图们江下游,lower reaches of Tumen River
1)lower reaches of Tumen River图们江下游
1.Correlation between delayed cool injury in the lower reaches of Tumen River and El Nino(La Nina);图们江下游延迟型冷害与厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)事件
2.Study on low-frequency oscillation characteristics for temperature and precipitation in the lower reaches of Tumen River;图们江下游地区气温和降水低频振荡特征研究
3.Characteristics and change of landscape in lower reaches of Tumen River;图们江下游的景观特点及其变化

1.Correlation between delayed cool injury in the lower reaches of Tumen River and El Nino(La Nina)图们江下游延迟型冷害与厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)事件
2.On the distribution regularity of population and the labour power resources in the lower reach area of Tumen river;图们江下游地区人口分布规律和劳动力资源
3.Genetic diversity of Glycine soja in the lower reaches of Tumen River by SSR markers图们江下游地区野生大豆遗传多样性分析
4.On Valuing the Growth of Tourism in the Economic Development of China, D.P.R. Korea, Russia Tumen River Lower Reaches;论中朝俄图们江下游地区经济开发应重视旅游业发展
5.The Current Situation of Water and Soil Erosion about Sloping Cultivated Land and the Policies of Protection in the Area of Middle and Lower Reaches of Tumen River;图们江下游地区坡耕地水土流失现状及其保护措施
6.Change of Jingxin Wetland in the Lower Reaches of Tumen River Based on Corona and Spot-5 Images基于Corona和Spot-5影像的图们江下游敬信湿地变化研究
7.Research on the Development of Tourism Industrial Cluster in Tumen River Growth Triangle;图们江增长三角旅游产业集群发展研究
8.Korean Folk Culture of the Impact of Tourism on the Tumen River Area朝鲜族民俗文化对图们江地区旅游业的影响
9.Development Strategy of Regional Cooperation inTumen River under New Situation;新形势下图们江区域经济合作的发展对策
10.The Present Situation of Tourism Cooperation among China,South Korea and North Korea and Its Impact on the Economic Development of Tumen River Region;中、韩、朝旅游合作现状及其对图们江区域经济发展的作用
11.People go swimming in rivers and lakes.人们到江湖中游泳。
12.Underground Party members and guerrilla fighters south of the Yangtze also helped us in the battle.江南地下党、游击队配合了渡江作战。
13.Comparative Research on Diversified River-sea Transportation Modes of Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River;长江中下游江海运输方式的比较研究
14.Discussion on Regulation Scheme of Tiaoxiankou in Lower Jingjiang River of Middle Reaches of Yangtze River长江中游下荆江调弦口治理方案探讨
15.No, they were not. They were on the other side of the Yalu and Tumen Rivers.不是,他们是在鸭绿江、图们江那边。
16.We swam all afternoon.我们游泳游了一个下午。
17.The pair is some70 miles upstream from the Pacific and scientists say they plan to wait until next week before they try to coax them out.它们逆游太平洋有70英尺远,科学家表示他们要等到下周才试图引诱它们游向太平洋。
18.Design and Cartography of Water Resources Atlas on the Upper Reaches of Yangtze River长江上游水资源地图集的设计与实践

the lower reaches of the Tumen River basin图们江下游流域
3)Tumen River图们江
1.Research on Water Environment Value of Tumen River Basin in the Way of E-Mergy;图们江流域水环境价值的能值研究
2.The Survey and Research of Phase Analysis to Subaqueous Sediment Middle Reaches of Tumen River;图们江中游水域水底堆积物物相探查与研究
3.The Water Birds and Their Ecology Distribution along the Lower Reaches of Tumen River;图们江下游湿地水鸟及其生态分布
4)Tumenjiang River图们江
1.The Characteristics of the Fragmental Texture and Clastic Constituents of the Sand Dune by the Vicinity of Tumenjiang River;图们江口附近沙丘沙的结构与碎屑成分特征
5)Tumen River大图们江
1.Law Conflicts and Cooperation in Tumen River Area;大图们江区域各国法律的冲突与协调
6)the lower reaches of the Yangtze River长江下游
1.Wu Yue Culture is a regional culture of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River,its ceuter being Tai Lake and QianTang River.吴越文化是长江下游的区域文化 ,其中心文化区是太湖、钱塘江流域。
2.Samples from municipal,mining,industrial and port sources in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River were analyzed for major elements and Cu,Zn,Pb,Cd,Cr by ICP-AES and AAS.采集长江下游市政、矿山、工业及港口来源的沉积物,并用ICP-AES测定常量元素,原子吸收光谱测定Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Cr 5种重金属。

图的减缩图(或称图子式)图的减缩图(或称图子式)minor of a graph 图的减缩图(或称图子式)【.皿以ofa脚户;MHHoPrpa中a」【补注】设G是一个图(graph)(可以有环及多重边).G的一个减缩图(nullor)是从G中接连进行下述运算而得的任何一个图: i)删去一条边; 五)收缩一条边; 说)去掉一个孤立顶点. NRobe由on与P.D.Se脚aour的图减缩定理(脚Ph nl的。r theon习11)如下所述:已知有限图的无穷序列G,,GZ,…,则存在指标i