广西北部湾,Guangxi Beibu Gulf
1)Guangxi Beibu Gulf广西北部湾
1.Industrial Clusters Cultivation and Development of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone;培育广西北部湾经济区产业集群的主要策略
2.Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Area,the lower the level of development of information industry.广西北部湾经济区的信息产业发展水平低下。

1.From the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone to See the Development Strategy of the Logistics Industry in Guangxi;从广西北部湾经济区看广西物流业的发展战略
2.Guangxi Beibu Gulf economic zone construction and Guangxi national relations development广西北部湾经济区建设与广西民族关系的发展
3.A EARTHQUAKE OF M = 5.0 IN BEIBU WAN OF GUANGXI ON Nov.10.19881988年11月10日广西北部湾5.0级地震
4.Study on the Development of Regional Logistics in Guangxi North Gulf Economic Zone;广西北部湾经济区区域物流发展研究
5.On Human Resource Development in Beibu Gulf Economic Area of Guangxi;论广西北部湾经济区人才资源的开发
6.Probe into the Strategy of Economy Development of Beibu gulf(GuangXi) Economy Zone;广西北部湾经济区区域发展战略探析
7.Exploration on Strategic System of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone in Guangxi;对广西北部湾经济区战略体系的探索
8.Research on Constructing Information Database of Archival in the Beibu Gulf of Guangxi构建广西北部湾档案信息数据库研究
9.Study on the Culture Construction of the Guangxi Beibu Bay City Gruop广西北部湾经济城市群文化建设研究
10.The Research on the Financial Support System of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone广西北部湾经济区金融支持体系研究
11.A SWOT Analysis on the Tourism Sustainable Development of Guangxi BeiBu Gulf广西北部湾旅游可持续发展SWOT分析
12.Exploration and analysis on the problem of talent development for Guangxi Beibu Bay Economic Zone广西北部湾经济区人才开发问题探析
13.Strategic Thinking of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone in Guangxi's Integration广西北部湾经济区一体化的战略思路
14.On the Environmental Policies of Developing Synthetically Beibu Gulf Economic Zone of Guangxi;论广西北部湾经济区海湾综合开发的环境政策
15.Conservation and Management of Rare and Endangered Marine Mammals in the Beibu Gulf in Guangxi广西北部湾珍稀海洋哺乳动物的保护及管理
16.A Probe into the Conditions and Opportunities of Building Beibu Gulf Economic Areas of Guangxi试析建设广西北部湾发达经济区的条件和机遇
17.Statistics and Numerical Simulation of the Typhoon Rainstorm Influencing Guangxi Beibu Gulf;影响广西北部湾台风暴雨的统计及数值研究
18.A Study of Circumlittoral Ports in Guangxi Northwestern Gulf Economic Area Develop Harmoniously;广西北部湾经济区沿海港口协调发展研究

Beibu Gulf(Guangxi)北部湾(广西)
1.Based on the impact factor of the competitiveness analysis in Beibu Gulf(Guangxi) regional tourism,we find a conclusion that the importance of regional tourism resources are integration capability,the international tourism,regional tourism traffic,the overall level of regional tourism development,regional supporting policy degrees.结合区域旅游竞争力的实际情况得出影响区域旅游竞争力的因素主要分为资源因素、市场因素、旅游设施因素、政策因素、支撑因素、基础设施、管理因素、其他因素等8个项目,在进行北部湾(广西)区域旅游的竞争力影响因素的实证分析基础上得出影响北部湾(广西)区域旅游竞争力的因素重要性排序为区域旅游资源整合能力、国际旅游、区域旅游交通、区域旅游发展整体水平、区域政策支撑度。
3)North Gulf(Guangxi)泛北部湾(广西)
4)Beibu Gulf in Guangxi广西环北部湾
1.Some Successful Development Modes on New rural or Fishing area of Minority Nationalities round Beibu Gulf in Guangxi;广西环北部湾少数民族新农渔村几种成功的发展模式
5)Beibuwan Wan Zone of Guangxi广西北部湾地区
6)the Guangxi coastal of the North Bay Gulf北部湾广西沿海

广西方言笑话—学广西普通话  最近,设计系老师要进行普通话考试,这下可把乡音难改的老师整惨了。某广西籍老师普通话不怎么地,但他很自信。某一次,一位苏北口音的老师用苏北普通话反复练习讲“把湿纸巾纸拾起来”这一句话,这位广西籍老兄不屑一顾:“这么简单的话都讲不清楚,还考啥试嘛,你真是整个狗屎不清(口齿不清),不就是把十几斤屎(湿纸巾纸)拾起来嘛!