包装废弃物,package waste
1)package waste包装废弃物
1.This article firstly analyzes the reasons that why the package waste will result in environmental pollutions,which include over-packing,application of harmful packing materials and disposable package.包装废弃物在城市生活垃圾中占有相当比重,严重污染了环境,导致自然资源的浪费,制约了中国包装工业的发展,与世界绿色浪潮形成了反衬。

1.General rule of packaging waste disposal and utilizationGB/T16716-1996包装废弃物的处理与利用通则
2.The Principle of 3R and Countermeasures of Harnessing Waste Package;论包装废弃物治理的3R原则与对策
3.Package abandon materialization mode research basing on recycling economy;基于循环经济的包装废弃物资源化模式研究
4.Suggestion to the Fabrication of the Laws of Avoidance and Reduction of Packaging Waste Materials;关于制定《避免、减少包装废弃物法》的立法建议
5.Exploit New Products by using of the Glass Packaging Discards;利用玻璃包装废弃物开发新产品的探讨
6.Current Situation of Rice Field Pesticide Package Wastes Administration and It's Countermeasure Suggestion in Our Country中国稻田农药包装废弃物管理现状与对策建议
7.Comparative Analysis of Foreign Discard Packing Waste Recovery System and Enlightenment国外包装废弃物回收系统的比较分析及启示
8.Research on the Construction of Reverse Supply Chain Networks of Recycling Packaging Wastes Based on Genetic Algorithms;基于遗传算法的包装废弃物回收逆向供应链网络构建研究
9.A comparative study on minimization of packed wastes and establishment of the collection system between different countries;城市包装废弃物减量化及回收体系构建的国际比较
10.Better presents than those involving packaging are "waste-free" gifts such as theatre tickets.“无废弃”礼物比带包装的礼物好,比如戏票。
11.Over Packaging of IT Products and Its Impact on the EnvironmentIT产品过度包装及其废弃物对环境的影响
12.Scatter unused wood to keep the area as natural looking as possible.包裹整理好所有营火后的废弃物。塑料和金属箔包装物不要放在火堆中燃烧。
13.Wastes to be dumped shall be verified by the approving department after their loading.废弃物装载之后,批准部门应予核实。
14.The Research of the Recycling of Liquid Packaging Paper Box废弃纸基复合包装再生利用技术的探讨
15.Feasibility Study on Power Generation by Combustion of Edible Fungus Pack Waste in Jintang County;金堂县食用菌包废弃物燃烧发电可行性研究
16.Effects of temperature on the pyrolysis products of aluminum-plastic package waste温度对铝塑包装废物热解产物的影响
17.fall [pass] into desuetude变成废物,变成废弃不用
18.The rabbit can be rejected.啰兔装置应废弃不用。

