沿海湿地,coastal wetland
1)coastal wetland沿海湿地
1.The coastal wetland is an important component of marine resources, playing a significant role in maintenance of biological diversities as well as in the marine economic development.沿海湿地是海洋资源的一个重要组成部分,其在维持海洋生物多样性和海洋经济发展中起着重要的作用。

1.The Development and Protection of Tourism Resource in Jiangsu C oastal Wetlands;江苏沿海湿地旅游资源的开发与保护
2.Status Quo Evaluation and Protective Measures on Coast Wetlands in Hebei Province河北省沿海湿地现状评价与保护对策
3.Wetland Tourism of Jiangsu Coastal Areas from Perspective of Pole-axis Theory“点-轴系统”理论下的江苏沿海湿地旅游开发研究
4.of marshes along Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States.产于美国大西洋和海湾沿岸的湿地。
5.Current Status and Ecological Protection of Mangrove Wetland in Guangxi;广西沿海红树林湿地的生态保护对策
6.Distribution of wetland Landscape And Ecological Construction in North-Huanghai;北黄海沿岸湿地景观与生态经济分区
7.The winds blowing off the Mediterranean lose their moisture along the northeast coast.吹过地中海的风沿着东北海岸失去大量的湿气。
8.of marshy coastal areas from North Carolina to Florida.产于从北卡罗来纳到佛罗里达沿海地区的湿地。
9.The study of the function of the wetlands of Spartina alternifloura manpower salt mash in Jiangsu;江苏沿海互花米草盐沼湿地的经济、生态功能
10.Storage Technology Notoginseng我国沿海湿热地区三七适宜贮藏技术研究
11.Relationship Between the Population Dynamics of the Wintering Red-crowned Crane in Natural Reserve for Rare Birds in Beach Region and Wetland Environment Variance of Yancheng盐城沿海丹顶鹤种群动态与湿地环境变迁的关系
12.To make wet and dirty by dragging on the ground.拖脏,拖湿沿地面拖而弄湿和脏
13.South African herb with golden-yellow globose flower heads; naturalized in moist areas along coast of California; cultivated as an ornamental.金黄色球状花冠的南非草本;原产于加利弗尼亚沿海湿润地区;装饰用植物。
14.within a Customs surveillance zone and the specified coastal or Border area in the vicinity of a Customs establishment在海关监管区和海关附近沿海沿边规定地区,
15.land in a coastal area.沿海岸区域内的土地。
16.a coastal town, area, etc沿海的城镇、 地区等.
17.the populous areas near the coast沿海人口稠密的地区.
18.relation of coastal and inland industry沿海和内地的工业关系

coast wet land resources沿海湿地资源
3)riparian wetland surrounding Bohai环渤海沿岸湿地
4)the wetland along the Yellow-River沿黄湿地
5)riverside wetland沿江湿地
1.The environment of urban riverside wetland was complex and influenced by intensive anthropogenic activities.城市沿江湿地具有特殊的复杂环境和强烈的人类活动干扰,是城市发展中最脆弱最易受变化的地段,城市化所引起的土地覆被变化将使土壤环境和土壤理化性质发生明显变化,进而影响土壤CO_2排放(土壤呼吸),而温室气体排放是当前国际研究的热点。
6)coastal region沿海地区
1.Sustainable development strategy and systematic control on land subsidence in coastal region of China;中国沿海地区可持续发展战略与地面沉降系统防治
2.Analysis of radiationheat potential utilization of main crops and cropping patterns as well as countermeasures for their development in Putian coastal region;莆田沿海地区主要作物和种植方式光热潜势利用分析及开发对策
3.The results indicate that, in the coastal region, the horizontal turbulence was controlled by large scale eddies and the vertical turbulence was controlled by relatively small scale eddies.沿海地区大气扩散参数的初步分析范绍佳朱海明林雪兰马淑琴(中山大学大气科学系,广州510275)关键词沿海地区;大气扩散参数。

英福美 ,丁地去炎松,布地缩松,布地奈德药物名称:布地奈德英文名:Budesonide别名: 普米克;英福美 ,丁地去炎松,布地缩松,布地奈德外文名: pulmicort ,budesonide成分: 布地奈德 药理作用: 具有强糖皮质激素作用。局部应用于支气管,其抗炎作用较可的松约强1000倍。 适用于局部对抗非特异炎症和抗过敏,如支气管哮喘和气道高反应性状态。 适应症: 支气管哮喘 用量用法: 气雾剂成人 初始剂量400-1600ug/日,分二次吸入,维持剂量200-400ug。儿童100-200ug,分2-4次吸入,干粉吸入剂成人 轻症400-800ug/日,重症800-1600ug/日,分2-4次用。 不良反应: ①轻微的喉部刺激感及声嘶,偶见口咽部念珠菌感染。 ②喷吸本品后应漱洗口腔和咽部,不然容易导致白色念珠菌滋生。 ③孕妇一般忌用。 注意事项: 肺结核患者及气道真菌、病毒感染者慎用。 规格: 气雾剂 50ugx 200喷。200ugx 100喷。干粉吸入剂 100ug x 200吸。200ugx 100吸,200吸。 类别:平喘药\肾上腺皮质激素