1.Variation of Soil Selenium in Some Croplands in Yixing and Its Influencing Factors.;江苏宜兴地区农田土壤硒含量变异及其影响因素
2.Holocene molluscs in Luotuodun and Xixi of Yixing City, Jiangsu Province;江苏宜兴骆驼墩、西溪遗址全新世软体动物
3.Characters of seed plants flora and vegetations from Yixing Forest Nature Reserve in Jiangsu Province;江苏宜兴森林自然保护区种子植物区系特点及植被性质

1.The Yixing papercuts of Jiangxi Province are magnificent and neat.宜兴剪纸华丽工整,
2.Yixing Biology Engineering Company宜兴市生物工程公司
3.Yixing City inspired medicinal chemical name appropriate strategy distribution titanium potassium plant.宜兴市振奋药用化工厂原名为宜兴市分水钛酸钾厂。
4.Yixing Tongda Chemical Co., Ltd.宜兴市通达化学有限公司
5.Yixing-Union Biochemical Co., Ltd.宜兴协联生物化学有限公司
6.Xu Beihong (1895-1953) was a native of Yixing, Jiangsu Province.徐悲鸿(1895-1953)是江苏宜兴人,
7.Yixing county looks from afar like a traditional landscape painting.宜兴县从远处看,就像一幅山水画。
8.A Case Study of Inexperienced Teacher Training in Yixing No.1 Middle School;宜兴一中新教师校本培训的案例研究
9.The "zelie"、"daoze"、"laolie" in Yixing Speech;宜兴方言中的“则列”、“到则”、“佬列”
10.Nixing Kettle Technique and the Basic Spiritual Characteristics in China;宜兴紫砂壶艺与中国文化的基本精神
11.Pollery clay earthenware and Dongpo pot in Yixing;陶都宜兴的陶土、紫砂陶器与东坡壶
12.The Research of Fuzzy Space of Traditional Chinese Residence in Shushan Ancient South Street宜兴蜀山古南街民居的模糊空间研究
13.Analysis of Death Causes of Residents in Yixing City during 2003-2008宜兴市2003—2008年居民死因分析
14.Identification of Yixing Pottery Industry as A Cultural Heritage and Its Temporary Significance宜兴陶业文化遗产及其当代意义辨识
15.Project Auditing of Jiangsu Yixing Pumped Storage Power Station江苏宜兴抽水蓄能电站工程项目审计
16.Brief Introduction to the Mechanical and Electrical Equipment of Jiangsu Yixing Pumped Storage Power Station江苏宜兴抽水蓄能电站机电设备简介
17.Analysis of Monitoring Results of 11 Kinds of Food in Yixing Urban Districts宜兴市城区11类食品监测结果分析
18." Yixing is known as the capital of pottery in China. Yixing pottery is made of coarse-grained red, green, or purple clay that is known as "purple sand." "宜兴被称为中国陶都。宜兴陶是用一种质地粗糙的红色、绿色或紫色陶土制成,该陶土称"紫砂"。

