绥芬河,Suifen River
1)Suifen River绥芬河
1.Studies on composition of lchthyofauna in Suifen River;绥芬河鱼类区系组成研究
2.The trial results of artificial reproduction and its hatching and releasing into Suifen river were reported in this paper.本文报道2006年度绥芬河大麻哈鱼人工繁殖与孵化放流试验。

1.Landscape Design in Sui-Man Express Way (within the City of Suifenhe)绥满高速公路(绥芬河市区段)景观设计
2.Analysis on the Storm Flood in August,1965 Suifen River1965年8月绥芬河暴雨洪水分析
3.Research on Mechanical Properties of Suifenhe Cable-stayed Bridge under Level Rotation;绥芬河斜拉桥水平转体阶段受力研究
4.Study on Economic-Environment Programming of Suifenhe in the IMOMIP ModelIMOMIP模型下绥芬河市经济环境规划研究
5.Study of Prediction Method on Highway Port Freight Volume of Suifenhe River绥芬河公路口岸货运量预测方法研究
6.Alternative Project Design of San Guxian Viaduct in Shcvi Man Highway绥芬河-满州里公路(简称绥满公路)三股线高架桥方案设计
7.Load Test Research of Suifenhe Cable-stayed Bridge with Single Tower and Single Cable Plane;绥芬河独塔单索面斜拉桥荷载试验研究
8.Research on Construction Control of Sui Fenhe Cable-stayed Bridge with Swivel Erection;绥芬河转体施工斜拉桥施工控制的研究
9.Studys on Ecology Effect Analysis and Planning and Design of Suifenhe National Forest Park;绥芬河森林公园生态效应分析及规划设计研究
10.PDBZ System s Application in the Land Evaluation and Plan in Suifenhe City;PDBZ系统在绥芬河市用地评定与规划中的应用
12.Analysis on Static Load Test of Single-pylon Single-plane Cable-stayed Bridge on Suifen River绥芬河独塔单索面斜拉桥静载试验分析
13.The Analysis of Syphilis Epidemic Investigation at Suifenhe Port绥芬河口岸出入境人员梅毒感染流行病学调查
14.Research on Landscape Planning and Nodes Design in the Center Area of Suifenhe City;绥芬河市中心区景观规划及代表性景观点设计研究
15.Detection of rodent infected by new tick pathogens in Suifenhe and Dongning ports绥芬河、东宁口岸地区鼠类感染新发蜱媒病原的检测
16.Characteristics of structures and gas-oil potential from Suifenhe to Qixingzhen in the periphery of Daqing prospect area-using synthetical geophysical data利用综合地球物理资料研究大庆探区外围绥芬河—七星镇剖面构造特征及油气远景
17.Studies on Biology and Predacious Function of Euseius Finlandicus;芬兰真绥螨生物学及捕食功能的研究
18.Excavation of Wanyanhe Site in Suibin,Heilongjiang Heilongjiang Provincial Institute of Archaeology and Preservation of Cultural Relics;黑龙江省绥滨县蜿蜒河遗址发掘报告

Suifenhe City绥芬河市
1.The paper carried out land use structural optimization of Suifenhe City, for supporting the land use planning and methods of practice.绥芬河市作为黑龙江省对外开放的主通道,对外经济合作的窗口和桥梁,经济社会发展迅速的同时城市发展空间有限。
3)Suifenhe port绥芬河口岸
1.The countermeasures of Cogistic industry developinent in Suifenhe port;绥芬河口岸物流业发展对策探讨
2.The development and prospect analysis of Suifenhe Port绥芬河口岸的发展及前景分析
6)City Center of Suifenhe绥芬河市中心区
