公民社会,Civil Society
1)Civil Society公民社会
1.Civil Society Participation in Governance of Community Health Services;公民社会参与社区卫生服务的治理
2.Government Transformation,Civil Society and the Orientation of Intermediary Organizations;政府转型、公民社会与中介组织功能定位
3.Individual-Society-Nation:Civil Society Theoretical Research;个人·社会·国家:公民社会理论研究

1.Cultivating People for the Civil Society--On Civil Society and Education;为公民社会培养人——公民社会与教育探析
2.Political civilization and public participation in politics and civil society;政治文明与公民政治参与、公民社会
3.Individual-Society-Nation:Civil Society Theoretical Research;个人·社会·国家:公民社会理论研究
4.On the Social Capital s Base of the Modern Civil Society s Rise and Prosperity;论现代公民社会兴盛的社会资本基础
5.On the Impression of Socialist Citizen Society in Contemporary China社会主义公民社会在当代中国的印象
6.Rural Workers' Social Security in the Perspective of Citizen Social Right论公民社会权利视野下的农民工社会保障问题
7.Community governance:the micro basis of civil society;社区治理:公民社会的微观基础(英文)
8.Associational Cooperation and the Organic Solidarity of Chinese Civil Society;社团合作与中国公民社会的有机团结
9.Re-explanation for Relationships between Contemporary Civil Society and Democratization;当代公民社会与民主化关系的新解读
10.From “Peasant Society”to“Citizen Society”-The Comment on the Development Pattern of the Chinese Society;从“乡民社会”走向“公民社会”——对中国社会发展模式的评析
11.On the Just Role of Civil Society in Public Administration;论公民社会在公共治理中的正当角色
12.Committee on Human Development and Civil Society人类发展和公民社会委员会
13.The Analysis of Trade Association's Function from the Viewpoint of Civil Society公民社会视角下的行业协会功能探析
14.Civil Society and Legal Construction in Social Transformation--From the Perspective of Citizen's Consciousness of Duty公民社会与社会转型中法治秩序的构建——以公民责任意识为视角
15.Citizen Journalism s Development and with the Relations of Civil Society s Sconstruction;论公民新闻的发展及与公民社会建构之关系
16.Be citizens of civic virtues in our famous city.做名城市民,讲社会公德。
17.Research on Political Participation in Socialist Harmonious Society;论社会主义和谐社会中公民政治参与
18.Social Justice and Construction of Social Security System for Peasant-Workers;社会公平与农民工社会保障体系构建

citizen society公民社会
1.Reform of China Football Association and participation of the citizen society;中国足球协会的改革需要公民社会参与
2.Influence Evaluation of Systematic Environment for the Development of Chinese Citizen Society;中国公民社会发展的制度环境影响评估
3.Review on the study of citizen society and construction of ruling party;公民社会与执政党建设问题的研究述评
3)Civic Society公民社会
1.The Initial Research of the Relationship Between Limited-administration and Administrative Civilization——About the Function of Civic Society;有限行政与行政文明关系初探——兼论公民社会的作用
2.In Individual s perspective the basis of deliberative democracy are Political equality,ability equality and social freedom,but in essence deliberative democracy functions on the base of effective constitutional system and responsible civic society.而在根本意义上,有效运行的宪政和积极负责的公民社会才是协商民主的政治基础(制度性保障)和社会条件(社会支撑)。
3.A fresh common concern has taken shape in Chinese theoretical world why Chinese society lacks "public" culture and ideology, what is the original meaning of "public" and "private" in Chinese life and why traditional Chinese culture failed to develop a "civic society" like modern Western society.中国社会为何缺乏"公共性"文化与价值观念,中国人日常生活中的"公"、"私"观念的真实底蕴究竟是什么,中国传统文化为何未能塑造出如西方近代社会那样的"公民社会",已成为我国理论界关注的焦点问题。
4)the civil society公民社会
1.The power to divide society is an irreversible trend,the traditional power restraining mechanism in modem society gradually exposed its shortcomings,therefore,establishing the civil society and balancing the public authority by a pluralistic society forces people into a new choice of path.权力向社会的分化成为不可逆转的趋势,传统的权力制约机制在现代化社会中逐渐暴露其缺陷,因此,强调建立公民社会,以多元社会力量制衡公共权力已经成为人们新的选择路径。
2.The efficient government can exactly deal with the relations among market?the civil society and itself and create good condition to bring the superiority of market and the civil society into full play.中国当然也概莫能外,有效政府要能正确处理其与市场和公民社会之间的关系,并能创造条件,充分发挥市场和公民社会的优越性,同时,又要能不断提升政府能力,更好地履行其经济职能。
3.Accompanied with the worldwide flourishing association revolution and the process of reforming and opening since 1980s , the civil society came into beingwidespread.伴随着20世纪80年代以来全球社团革命的蓬勃开展以及中国改革开放的进程,中国历史上第一次大规模地催生了公民社会
5)citizen's society公民社会
1.This article researched the necessaries,possibilities,character and task of safety ethics by analysis of "safety crisis" and argument of values in citizen's society with applied ethics giving some theoretical information about ethics,and focused on answering two questions: 1.就安全问题和公民社会中相关的价值观讨论以及挖掘展开应用伦理学中所提供的与安全伦理相关的伦理理论信息,论证安全伦理的必要性和可能性;围绕安全伦理的两个主要问题,即"公共安全活动的伦理原则和道德基础是什么"和"在安全活动中政府、企业、商业以及风险决策者或决定者及其个人究竟应当遵循那些伦理规范",对安全伦理的含义、特征、性质和任务以及理论框架进行了探讨。
6)social citizens社会公民
1.Based on these,we should dialectically understand the challenge and opportunity faced by modern youth so as to construct the core concept of modern moral education to clarify the fundamental task of modern moral education and to cultivate high-quality social citizens.在此基础上,辩证认识当代青年面临的挑战与机遇,从而树立现代德育的核心理念,明确现代德育的根本任务,培养高素质的现代社会公民。

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决