Yixing City宜兴
1.This suggestion is produced based on the experience gained from the construction planning and its implementation effectiveness of Yixing City in Jiangsu Province.通过阐述江苏省宜兴市近期建设规划的编制和实施效果 ,提出了近期建设规划编制方法和内容 ,包括规划编制主体应该由地方规划管理部门参编 ;编制内容主要是一种政策检讨和行动计划 ,核心内容是城市近期用地布局和建设项目时序安排 ;规划应该衔接政府与市场 ,合理预测城市土地投放量和估算建设投资 ,使规划符合地方财力 ;规划应该加强刚性和弹性 ,实施建设分区控制 ;规划应该维护公共利益 ,进行最广泛的公众参与
2.Befalling mythical folld dragon",a special kind of debris folw ,only takes place in hill region that covered well with plants, such as Hufu and Zhangzhu town, Yixing city, Jiangsu province.“发蛟”是江苏宜兴市湖镇、张渚等地植被覆盖良好的低山区发生的一种局地性泥石流灾害。
3)Yixing County宜兴市
1.On the basis of the analysis of the purposes, principles and requirements of the determination of index areas and participating factors for farmland gradation, Yixing County of Jiangsu Province was cited as a case study.本文在分析农用地分等指标区和参评因素确定的目的、原则和要求的基础上 ,以江苏省宜兴市为例 ,尝试采用聚类分析和主成分分析方法来定量划分农用地分等指标区 ,并确定各指标区分等的主导参评因素。
4)Yixing Mountain Areas宜兴山区
1.Mining industry has being played and will continue to play a very important role in the economic development in Yixing Mountain Areas, but the current mode of exploitation and utilization of the mineral resources will inevitably hinder it from sustainable development.采矿业已经而且还将继续在宜兴山区经济发展中发挥举足轻重的作用,但目前 对矿产资源的开发利用方式将严重阻碍宜兴市山区采矿业的可持续发展,在分析其存在的主 要问题的基础上提出了一些积极的对策。
5)The Old City of Yixing宜兴老城
6)Yixing City宜兴市
1.Pre-processing Study of the Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Data Based on the Classification of Land Use/Land Cover——A Case Study of Yixing City;机载成像光谱数据预处理方法研究——以江苏宜兴市为例
2.Sustainable Utilization of the Land Resources in Yixing City;宜兴市土地资源的可持续利用
3.Functional Zoning Method in Comprehensive Land Use Planning Under Current Situation——A Case Study of Yixing City;当前形势下土地利用总体规划中功能分区方法研究——以宜兴市为例

江苏宜兴陶都宜兴东临美丽富饶的太湖之滨,位于苏、浙、皖三省交界处,地处沪、宁、杭的中心,是一个文化发达的新兴城市。宜兴古称阳羡,荆溪,自秦始皇设阳羡郡起,至今已有二千二百多年历史。在该地曾先后发掘出新石器时代的陶片、唐五代的青瓷窑址以及明代以前的紫砂罐残片;早在宋代,褐黑色的建窑茶具已深受各位饮家所珍赏,所以到明代时宜兴紫砂壶名家辈出,紫砂茶具遂广受欢迎。  由宜兴到鼎蜀镇一段,风景迤俪,如鼎山、庚桑、善卷、慕蠡诸洞、东氿、西氿水区、国山碑、周孝候墓、蛟桥诸名迹,风光秀丽独特,溶洞奇异天成,奥妙无穷,竹海绿涛满倾,蔚为壮观;茶洲清香四溢,生机勃勃;湖光山色相映,也别具神韵。  唐代,宜兴郡以好茶闻名全国;从唐肃宗到明太祖的六百年间,常州阳羡茶均为上等好茶;并且设立了“贡茶院”。明太祖洪武年间废除团茶政策,遂带来了制茶方法的改革,由于宜兴独有一种澄泥陶,颜色绛紫,其制品通称“紫砂器”,通常也简称“紫砂”,紫砂经过生产、发展的过程,到明代末期臻于成熟,此后经久不衰。宜兴紫砂从明、清开始就已经具有了相当的知名度。在景德镇瓷都之外,又并列了一个陶都——宜兴。其产品畅销国内外,日本也以紫砂为珍品而来华学习造壶技术。此外,宜兴紫砂茶壶更与中国茶同销欧洲,成为欧洲制壶的蓝本,足见宜兴紫砂的珍贵。  宜兴紫砂陶品类繁多,尤以茶壶为代表,其独有的实用性能与艺术鉴赏价值的高度和谐统一。因此紫砂陶为历代鉴赏家及中外的嗜茶爱好者所深爱。到了近现代,随着文化内涵的丰富与制造技术的提高,宜兴紫砂陶艺已臻愈益精妙之境。  东南亚各地对于紫砂的狂热支持,也为紫砂的进一步发展和繁荣带来了前所未有的好机遇。  由于受金融危机等诸多因素的影响,近来紫砂收藏热度有所降温,但对紫砂挚着者仍甚。