经济与环境,economy and environment
1)economy and environment经济与环境
1.One of the important aspects in carrying out the scientific development view is to realize the coordination development of economy and environment.贯彻落实科学发展观,其重要内容之一就是要实现经济与环境的协调发展。
2.Paper is under background of village of eastern developed region, analyzes actuality of village pollution, compares the two ways to realize harmonious development of rural economy and environment, considers that circular economy is the necessary way to realize harmonious development of rural economy and environment.论文以东部经济发达地区的农村为背景,分析了农村污染现状,对农村经济与环境协调发展的两种思路进行了比较,认为发展循环经济是实现农村经济与环境协调发展的必由之路。
3.Two environmental revolutions have contributed to the further research on the relationship between the economy and environment in order to balance the economy development and environmental protection more effectively.发生的两次环境革命,使得科学家对经济与环境之间关系的研究不断加深,在经济发展与保护环境方面实现更加有效的均衡目标。

1.To Achieve "Double-win" of Economy and Environment by Developing Circular Economy;发展循环经济实现经济与环境的“双赢”
2.Environment Faced Challence From the Impose between Economy and Environment从经济与环境的冲突中看环境面临的挑战
3.The coordinated development of industrial economy and environment:An econometric analysis in China;中国工业经济与环境协调发展的经济计量研究
4.Interaction between Economy and Environment: The Economic Dimension of Sustainability Transition;经济与环境的相互作用:可持续性转变的经济维
5.Ad Hoc Meeting on Environment and Economics环境与经济学特别会议
6.Environmental and economic development has progressed in coordination.环境与经济协调发展。
8.Cyclic Economy and Economic Function of Government in the Circumstances of Sustainable Development;可持续发展环境下的循环经济与政府经济职能
9.Circular Economy:A Key for Coordinating Economic Development and Environment Protection;协调发展经济与保护环境矛盾的钥匙——循环经济
10.Developing circulatory economy and realizing environmental responsibilities of the enterprises;发展循环经济与企业环境责任的实现
11.On the Relationship between Environmental Protection and Circulating Economy Development;试论环境保护与发展循环经济的关系
12.Discussion of cleaning production, circulative Economy and Ecological Environment;浅谈清洁生产、循环经济与生态环境
13.Analysis on the Loss of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Protection Investment in Xi'an City;西安市环境污染经济损失与环境保护投资分析
14.Analysis of Enterprises Environmental Income and Cost Guided by Environment and Economy;环境—经济导向的企业环境收入与成本分析
15.Environmental Capacity Analysis Based on Coordinated Growth of Environment and Economy;基于环境与经济协调发展的环境容量分析
16.Strengthening the Building of the Ecology Environment to Achieve the Double Win of the Western Environment and Economy;加强生态环境建设 实现西部环境与经济“双赢”
17.The Principles in Fixing Environmental Price and the Lever of Environmental Economy Policy;确定环境价格的原则与环境经济政策杠杆
18.A Study of the Basis of Environmental Law──Environment, Technology, Economy;论环境法学的三大基础──环境、科技与经济

environment and economy环境与经济
1.Coordinated development of environment and economy of cities in arid land—Taking Urumqi as an examplee;干旱区城市环境与经济协调发展评价与对策研究——以乌鲁木齐市为例
2.This paper analyses the actual situation of Heilongjiang province about ecological environment and economic development,and the relation of the environment economy,and puts forward the countermeasure of the coordinating development of environment and economy.本文分析了黑龙江省生态环境和经济发展的现实状况,对环境与经济的关系进行了分析,并提出了黑龙江省环境与经济协调发展的对策。
3.The economic model of high growth and low pollution, a strategy that the ecological, agriculture and environmental protection industries have advanced for the coordinate development of environment and economy in China is established.分析了发达国家与我国在经济发展中面临的环境与经济条件,提出我国在环境与经济协调发展方面应采取以生态农业和环保产业为先导的战略,来实现高增长、低污染的发展模式,并分析论证了战略的可行性。
3)Beneficial both Win-Win in Environment and Economy环境与经济双赢
4)analysis of economy and environment经济与环境分析
5)system of environment and economy环境与经济系统
1.This paper conformed to the attitudes of system theory, under the guidance of sustainable development theory, it discussed the characteristics of system of environment and economy.本文遵循系统论的观点,以可持续发展理论为指导,通过分析煤矿区环境与经济系统的特征,建立了环境与经济系统协调模型,并分析了模型在评价应用中的优缺点。
6)environmental and ecological economics环境与生态经济

《国务院关于在国民经济调整时期加强环境保护工作的决定》  这项决定是中国政府根据经济调整的方针和任务针对经济发展和环境保护之间的比例失调问题作出的,于1981年2月24日颁布。《决定》指出:当前全国环境的污染和自然资源、生态平衡的破坏已相当严重,影响人民生活,妨碍生产建设,成为国民经济发展中的一个突出问题。在经济调整时期,要以积极的态度,解决经济发展和环境保护之间的比例失调问题。    《决定》提出,在压缩基本建设规模的过程中,凡属于布局不合理,资源、能源浪费大的,对环境污染严重、又无有效的治理措施的项目,应坚决停止建设,严格防止污染状况的发展。各城市和工业集中的地区对环境污染源要有计划有步骤地进行治理。近期内要重点解决一些位于生活居住区、水源保护区、风景游览区的工厂企业的严重污染问题。生产工艺落后、污染危害大而又不好治理的工厂企业,要根据实际情况有计划地改造。为了减轻城市大气污染,要采取既节约能源、又保护环境的技术经济政策。《决定》还对防止自然环境的破坏,搞好首都北京和杭州、苏州、桂林的环境保护,加强国家对环境保护的计划指导,加强环境监测、科研和人才培养,以及加强对环境保护工作的领导等作了一系列具体规定。