桑植县,Sangzhi county
1)Sangzhi county桑植县
1.Combining with practicalness in the old communist revoluntionary area tourist devolopment in Sangzhi County, the author makes explorations into the developing strategy of community participative tourism that is focused on old cummunist revoluntionary area tourism.本文以红色旅游资源富集的社区为研究对象,结合桑植县红色旅游的开发实际,对红色旅游主导下的社区参与式旅游发展战略进行了探讨。
2.The Bai ethnic group of Furong Qiao Village in Sangzhi County located in the northwestern part of Hunan province where people speak Xinan mandarin,but because of its special ethnic composition and historical source,the dialect spoken in Furong Qiao Village has a lot of differences compared to its surrounding areas.桑植县芙蓉桥白族乡位于湘西北的西南官话区,但因其特殊的民族成份和历史来源,使得该地方言具有很多与其周围地区方言不同的特点。

1.Late Permian-Earliest Triassic Ammonoid Sequences from the Rencunping Section,Sangzhi County,Hunan Province,South China and Their Regional Correlation湖南桑植县仁村坪上二叠统—下三叠统底部菊石动物群序列及其区域对比
2.any of several trees of the genus Morus having edible fruit that resembles the blackberry.桑属植物,果实可食,类似于黑莓。
3.Preliminary Study on the Sexual Reproduction of Morus wittiorum, an Endangered Species濒危植物长穗桑有性繁殖的初步研究
4.Study on Genetic Diversity of Mangrove Species from China in the Genus Sonneratia;中国海桑属红树植物遗传多样性研究
5.Study on the Contents of Total Flavonoids of Herba Taxilli from Different Host-plants不同寄主植物桑寄生总黄酮含量研究
6.Exploitation and Utilization Research of Moraceae in Huangshan Region黄山市桑科植物资源及开发利用研究
7.Villages in Hangzhou grow the famous Longjing tea and silk worms.杭州的村镇培植闻名遐迩的龙井茶,植桑养蚕。
8.Study on Influence of Planting Density of Non-trunk Mulberry with Leaf Yield and Cocoon Quality in Cold Region;寒地无干桑树栽植密度对桑叶产量及蚕茧质量影响的研究
9.Dr. Thomas Soderstrom, a famous botanist,托马斯?桑得斯托姆博士,一位有名的植物学家,
10.Genetic Diversity of Populations of Morus Cultivated in Xinjiang,China新疆桑属植物栽培居群的遗传多样性研究
12.4) The results provide a new basis for taxonomy of Morus.研究结果为桑属植物的分群、分类提供了资料.
13.an order of dicotyledonous plants including Moraceae and Urticaceae and Ulmaceae.双子叶植物的一个目,包含桑科、荨麻科和榆科。
14.Studies on the Bioactive Constituents of Two Moraceous Medicinal Plants;两种桑科药用植物生物活性成分的研究
15.Analysis of Genetic Structure and Phylogeny of Chinese Morus L.;中国桑属(Morus L.)植物遗传结构及系统发育分析
16.Study on Quantitative Ecology of Wetland Vegetation in Sanggan River Valley, Shanxi;山西桑干河流域湿地植被数量生态学研究
17.The Study on Various Forest Plant Community Landscape in Huangsang Nature Reserve;黄桑自然保护区多层次森林植物群落景观研究
18.Study on Population Ecology of the Mangrove Sonneratia Caseolaris at FuTian, ShenZhen;深圳福田红树植物海桑种群生态学研究

Sangzhi county桑植
1.A Review of Researches into Bai Nationality Inhabited in Sangzhi County,Hunan Province;湖南桑植散杂居白族研究现状及存在的问题
2.Research on Integrating Red Tourist Resources and Ethnic Culture in Sangzhi County桑植红色旅游资源与民族文化整合研究
3.Sangzhi county is located between 109 41′ and 110 46′ E, 29 17′~29 84′E, covering an area of 3 526 km 2.桑植县退化生态系统的面积大 ,退化程度严重 ,各类型系统都有进一步退化的危险 。
4)Mulberry intercropped in contour hedgerow植物篱桑
1.Based on the data of Mulberry intercropped in contour hedgerow (MIH) and Mulberry planted on land riser (MLR) about annual leaf yield (Y), number of effective branches (NB), average length of effective branches (LB) and diameter of branches (DB), average number of leaves grown on m branches (NL), this paper analyzed the relationship between Y and the other.分析了植物篱桑和地埂桑的年片叶量 ( Y)、桑树的有效条数 ( NB)、平均有效条长 ( L B)、条粗 ( DB)、平均每 m条着叶数 ( NL)等数据 ,研究了年片叶量与其它各因子之间的相关关系。
5)Moraceae plants桑科植物
6)the mulberry planting and silkworm raising植桑养蚕

桑植起义  1928年2月底,以周逸群、贺龙为主要成员的中国共产党湘西北特别委员会,根据中共中央指示,经洪湖地区到达湘西北的桑植地区,着手建立革命武装。贺龙根据中共湘西北特委决定,召集亲族和旧部的武装约3000人,组成工农革命军,接着,举行起义。3月底工农革命军攻占桑植县城,并成立了中共桑植县委。4月初,新组成的工农革命军在国民党军优势兵力进攻下,经过梨树垭、洪家关、苦竹坪等战斗,大部溃散。周逸群转往洪湖地区,贺龙收集失散人员300余名,在桑植、鹤峰边界地区坚持游击战争。6月,国民党军从桑植县城西撤,工农革命军返回桑植地区,部队又发展到1500余人。桑植起义,为尔后建立湘鄂西红军第4军和创建湘鄂边革命根据地奠定了基础。