里海,Caspian Sea
1)Caspian Sea里海
1.An Analysis of Recent Development of Oil-Gas Resources in Caspian Sea and Their Development and Utilization;里海油气资源开发利用近况分析
2.New Developing Trends of International Competition of Oil-gas in Caspian Sea Area;21世纪初里海能源竞争的新态势
2)the Caspian Sea里海
1.New Trends of Contending Over the Caspian Sea Oil Exploitation and the Attitude China should Take;里海石油之争的新动向及我国应持的态度
2.Questions and Strategy:China participate to the Energy Cooperation of the Caspian Sea in Middle Asia;中国参与中亚里海能源合作存在的问题及其对策思考
3)nautical mile;knot海里

1.Seaweeds grow in the ocean.大海里还长了海草。
2.native to or inhabiting the sea.出产于海里或者居住在海里
3.The established east harbor is211 sea miles from Hongkong,1320 sea miles away from Singgapore.建好的东海港距香港221海里,离新加坡1320海里
4.go swimming in the sea,a river,a lake,etc for enjoyment去海里、河里、湖里等游泳以娱情
5.contained marine disposa在海里作密封式的弃置
6.The ship is travelling at 23 knots .船速为每小时23海里
7.is thrown into a river or into the sea,被人们扔进河中或海里
8.The enemy plane went plummeting into the sea.敌机直直掉进海里
9.The packet stood out to sea.小船往海里徐徐远去。
10.He flung a stone into the sea.他把一块石头撇到海里
11.Land masses extrude into the sea.大片陆地延伸到海里
12.Fish are denizen of the sea.鱼是生活在海里的动物。
13.Her ashes were scattered over the sea.她的骨灰撒在大海里了。
14.from which this mighty wind was blowing dead on shore,狂风从海里直往岸上吹,
15.The current drifted the boat to sea.水流把船冲到海里去了。
16.The hatch cover slid off the boat and into the drink.舱盖从船上滑入海里
17.He jumped in and swam away very quickly.很快跳进海里游走了。
18.How Does the Sound of the Ocean Get Inside a Seashell?到贝壳里“听海”?

the Caspian Sea里海
1.New Trends of Contending Over the Caspian Sea Oil Exploitation and the Attitude China should Take;里海石油之争的新动向及我国应持的态度
2.Questions and Strategy:China participate to the Energy Cooperation of the Caspian Sea in Middle Asia;中国参与中亚里海能源合作存在的问题及其对策思考
3)nautical mile;knot海里
4)a nautical (geogrophical) mile海里,
5)nautical mile海里,里
6)12 nautical miles territorial seas12海里领海
