氯碱行业,chlor-alkali industry
1)chlor-alkali industry氯碱行业
1.Electrical technology for power consumption reduction in chlor-alkali industry;降低氯碱行业电耗的电气技术
2.Study of environmental risk assessment of chlor-alkali industry;氯碱行业环境风险评价方法初探
3.The development status of chlor-alkali industry in recent years was introduced.介绍了我国氯碱行业近几年来的发展情况;分析了我国烧碱生产的工艺技术现状。

1.Analysis on status of worldwide and domesic chlor-alkali industry;世界氯碱产业状况及我国氯碱行业分析
2.The dominant enterprises spring up and the chlor-alkali industry in Shandong Province has changed completely;优势企业崛起,山东省氯碱行业大洗牌
3.Popularized technology of energy saving and emissions reduction for development of chlor-alkali industry;推广节能减排技术 促进氯碱行业发展
4.Heat Exchange Network Retrofits of VCM and PVC Plants;运用夹点技术提升氯碱行业用能水平
5.Analysis and advices on the development situation of chlor-alkali industry in China;我国氯碱行业发展形势的分析及建议
7.Mercury Pollution in China's Chloro-alkali Industry and Countermeasures我国氯碱行业汞污染现状与防治对策
8.Constructing and Application of Technological Frame of Environmental Risk Assessment on Chlorine Alkali Industry;氯碱行业环境风险评价技术框架的构建及应用
9.Analysis on the present situation and developing circumstances of the chlor-alkali industry in the east of China;华东地区氯碱行业现状及发展情况分析
10.Introduction about the necessity of carrying out ISO14000 environment management system in chlor-alkali industry;试论氯碱行业推行ISO14000环境管理体系认证的必要性
11.A Fully Integrated Large Centralized DCS System in the Chlor-Alkali Chemical Industry全集成DCS大中控控制系统在氯碱化工行业的应用
12.Development present status of caustic soda and PVC Industry in China and technology working focus in 2009中国烧碱和聚氯乙烯行业发展现状及2009年技术工作重点
13.Development features of domestic chlor-alkali industry and development ideas of "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" of Jiangsu Chlor-alkali Industry Association;我国氯碱工业发展特点及江苏省氯碱工业“十一五”发展思路
14.The Research on the Development Mode of Xinjiang Chlor-alkali Industry for Circular Economy;新疆氯碱工业循环经济发展模式研究
15.Rely on advanced technology to promote chlor-alkali enterprises energy saving and discharge reduction;依靠先进技术推动氯碱企业节能减排
16.Discussion on the recirculating economy of chlor-alkali chemical industry of Shandong Aluminum Corporation;山东铝业公司氯碱化工循环经济探讨
17.The worldwide chlor-alkali industry and market trend(to be continued);世界氯碱产业与市场动向(未完待续)
18.Analysis on efficiency of chlor-alkali enterprise cost based on DEA model;基于DEA模型的氯碱企业成本效率分析

Chlor-alkali Industry氯碱工业
1.Analysis of Mercury Pollution in Chlor-alkali Industry;氯碱工业汞污染问题分析
2.Application of new screw-type air compressors with air cooling in chlor-alkali industry;新型风冷型螺杆式空气压缩机在氯碱工业中的应用
3.Development features of domestic chlor-alkali industry and development ideas of "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" of Jiangsu Chlor-alkali Industry Association;我国氯碱工业发展特点及江苏省氯碱工业“十一五”发展思路
3)chlor-alkali enterprises氯碱企业
1.Influential factors of environment of chlor-alkali enterprises and preventive measures;氯碱企业环境影响因素及防范措施
2.Inspection and maintenance on rectification devices of chlor-alkali enterprises;氯碱企业整流设备的检查和维护
3.And the stations of combining heat and power generation technology for chlor-alkali enterprises were analysed.分析了氯碱企业应用热电冷联产技术的条件。
4)chlor alkali industry氯碱工业
1.Combined with the practical conditions of Gangxi, the short term development goal and future developing directions of chlor alkali industry were pointed out.在对广西氯碱工业调研的基础上 ,对产能规模、市场资源、比较优势等方面进行了分析 ,提出产业整合、优化资源、做强做大优势产品、拓宽产品带、拉长产业链等对
5)caustic soda industry烧碱行业
1.Development trends of our caustic soda industry and suggestions中国烧碱行业发展趋势与对策建议
6)chloralkali industry氯碱工业副产氢
1.In this paper,the 3 typical process are described and compared,with which we researched and developed the high purity hydrogen making from chloralkali industry.简介了我们研究、开发氯碱工业副产氢制取高纯氢时 ,所考虑的三种典型工艺流程 ,并对其进行了比较 ,给大家以启

三尖杉碱 ,哈林通碱,后哈莫林通碱,高哈林通碱, 三尖杉酯碱药物名称:三尖杉碱英文名:Harringtonine别名: 粗榧碱;三尖杉碱 ,哈林通碱,后哈莫林通碱,高哈林通碱, 三尖杉酯碱外文名:Harringtonine ,HRT适应症: 用于急性单核细胞性白血病及恶性淋巴瘤有一定疗效。也可用于真性红细胞增多症、慢性粒细胞性白血病及早幼粒细胞性白血病等。 用量用法:静滴:1日1~4mg,加于10%葡萄糖液250~500ml中,缓慢滴注,7~10次为1疗程,2周后可再用。 注意事项: 可有白细胞下降,多数病人可以恢复。有时出现恶心、呕吐、厌食、口干等不良反应。若引起心房扑动,应即停药。部分病人可有心肌损害。 规格: 针剂:每支1mg(1ml)。 类别:抗肿瘤植物成分药