技术转让,technology transfer
1)technology transfer技术转让
1.Obstacles to technology transfer in the implementation of international environmental conventions;国际环境保护公约中技术转让障碍问题的探讨
2.Contract design of technology transfer considering know-how diffusion;考虑知识传播的技术转让契约设计
3.The Forming Conditions of Industrial Cluster Based on Technology Transfer:An Analytical Model;基于技术转让的企业集聚形成条件:一个理论模型

1.To encourage technology transfer and extension.鼓励技术转让和延伸
2.basis for amortizing the costs of technology transfers技术转让费用摊销标准
3.Development and Transfer of Technology Series发展和技术转让丛书
4.International Code of Conduct on the Transfer of Technology技术转让国际行为守则
5.intra-group pricing of transfers of technology集团内技术转让价格
6.Technology Development or Technology Transfer aspects in the project:项目关于技术开发或技术转让方面的简介
7.Study on Technology Transfer System Combining Venture Capital with High Technology;风险投资与高新技术融合的技术转让体系研究
8.A Study on the Technology Valuation of Technology Transfer at Different Stages of Technology Life Cycle;基于技术生命周期的技术转让评价方法探讨
9.costs of technology transfer charged as an expense记作支出的技术转让成本
10.Arab Regional Centre for the Transfer and Development of Technology阿拉伯技术转让和发展区域中心
11.Arab Scientific Institute for Research and Transfer of Technology阿拉伯研究和技术转让科学所
12.Technology transfer will continue at an ever increasing pace.技术转让总会保持不断加快的步伐。
13.Conference on the Adoption of a Code of Conduct for the Transfer of Technology通过技术转让行为守则的会议
14.Intergovernmental Group of Experts on a Code of Conduct on Transfer of Technology技术转让行为守则政府间专家组
16.Guidelines for Evaluation of Transfer of Technology Agreements技术转让协议的评价准则
17.Technology transfer agreements must accord with the following provisions:技术转让协议必须符合以下规定:
18.Meeting of Heads of Technology Transfer Registries技术转让注册部门主管会议

technical transfer技术转让
1.In this paper, a grey programming model is established for the negotiation about the technical transfer, and then the solution to the model is given and the application of the model is explainal by using an example.本文以技术转让中的价格谈判为背景,建立了一类谈判问题的灰色规划模型,给出了该模型的求解步骤和方法。
3)transfer of technology技术转让
4)technology transmissible可转让技术
5)Charges for technology transfer技术转让费
6)law on transfer of technology技术转让法
