公安高校,Police Colleges and Universities
1)Police Colleges and Universities公安高校
1.Talking about the teaching situation and reform of circumstance and policy course in police colleges and universities;公安高校“形势与政策”课教学现状及教改思考
2.As the cradle for training high-level police, it is very essential that the police colleges and universities improve the psychology quality education on undergraduates.心理素质是警察素质的重要组成部分,公安高校作为培养高层次警察的摇篮,加强学员心理素质教育是极其重要的。
3.Exam is one of the important methods to evaluate the student s study and to check up the result of teaching in police colleges and universities.考试是评定公安高校学生学习情况、检测教学效果的重要手段,也是教育教学工作中的一个重要环节。

1.On the Connotation of Course Construction in Police Colleges in the New Century;新世纪公安高校课程建设内涵的探讨
2.On the connotation,principle and path in the construction of discipline of the public security colleges;公安高校学科建设的内涵、原则及路径
3.On the constitution of the administration index system in police college;谈公安高校内部管理指标体系的构成
4.On the Motivative Factors of Students Management in Public Security Colleges and Universities;公安高校学生管理中的激励因素刍议
5.Eight Awareness Should be Strengthened in Moral Education in Public Security Colleges;浅谈公安高校德育应强化的八个意识
6.Research on the abstract standard of article of journal of police colleges and universities;公安高校学报文稿内容摘要规范研究
7.Discussion on the Innovation and Development About the Experimental Teaching of Public Security College;公安高校实验教学创新与发展的探讨
8.On Strengthening the Ideological Work for Public Security College Students;试谈加强公安高校学生思想政治工作
9.The Correlative Analysis on General Computer Curriculum in Public Security Institutions of Higher Learning公安高校计算机基础课程关联性分析
10.Thinking of Featured Columns of the Occupational Higher School Journals--From the Viewpoint of Public Security Higher School;行业性高校学报创特色栏目的思考——以公安高校学报为视角
11.Study on Curriculum System Optimization in Chinese Public Security University;我国高等公安院校课程体系优化研究
12.Public Colleges and Universities "Transformation of Systems": The Choice of Ways and the Arrangement of Systems;公立高校“转制”:路径选择与制度安排
13.On Harmonious Development of Collegiate Public Art Education in Anhui Province;安徽省高校公共艺术教育的和谐发展
14.Discussion of the Overall Quality-oriented Education of Students in Public Security Higher Institutions;论公安高等院校学生的全面素质教育
15.The Characteristics of Public Security Management in Universities;论高校公共安全管理工作的服务特性
16.Security Work in Colleges and Universities;浅谈扩招形势下的高校公安保卫工作
17.Opinions on the Increase of Student s Initiative for Studying in Public Security Schools;提高公安院校学生学习主动性之我见
18.Relationship between College Security Bodies and Public Security Organs;试论高校保卫组织与公安机关的关系

Police College公安高校
1.Analysis and Strategy on Human Resources Present Condition in Police College;公安高校人力资源现状分析与管理
2.Definite aims and characteristics is the basis for a police college to win its social status,and also the sign of its competition.明确学校定位、办出特色,是公安高校形成其社会地位的基础,是其是否具有竞争力的标志。
3.The textbook development is one of the basic projects for police colleges to optimize their curriculum construction and promote their teaching quality.公安高校教材建设是优化课程建设,提高教学质量的基础性工程。
3)public security college公安高校
1.Under the new circumstances,the basic computer education in public security colleges is supposed to break the traditional concepts and patterns,to put efforts in reform and practice,and to set the goal of fostering highly qualified professionals with applicable skills and creativity.公安高校计算机基础教育应在新的形势和环境下,突破传统观念和传统模式,大胆改革,勇于实践,以培养高素质有创造精神的公安应用型人才为教学目标。
2.Under new circumstances, the quality education for public security college students must make scientific adjustments.在新形势下,公安高校素质教育必须作出科学调整,确立两个重点内容:全人教育和挫折教育。
3.How to carry out the quality education in public security colleges?How to cultivate qualified public security applied talents for the 21 s t century?It is urgent to enforce the quality education roundly in public security colleges.公安高等院校如何实施素质教育 ,怎样担当培养 2 1世纪公安工作需要的高素质的公安应用型人材 ;全面实施素质教育是公安高等院校面临的紧迫任务 ;明确公安高等院校学生素质目标在构成内容是实施素质教育的前提 ;提高教师队伍的整体素质是公安高校实施素质教育的关键 ;优化教育思想观念 ,加大教育教学改革力度 ,是公安高校实施素质教育的根本保证。
4)police colleges公安高校
1.It is urgent for police colleges to strengthen course construction if they want to occupy an indispensable part in higher education.公安高校要在我国高等教育中占有不可或缺的一席地位,加强课程建设迫在眉睫。
2.The problems in the teaching quality supervision system in police colleges can not be ignored and shall be carefully analyzed and effectively solved.公安高校的教学质量监控体系存在的问题不容忽视,应该在认真分析存在问题的基础上,有重点、分步骤地加以解决。
3.The status quo of teaching staff in police colleges is not perfect and there exist many problems, such as lower bases, irrational structure, training defects.公安高校教师队伍现状不理想,存在着基础较差、结构不合理、培训不力、按照市场机制配置人力资源不够等问题。
5)public security colleges and universities公安高校
1.For this reason,the policing administration in public security colleges and universities should meet a higher standard to adjust to the new situational development,and establish "Huma.公安高校担负着为公安机关培养和输送高素质公安人才的重任。
6)public security university library公安高校图书馆
1.This paper expounds the ideological and political education function of university library, and advances some countermeasures for giving full play to the ideological and political education function of public security university library.对公安高校图书馆思想政治教育职能进行了阐述,并就如何更好地发挥公安高校图书馆思想政治教育职能提出了若干对策。
