评测模型,evaluation model
1)evaluation model评测模型
1.As Chinese software enterprises face many problems of financing, technology and enterprise culture while assessing CMM, an evaluation model based on CMM and its assessing method for Chinese software enterprises are presented in this paper.我国软件企业在实施CMM评估时面临资金、技术、企业文化等多方面问题,对此本文基于CMM探索建立了中国软件企业的评测模型,同时探讨了应用该模型的评估方法。
2.This paper established a carbon-emission evaluation model with the aid of the continual approximation and traffic turnover.文章借助连续逼近法与交通周转量法构建城市微观土地利用影响下的碳排放评测模型,并依据该模型对南京市某单位双园区土地利用模式所带来的碳排放进行了评测。
3.This paper established the carbon emission evaluation model of the urban micro subject,and discussed the effect of carbon emission by the land-use pattern of urban micro subject from the view of urban micro subject.从城市微观主体的角度出发,通过构建城市微观主体碳排放评测模型,探讨了城市微观主体土地利用模式对碳排放的影响。

1.An Evaluation Model for Chinese Software Enterprises Based on CMM;基于CMM的中国软件企业评测模型
2.Research on the Performance Evaluation Model of Government Emergency Management Organization;政府应急管理组织绩效评测模型研究
3.Cascio Employee Turnover Cost Model--A Revised Approach;员工离职成本测评模型——Cascio模型的修正
4.Analysis on the Test Model of the Quality in Continuing Education in Germany;德国继续教育质量测评模型LQW述评
5.Construction of a New Measurement Model for Customer Satisfaction Index;新型顾客满意度指数测评模型的构建
6.Model of Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Method in Judgment of Teachers Teaching Quality;教师教学质量测评的模糊综合评价模型
7.Evaluation model of customer satisfaction degree (CSD) for garment enterprises基于服装企业的顾客满意度测评模型
8.Asphalt Pavement Performance Evaluation and Prediction Models;沥青路面的使用性能评价和预测模型
9.The Study on Telecommunication (Fixed Network) Customer Satisfaction Index Evaluation Model;电信(固网)用户满意度测评模型研究
10.Research on Advertising Effectiveness Evaluation Models from a Consumer Perspective;消费者视角的广告效果测评模型研究
11.Study on Theoretical Model and Faculty Evaluation of Library Knowledge Transfer;图书馆知识转移理论模型及测评研究
12.Research on Post-Evaluation Model and Method of Electric Power Demand Forecasting;电力需求预测后评价模型和方法研究
13.Combining Forecast Model Based on PSO for Personal Credit Scoring;基于PSO的个人信用评估组合预测模型
14.Review of Models and Instruments in Epistemological Beliefs Studies;认识信念研究模型及其测量工具述评
15.Evaluation on Therapy of AIDS and Prediction Model of Curative Effect;艾滋病疗法的评价及疗效的预测模型
16.Enterprise profit capability evaluating model based on Elman neural network;基于Elman网络的企业盈利能力测评模型
17.Competence Evaluation Model of Construction Enterprises and Empirical Research;建筑企业竞争力测评模型及实证研究
18.Research on Performance Validation of Credit Risk Models;信用风险评估模型预测力的验证研究

evaluation model测评模型
1.Constructing a Public Service Quality Evaluation Model: Evidence from Chinese Public Service Industry;一个公用服务质量测评模型的构建和分析:来自中国公用服务业的证据
2.A,and provides E-commerce customer satisfaction evaluation model by using the approach of customer satisfaction questionnaire and principal component analysis.参照因特网消费者满意度综合模型(Lee)和美国BizRate网络营销评估法设计了一个基于电子商务的顾客满意度指标体系;采用问卷调查收集顾客满意度数据,利用主成分分析与"重要性—绩效"模型相结合的方法给出了电子商务顾客满意度测评模型。
3.Combined with the advantages of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and principle component analysis ,this paper constructed a fussy hierarchy principle component analysis evaluation model to the reasonable flow of scientific and technological talents based on the characters of hierarchy analysis process theory and the evaluation system of scientific and technological talents.结合层次分析理论及科技人才合理流动测评变量体系的特性,构造了集"模糊综合测评"、"主成分分析测评"优点于一体的"科技人才合理流动程度的模糊层次主成分分析测评模型",并以百分制赋值的方法,对模型中属性测评变量的模糊综合评价值的确定进行了修正。
3)measurement model测评模型
1.User satisfaction measurement model for supply power enterprise is put forward according to the properties of supply power industry in this paper.本文根据供电企业的行业特点提出了一个供电企业的用户满意度测评模型,并指出了模型的几种参数估计方法和测评数据的多种定量分析方法,并给出一案例分析,对供电企业有效监视用户满意帮助很大。
2.To seek for a scientific method to judge the competitiveness accurately,the theory of fuzzy mathematics and its analytical method have been adopted to establish the measurement model of competitiveness of commericial banks.为寻求准确判定竞争力强弱的科学方法,运用模糊数学理论及其分析方法,建立了商业银行竞争力的测评模型,并进行了实证分析。
3.This paper put forward a creative measurement model of tourist satisfaction index(TSI) using for reference on international currency customer satisfaction index model,and based on random sample in three key scenic spot of Beijing,by means of SPSS11.基于对北京3个重点景区游客的随机问卷调查,借鉴国内外已有的顾客满意度评价模型,构建了城市游客满意度测评模型,并利用SPSS11。
4)Logging estimation model测井评价模型
5)monitoring and evaluation mcxlel监测评价模型
6)psychology model心理测评模型

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