packaging wastes包装废弃物
1.The actuality of domestic packaging wastes,problems in recovery of packaging wastes,the characters of reverse logistics,and the model of reverse logi.论述了国内包装废弃物的现状,包装废弃物回收利用中存在的问题以及回收逆向物流特点,并就包装废弃物回收逆向物流模型的建立和模式进行探讨。
2.The current situation,the problems,and the gaps between domestic and overseas on the domain of packaging wastes recovery and utilization were analyzed.详细分析了国内外对包装废弃物回收利用的现状和我国包装废弃物回收利用中存在的问题及与发达国家的差距,介绍了逆向物流中的包装废弃物回收利用的具体活动,提出我国包装企业发展逆向物流的建议。
3.With the further understanding of environment protection and sustainable economic development,more and more people realize the importance of the recycling packaging wastes in the face of the waste materials,considering them to be useful resources of reusable packaging wastes and the pollution to environment.随着人们对生态环保和经济可持续发展的进一步认识,面对可再利用包装废弃物资源的浪费和对环境造成的污染,越来越多的人们意识到包装废弃物回收的重要性。
3)packaging waste包装废弃物
1.Mainly introduced techniques and methods on the disposal,recovery and recycle of all kinds of packaging wastes(paper,plastics,glass,metal and others),including reduce,reuse,combustion for electricity or heat energy,landfill,for the best of protection environment and packaging waste resource.综合介绍了各类包装废弃物(纸类、塑料类、玻璃类、金属类及其它类)的处置处理、回收再生利用技术手段,包括减少包装量、回收复用、再生利用、焚烧发电或回收热能以及填埋等,比较了各种方法的利弊、优缺点,提出了应因地制宜,采用最适宜的方法来处理不同类别的包装废弃物,以期最大限度地使包装废弃物资源化并保护环境。
2.The environment pollution of packaging waste was paid attention to under sustainable development and environmental protection of economy society today.可持续发展和环保日益成为当今经济社会的主题,包装废弃物对环境的污染受到重视。
3.Packaging waste of resources is a systematic project,with the three levels of enterprise,regional and community.循环经济是人类社会发展的必然选择,包装废弃物资源化是循环经济的要求。
4)packing wastes包装废弃物
1.The present situation of the worse ecological environment which is caused by the packing wastes and the importance of recovering and utilizing the packing wastes at different levels are analized by explaining the technology of recovery and processes for some general packing wastes.通过对几种常见包装废弃物的回收处理技术的论述 ,分析了因对当前包装废弃物处理不够而造成生态环境恶化的现状及包装废弃物回收与综合利用的重要性 ,探讨了包装废弃物处理产业化的可行
2.The text select an angle from green design of packing,to bring out some problems when we engage in packing designing and put forward a solution to how to reduce the packing wastes and how to make full use of the packing wastes.包装废弃物的产生及其对环境的影响已经严重影响我国经济和社会的发展,本文从绿色设计的角度,探讨包装设计时应该注意的问题,提出了如何减少包装废弃物的产生的方法和合理处理和充分利用包装废弃物的解决方案。
5)plastic packaging wastes废弃塑料包装物
6)wastes of soft-package软包装废弃物
1.The systematic study is made on using wastes of soft-package as harmless stuff for glass fibre and magnesium cement board since the basic composition of bacteria is of protein structure and MgCl 2 has the function of quickly coagulating protein.由于细菌的基本构成为蛋白质结构,而MgCl2有迅速凝固蛋白质作用,对采用软包装废弃物作为玻镁平板的无害填充料进行了系统研究。

包装废弃物回收处理包装废弃物回收处理reclaim for waste package materials  饮扣Zhua叩feiqiwlJ huishou eh以i包装废弃物回收处理(I’eclaim for waste Packa-罗materials)包装物用后处里或再生利用的活动。它是解决世界性环境污染的重要课题。按包装材料的材质分类,包装废弃物一般可分为纸质、塑料、玻璃、金属4大类。包装废弃物回收处理的分类如下:①纸包装废弃物回收处理。将废纸或纸板用于再造纸,将废纸或纸板通过制浆、除杂、模塑成型、干燥等工艺制成各种形状、尺寸的纸浆模塑包装制品。②塑料包装废弃物回收处理。卫生城埋—由于此法没有从根本上减少环境污染,相反给子孙后代留下污染源,因此不可取。焚烧—此法可使废弃物体积、重量大为减少,且可回收热能,但焚烧过程造成的重金属、多核芳烃、二氧化碳等物质会对空气、土壤产生二次污染。热解—塑料包装废弃物经热解处理可得到化工原料、燃料油和可嫩性气体,如中国科研人员发明用废塑料回收生产ABS树脂及废聚苯乙烯裂解还原为苯乙烯单体的技术。再生利用—如软质聚抓乙烯经过挑选、清洗、晾干后粉碎,再加人适量助剂重新塑化造粒成型,加人新料中使用。以废治废—如废聚氨醋泡沫塑料经简单机械处理后在一定条件下可有效吸附废水中的苯胺、苯酸及乳化油。③玻璃包装废弃物回收处理。包括旧玻璃瓶罐回收复用;碎下脚料重熔再制瓶罐。采用玻璃上色新技术,使玻璃表面的有色涂料遇热后消失变成原有无色透明玻璃,省却有色玻璃分拣工作。采用薄壁轻瓶技术使玻璃瓶雄轻量化,从减少废弃玻璃数量角度处理玻璃包装废弃物。④金属包装废弃物回收处理。金属包装废弃物的主要代表是铝质易拉雄(俗称二片罐),主要回收方法为铝罐重熔。与从铝钒土冶炼铝材相比,该法可节约大量能源和冶炼用配料并减少排放氟化铝造成的大气污染。 (陆关新)