现代语境,modern context
1)modern context现代语境
1.On the modern context of trust and its value [WT4”BZ]—With a discussion of the university’s logistic enterprise management;信任的现代语境及其价值探析——兼论高校后勤企业管理
2.The changes of Henan local literature in the modern context;论现代语境中河南乡土文学的流变
3.In modern context,public media brings great influences on contemporary literary writing,spreading and reading.现代语境下大众传媒极大地影响着当代文学的生产、传播和消费;文学出现传媒化、商业化、大众化的趋势,通过分析纸质媒介、电子媒介和当代文学的互动关系,阐明大众传媒对当代文学发展的影响。

1.The Choice of Chinese Modernization under the Postmodern Context;后现代语境下的中国现代化路径选择
2.Adorno s Philosophy of Modernity in the Post Modernist Context;后现代语境下的阿多诺的现代性哲学
3.The Narrative Dilemma of the Avant-garde In the Postmodern Context;论后现代语境中电影叙事的先锋困境
4.Critique of modernity and it s limit in the postmodernist discourse;后现代语境中的现代性批判话语及其限度
5.“Literature Reproduces the World”:The Statement in the Post-Modern Context;后现代语境中的“文学再现世界”命题
6.On Criticism of Realistic Art in the Post-Modern Context后现代语境下现实主义艺术批评研究
7.Postmodern Contexts: Reconsidering French School and American School后现代语境:重提法国学派和美国学派
8.The Freedom of Humanity-the Design of Art under Postmodern Context;“人性”的自由—后现代语境下的艺术设计
9.A Study on the Laws of Practical Writing in the Context of Modern Management;论现代语境中管理与应用写作的关系
10.The Contemporary Language Context and the Contemporary To ken of the Postmodern Movie;后现代电影的当代语境及当代性表征
11."Context application and simulation" in modern foreign language teaching;现代外语教学中的语境运用与语境模拟
12.Ecological Environment Research in Modern Science and Technology;现代科技语境下的生态环境问题研究
13.The Contemporary Poetry Context Derived fromZong Baihua’s Artistic Conception Theory;宗白华意境理论生成的现代诗学语境
14.Limits and Strengths of Modernity: Postmodern Discourse and Chinese Context;现代性:局限与价值——后现代话语与中国语境
15.A Study on Ancient Chinese Literary Theory under Contemporary Modern Cultural Context;略谈现代文化语境下的古代文论研究
16.The Featured of Modern Chinese Present Tense and the Situations for its Use;现代汉语现在时的特点及其使用环境
17.The Phenomenon of Void and Silent in Modern Chinese Elaborate-style Flower and Bird Painting;谈现代工笔花鸟画语境中的“虚静”现象
18.Locutionary and Illocutionary Contexts -- Review of the contextual views of the name s reference in the modern Western countries;言内语境——言外语境——现代西方名称指称语境观的嬗变

post-modern context后现代语境
1.The Recovery of Classical Culture in Post-modern Context;经典文化在后现代语境中的复兴
2.Literature research will inevitably be in the post-modern context along with the postmodern turn of the social culture.随着整个社会文化的后现代转向,文学研究也不可避免要处于后现代语境之下。
3.Though it is facing the problem of “identity” in the post-modern context today just like other traditional art genres, Tea-Picking Drama, a local drama in North Guangdong Province, has shown its prosperity.象其他民族传统艺术一样,采茶戏艺术也面临着在后现代语境下的“身份认同”问题。
3)context of modernity现代性语境
1.In the postmodern context,the teaching of English and American literature is facing great challenges.后现代语境下的英美文学课教学正面临着严峻的挑战。
5)postmodern context后现代语境
1.Return or Turn: Ethic Criticism in American Literature in Postmodern Context;回归抑或转向:后现代语境下的美国文学伦理学批评
2.The philosophical conversion in the postmodern context wa.后现代语境下的哲学转向,意在恢复个人理性的话语功能,重新挖掘个人理性的潜在能量,并为个人理性和集体理性的对话提供了新的契机和可能。
3.This dissertation committed to interpret the indeterminacy of existence in postmodern context through Jerzy Kosinski s notable novella Being There.本文旨在分析他的成名作《走到那里》中所体现的后现代语境下存在的不确定性问题。
6)mordernation context现代化语境
