活动的得与失
8.Formation of Ancient Critic Classics in Perspective of Canonization of “Poem Expressing Ideal”;从“诗言志”的经典化过程看古代文论经典的形成
9.relating to or characteristic of the classical Greek civilization.关于古典希腊文化的,或有其特点的。
10.Critique of Chinese & Western Classical aesthetics From the Ken of Cultural Aesthetics文化美学视野与中西方古典美学批判
11.Culture and Artistic Conception of Classical Chinese Gardens;中国古典园林的文化内涵与意境营造
12.Study of the Impact of Municipal Culture on the Chinese Classic Gardens;城市文化对中国古典园林的影响研究
13.Cultural Default in Classical Chinese Poetry and Its Translation;中国古典诗歌中的文化缺省及其翻译
14.The Expression and Relief for Sadness in Chinese Classical Literature;中国古典文学的“悲情”抒发与化解
15.Tao Yuanming as a Hermit Set the Model in Ancient China;陶渊明之隐——中国古代隐文化之典范
16."The Poem Says Will"--The First Cultural Trace To The Source Of Classical Poetrics;“诗言志”——古典诗学文化溯源之一
17.Cultural exploration on image of beautiful women in classical poems;古典诗词中“美女”意象的文化考察
18.The Lack and Loss in Acceptance:Cultural Meditation on Appreciation of Classical Poetry;接受的缺失:古典诗词鉴赏的文化沉思

Classical cultural evolutionism古典文化进化论
3)Chinese classical culture中国古典文化
1.This thesis tries to probe the inspiration in Pound s creation given by Chinese classical culture.本文主要探讨中国古典文化予以庞德创作的灵性。
2.The peony culture takes an important part in the Chinese classical culture and it has the very high status in the people and.牡丹文化作为中国古典文化的重要组成部分,在国人乃至世界人的心中都有着很高的地位,牡丹文化博大精深,自古盛名,本文论述了中国古典文化与现代设计结合、创新"牡丹文化"设计、古典文化和设计之间的联系及启示。
4)classical culture and education古典文化教育
5)western classical culture西方古典文化
1.His achievements can be regarded as the miniature of the original exchange between Greek culture and Roman culture,and his historiography theory and its characteristics deeply brands the exchanges of western classical cultures.在人类文化交流的历史长河中,涌现出了众多的伟大人物,波里比阿就是其中的典范,他身上体现了希腊文化对罗马文化的影响,可以看成是希腊文化与罗马文化最初交流的缩影,他的史学理论及其特点深深地打上了西方古典文化交流的烙印。
2.Ancient Greek and Roman cultures are known as the western classical culture and become the first peak in the history of the western cultural development,attributed to its apotheosis,paragon and enlightenment.古代希腊罗马文化以其典范、楷模和启迪之功,被称为西方古典文化,成为西方文化发展史上的第一座高峰。
6)Athenian culture in ancient Greece古希腊雅典文化

古典与新古典资本流动动因论古典与新古典资本流动动因论  古典与新古典资本流动动因论古典资本流动理论认为国际资本流动的主要原因在于各国资本要素的价格(即利率)存在着差异该理论假设各国的商品和生产要素市场是完全竞争市场,资本要素的国际流动没有任何障碍.有充分的流动性;同时.各国资本要素察赋的存量或相对供给量不尽相同。在这种情况下,如果A国资本比B国更为稀缺,则A国资本要素的价格即长期利率必定高于B国,因此,B国的资本必将为A国的高利率所吸引而流向后者。这种流动将持续到两国的利率水平相等时为止。新古典资本流动理论则认为国际资本流动的主要原因在于各国资本边际生产力的不同及预期报酬率的差异。该理论认为,资本的边际生产力是指每追加一个单位的资本所能带来的产出品价值的增加量。一般来说,在资本丰饶的国家,资本的边际生产力较低,而在资本稀缺的国家,资本的边际生产力较高。资本总是倾向于从边际生产力较低的国家或地区流向边际生产力较高的国家或地区。资本在国际间自由流动之后,将使资本的边际生产力在国际上平均化,从而可以提高世界资源的利用效率,增加全世界生产总量和提高各国的经济效益。