环境基本法,environmental basic law
1)environmental basic law环境基本法
1.It has been an urgent task to amend China s Environmental Protection Law,while the prerequisite to the improvement of China s environmental basic law is to establish the scientific legislative purpose provision.修改《环境保护法》已成为目前中国环境立法的紧迫任务,确立科学的环境基本法立法目的则是完善中国环境基本法的前提。
2.Revising the existing Environmental Protection Law of our country to be environmental basic law has basically reached a consensus.修订我国现行《环境保护法》为环境基本法已基本达成共识。
3.Under such background,the environmental basic laws in both countries have common characters in the major structure,overall spirit,main content,specific measures and mechanisms as a result of their inherent needs of protecting the environment though differences exist due to various factors such as actual conditions,legislative skills and legislation emphasis.在此背景之下两国环境基本法在主体脉络结构、总体精神、主要内容、具体措施和制度上,既有环境保护内在需要的共性,又有实际国情、立法技巧和立法取向等因素使然的异性,因此在对比研究中"求异存同",可为改进环境基本法提供有益思路。

1.Interaction between Implementation of Environmental Protection Act 1986 and Judicial Activism in India印度环境基本法及其实施的司法能动
2.Sustainable Development and the Reform of Chinese Environmental Basic Law;可持续发展与中国环境基本法的创新
3.Sovereignty and Environment Reflection of Basic Principle International Environmental Law;主权与环境——对国际环境法基本原则的思考
4.The Environmental Equality Must Be The Basic Mission Statement of The Rural Environment-protection Law环境公平应成为农村环境保护法的基本理念
5.Environmental Order and Environmental Efficiency--the Fourth Comment on the Basic Idea of Legal Science of Environment and Resources Law;环境秩序与环境效率——四论环境资源法学的基本理念
6.Environmental Fairness and Environmental Democracy-the Third Comment on the Basic Idea of Legal Science of Environment and Resources Law;环境公平与环境民主——三论环境资源法学的基本理念
7.Environmental Justice and Environmental Safety--Restatement of the Basic Idea of Legal Science of Environment and Resources Law;环境正义与环境安全——二论环境资源法学的基本理念
8.Determine Some Fundamental Systems aleut the Legislation for Agroenvironmental Protection农业环境立法应确定的几个基本制度
9.Legal Reflection on the Basic Problems of Environmental Tort ;对“环境侵权”基本问题的法律思考
10.Applied Research of Activity-Based Costing Based on ERP Environment基于ERP环境的ABC作业成本法应用研究
11.Discussion on Elementary Way of Chinese Environmental Law-governing Construction论我国环境法治建设的基本路径选择
12.Based on Environment Ontology Web Service Description:A Projection Approach基于环境本体的Web服务投影描述方法
13.Research of Environmental Costs Analysis Based on LCC;基于生命周期成本法的环境成本分析方法研究
14.A New Management of Environmental Cost--The One Based on Life Cycle of Products;一种新的环境成本管理方法——基于产品生命周期的环境成本管理
15.The Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China is the cardinal law for environmental protection in China.《中华人民共和国环境保护法》是中国环境保护的基本法。
16.On the Responsibility Mechanism of Administrative Environment Law;环境保护基本法中环境行政法律责任实现机制的构建
17.The Amendment of Chinese Environment Protection Law--From the Perspective of Fundamental Principles in International Environment Law从国际环境法的基本原则看我国《环境保护法》的修改
18.Approaches to and Paradigms of Codification of China s Environmental Law;论我国环境法法典化的基本路径与模式

Basic environmental law环境基本法
1.To realize the historical transformation of environmental law, China may enact a Basic Environmental Law or amend "the Environmental Law "so as to make it a genuinely basic law.我国可以新制定一部环境基本法或修改现行的《环境保护法》,使其成为名副其实的环境基本法,以实现环境法的历史转型。
2.The Basic Environmental Law of Taiwan area is promulgated with controversy.台湾地区"环境基本法"伴随着争议艰辛出台。
3.Compared to those basic environmental laws which have been enacted recently,it has obvious limitations.美国《国家环境政策法》制定于20世纪60年代,作为国际上最早出现的环境基本法,它在环境保护理念、制度和程序构建等方面有突破性的规定,至今仍能体现立法者的前瞻性。
3)basic environmental legal systems环境法基本制度
1.The research on basic environmental legal systems would not only contribute to the perfection and renovation of environmental law, but also scientifically provide a theoreti.环境法基本制度是环境法体系的重要组成部分,对于我国环境法律规范的贯彻实施具有很重要的作用。
4)Chinese environmental basic law中国环境基本法
1.In response to sustainable deveopment,the reform of Chinese environmental basic law is necessary to optimize Chinese environmental law regime.中国环境基本法的创新是可持续发展对中国环境法提出的重要命题。
5)The Basic Environment Law of Taiwan Province台湾"环境基本法"
6)Environmental Fundamental Law台湾《环境基本法》
1.And we can learn some experience from Taiwan’s Environmental Fundamental Law.预防类制度是《环境保护法》修改的重点,而台湾《环境基本法》关于预防类制度的规定能为我们修改《环境保护法》提供一些启示。

电工电子产品基本环境试验规程电工电子产品基本环境试验规程basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products  d心叩的9 dianzi ehanPin]i比n huanling sh叩n guieheng电工电子产品墓本环境试验规程(basiC envi-~tal testingp联记~for electrie and elec-加‘cp耐ucts)将电工、电子产品或材料暴露到自然或人工环境中,从而对他们在实际上可能遇到的储存、运输和使用条件下的性能作出评价而规定的试验程序。该试验规程包括总则、名词术语、试验方法和试验导则4个部分,这里所包括的试验方法为人工环境的试验方法。环境试验方法具有下列用途:①作为评定电工、电子产品或材料在实际储存、运输和使用条件下适应性的依据,可用于定型试验、批量抽样试验、质t检查试验等类型的试验;②作为对电工、电子产品或材料的环境适应性的比较试验,或用来作为自然条件下基露或现场运行试验的结果作验证对比试验;③只有通过环境试验规程的有关要求的电工、电子产品或材料,才具备生产、销售和使用的基本条件。环境试验规程的内容包括:低温试验方法、高温试验方法、冲击试验方法、盐雾试验方法等30种具体试验方法;又针对热对流、热辐射、热传导、冲击、碰撞、自由跌落、弹跳、大气腐蚀等具体环境条件制定了18个试验导则。为了使试验方法和试验导则具有科学性、通用性、准确性并与国际接轨,参照国际有关标准,制定了相应的国家标准:《电工电子产品环境试验术语》(GBIT加公一1男5)、《电工、电子产品基本环境试验规程》(G别T公粗3系列标准GBIT24对系列标准)。这些规范化试验规程的发布,对提高中国电工、电子产品质量和增强中国电工、电子产品国际市场竞争力具有重要和深远意义。(陈志田)