区域比较,regional comparison
1)regional comparison区域比较
1.Research into western urbanization mode based on regional comparison;基于区域比较的西部城市化现状分析
2.A positive analysis on chinese industrial organization through regional comparison;对我国工业组织的区域比较实证分析
3.Based on investigations conducted in the six counties and the reality in China s rural areas and regional comparison, the following main conclusions are concluded: The share-holding reform of the credit cooperatives in developed areas will not only meet the financing needs of the local farmers market but also .本文基于六县市的实地调研,通过对中国农村金融困境的现实考察和区域比较,可得出如下主要结论:经济发达地区信用社的股份制改革不仅可满足当地市场化农户的融资需求,而且为非正规金融演变创造了条件;而落后地区信用社应坚持合作制取向并加强与非正规金融的垂直联接。

1.Theory and Practice of Studies from the Region to the Region Comparison:Take the International Academic Seminar "Huizhou and Chiangnan s Cultural Approval and the Area Development" as a Center;从区域研究到区域比较研究的理论与实践
2.On Tourism Characteristic of Beijing/Tianjin/Hebei Region and Tianjin s Comparative Advantage of Regional Tourism;论京津冀区域旅游特征及天津的区域比较优势
3.A Comparative Study of the Chinenese Key Towns;我国重点镇发展区域比较的初步研究
4.Comparative Research on the Course of Regional New-type Industrialization of China;中国新型工业化进程的区域比较研究
5.The Title of the Paper: The Development of the Securities Market and the Region Comparison Research;山东省证券市场发展及区域比较研究
6.The Regional Comparison and Analysis on the Innovation Capability of Agricultural Science and Technology in China;我国农业科技创新能力区域比较研究
7.The comparative research on regional competitiveness of high-tech enterprises of China;中国高科技企业竞争力区域比较研究
8.Comparison Analysis for Regional Innovation Capability in Northeast China;东北地区区域创新能力比较分析研究
9.Study on the Regional Innovation Capability of the Western Region of China;中国西部地区区域创新能力比较研究
10.Compare With the Methods of Division into Districts of Local Area Music;区域音乐研究的区划方法比较与整合
11.Farm Products Comparative Advantage and Regional Division in Northwest of China;西北地区农产品比较优势与区域分工
12.Area Studies" as the Foundation of Comparative Education;“区域研究”与比较教育学——以明确“区域”的教育特质为目的的比较研究
13.Discussion on the Comparison of the Regional Industrial Structure and the Regional Coordinated Development in Jiangsu Province;江苏区域产业结构比较与区域协调发展探讨
15.Seminar on the International Comparison Programme in the ESCWA Region西亚经社会区域国际比较方案讨论会
16.Analysis of comparison advantages of regional economic development in Daqing大庆市区域经济发展的比较优势分析
17.A Comparative Study of Agricultural Products Virtual Water in the Red Triangular Region红三角区域农产品虚拟水的比较研究
18.Research on the Regional Comprehensive Competitiveness in Cities and Counties of Anhui Province;安徽省地市区域综合竞争力比较研究

Region comparison区域比较
1.Theory and Practice of Studies from the Region to the Region Comparison:Take the International Academic Seminar "Huizhou and Chiangnan s Cultural Approval and the Area Development" as a Center;从区域研究到区域比较研究的理论与实践
2.Developing Status Quo and Region Comparison among China Private Tech Companies;我国民营科技企业的发展现状和区域比较
3.The Title of the Paper: The Development of the Securities Market and the Region Comparison Research;山东省证券市场发展及区域比较研究
3)zone comparator区域比较器
4)Regional advantage区域比较优势
5)regional comparative advantage区域比较优势
1.By analysis of production, production cost, returns and regional comparative advantage of indica rice in every region of China, production region of indica rice had been compartmentalized reasonably, and corresponding countermeasures were put forward for different production regions of indica rice in China.通过对中国各地区籼稻生产状况、生产成本、效益和籼稻的区域比较优势的分析,划分了中国籼稻的生产区域,提出了中国各地区籼稻生产发展的对策。
2.The mode of development should be creating new ideas and giving full play to regional comparative advantage.作为"中部崛起"的主战场,安徽应加快调整自己的发展战略,在发展路径选择上做到:把握"中部崛起"的契机,推行"东向"发展战略;重点打造沿江城市群,全力融入"长三角";创新发展思路,充分发挥区域比较优势,通过发展产业集群提高区域竞争力。
3.The paper made an analysis on the regional comparative advantages of main crops\' production condition in Hunan province from 1996 to 2007 by the method of Aggregated Advantage Index.本文利用综合比较优势指数法,分析了湖南省1996-2007年期间主要农作物生产区域比较优势,结果表明:湖南省14个市(州)中,具有水稻区域比较优势的有9个市,具有油菜区域比较优势的有7个市,具有大豆区域比较优势的有7个市,具有甘薯区域比较优势的有8个市,具有烤烟区域比较优势的有5个市,具有苎麻区域比较优势的有3个市,具有棉花区域比较优势的有3个市。
6)regional comprehensive evaluation区域综合比较
