汤逊湖,Tangxun Lake
1)Tangxun Lake汤逊湖
1.Appraisal on Risk of Karst Geological Disaster in Sewage Treatment of Tangxun Lake of Wuhan City;武汉汤逊湖污水处理厂岩溶地质灾害的危险性评估
2.Current Situation and Countermeasures on the Eutrophication of the Tangxun Lakes in Wuhan City武汉市汤逊湖水体富营养化现状及其对策分析
3.Focus on the quantity and quality process in the whole basin, TXHwater model was developed to evaluate water environment trends of Tangxun Lake in Wuhan.以流域为基本单元进行水质水量耦合,构建武汉汤逊湖水环境演变模型(TXHwater);借助MonteCarlo分析方法,对未来汤逊湖的水环境演变趋势进行了分析。

1.Simulation of lake water environment trends in Tangxun lake of Wuhan under rainfall uncertainty武汉汤逊湖未来水环境演变趋势的模拟
2.Current Situation and Countermeasures on the Eutrophication of the Tangxun Lakes in Wuhan City武汉市汤逊湖水体富营养化现状及其对策分析
3.B: Dr. Thompson's office.乙:汤普逊医生诊所.
4.Thomson, Kenneth, Canada, 16.1肯尼斯?汤姆逊,加拿大,16.1
5.Nernst-Thomson rule能斯特-汤姆逊规则
6.Berthelot-Thomsen principle贝特洛-汤姆逊原理
7.Thomson-Berthelot principle汤姆逊-贝特洛原理
8.Miss Tompson was giving a party.汤姆逊小姐在请客呢。
9.Tom is strong enough to swim across the lake .汤姆身体棒,能游过这湖。
10.Tom would have spoken of him as @Harbison's Bull,汤姆就叫他“哈宾逊的布尔”;
11.Thomson parabola ion analyzer汤姆逊抛物面反射器离子分析仪
12.Such tactics did not daunt Tom Johnson.这种伎俩没有吓倒汤姆·约翰逊。
13.Do you reckon old Wilson is sucking?你看威尔逊老兄会不会在灌他的迷汤?
14.Mr. Thomson, we are doing the annual accounting right now.汤姆逊先生,我们目前正在做年度统计。
15.Compton and Thomson Scatterings in the Orthogonal Electromagnetic Field正交电磁场中的康普顿与汤姆逊散射
16.Joule-Thomson Effect of Berthelot Gas;伯塞活脱气体的焦耳——汤姆逊效应
17."The ice will be gone by about 2020," said Thompson.汤普逊预言说:"所有的冰层将在2020年融化掉。
18.What he said about Tom's mother was way below the belt.他对汤姆的妈妈评论的话真的是出言不逊。

Lake Dongtangxun东汤逊湖
1.Lake Niushan,Lake Dongtangxun,Lake Huanghu and Lake Longgan are situated in the middle and lower basins of the Changjiang River.选择长江中下游的牛山湖、东汤逊湖、龙感湖和黄湖作为研究地点,调查了这些湖泊鱼类区系组成、鱼种放养量、渔获物组成、渔产量和渔产值,现已查明牛山湖鱼类有64种,东汤逊湖53种,黄湖76种,龙感湖80种。
3)Thomson heat汤姆逊热
1.The influence of Thomson heat,often ignored in traditional analysis process,is discussed at the same time.从稳态的热传导方程出发,对发电器件进行了热力学分析,建立了半导体温差发电器件的基本模型,推导出p型和n型半导体内部的温度分布函数及输出功率和发电效率的表达式,讨论了传统分析中经常忽略的汤姆逊热对发电性能的影响。
4)Sir George paget ThomsonGP汤姆逊
1.J.J.Thomson s effect on establishment of Bohr s atomic structure model;汤姆逊对玻尔建立原子模型的影响
6)J. Walter Thompson智威汤逊
