1)GDP[英][,d?i: di: 'pi:][美]['d?i 'di 'pi]生产总值
1.Research on Local GDP Forecast Based on Grey Relation Analysis基于灰色关联分析的地区生产总值预测研究
2.The population natural growth rate is gradually descending,per capita GDP and annual net income are increasing rapidly,and the system of minimum subsistence allowance is being built up.青海省人口自然增长率在逐年下降,人均生产总值,人均纯收入都在快速增长,群众的最低生活保障体系正在建立;这几年出口贸易顺差大,地方财政收入增长快,这都为青海经济发展提供了有利条件。
3.The result shows that the main restrictive elements for development are the GDP in the district of Yunnan province,the numbers of international tourist agency and tourist enterprises obtaining employment faculty.运用灰色关联分析模型,对云南省自2001年以来的旅游服务贸易发展影响因素进行实证分析,结果表明:云南省地区生产总值、国际旅行社数量、旅游企业从业人员数量是制约其旅游服务贸易发展的主要因素。

1.production-based Gross Domestic Product本地生产总值生产估计
2.GNP deflator国民生产总值缩减指数
3.ratio of tax to the gross national product国民生产总值税收率
4.adjusted GNP (gross national product)调整的国民生产总值
5.gross national product deflator国民生产总值减缩指数
6.The GDP reached 4,294.2 billion yuan国内生产总值达42942亿元
7.Gross national product implicit price deflator (or GNP deflator)国民生产总值物价指数
8.Gross domestic product(GDP) (current year's prices)国内生产总值当年价
9.gross domestic product estimate估计本地生产总值;本地生产总值的估计数字
10.Gross Domestic Product at market prices (production-based estimates)以市价计算的本地生产总值(生产估计)
11.gross domestic product at factor cost按生产要素成本计算的本地生产总值
12.The added value of the industrial sector accounted for 30 percent of Beijing's GDP.工业增加值占国内生产总值的比重30%。
13.flow of product approach国民生产总值的产品流量分析法
14.Dynamic Analyzing on the Total Value in Tertiary Industry of China;我国第三产业国内生产总值动态分析
15.expenditure-based gross domestic product以开支面编制的本地生产总值;本地生产总值开支估计
16.per capita gross national product按人口平均计算的国民生产总值;人均国民生产总值
17.Functions and Improvement of GDP:On the Amendment of GDP国内生产总值的功能与完善——关于国内生产总值修正引起的思考
18.Total spending on education now represents 4.4 per cent of Gross Domestic Product.目前,教育开支总额占本地生产总值的4.4%。

GDP[英][,d?i: di: 'pi:][美]['d?i 'di 'pi]国内生产总值
1.Application of grey system theory to analysis of GDP composition;灰色关联理论在国内生产总值构成分析中的应用
2.Prediction of GDP in Henan Province Based on a Grey Linear Regression Combined Model;基于灰色线性回归组合模型的河南省国内生产总值预测
3.Forecasting Model of China s GDP;国内生产总值的预测模型
3)Gross domestic product国内生产总值
1.The primary reasons why China gross domestic product (GDP) has been growing in 1980-2003 were analyzed,including enhancing domestic demand,adjusting economic structure,deepening the reformation of economic system and WTO admittance.分析并指出了我国 1980 -2 0 0 0年国内生产总值 (GDP)增长率走高的主要原因是得益于扩大内需 ,调整经济结构 ,深化经济体制改革及加入WTO等 ;介绍了我国化纤发展概况 ,我国化纤产量与GDP同步增长 ,消费出口投资推动了我国化纤持续增长 ;提出充分利用好国际国内两个市场 ,两种资源 ,以提升我国化纤工业的整体竞争力。
2.In this paper we deal with the relationship of China s transportation freight volume, freight ton-kilometers and gross domestic product(GDP) using cointegration analysis. 研究我国交通货物运输量与国内生产总值之间的协整关系,建立了货运量、货物周转量、国内生产总值(GDP)的ARIMA模型,对三者之间的Granger因果关系进行了研究,并建立了向量自回归模型。
3.In the paper the earthquake loss in Central Asia is estimated by using seismic loss prediction method based on macroseismic indicator——GDP(Gross Domestic Product).采用了基于宏观经济指标—— GDP(国内生产总值 )的地震损失预测方法对中亚地区地震损失作出评估。
4)GDP[英][,d?i: di: 'pi:][美]['d?i 'di 'pi]国民生产总值
1.It is to study the dynamic developing pattern of China,Shaanxi Province and Shangluo City s GDP from 1952 to 2006 and focus on analyzing the reasons: the economic margin between Shangluo City and other cities in Shaanxi Province,the relatively small amount of regional economy and the unreasonable industrial structure and to put forward opinions.通过对全国、陕西省和商洛市1952-2006年国民生产总值动态发展规律的研究,分析了商洛与陕西其他地市的经济差距及区域经济总量小、产业结构不合理等原因。
2.This essay is a correlation analysis of China s higher education funding, GDP growing and population increase in re.本文通过对我国1991~2 0 0 2年教育经费与国民生产总值和普通高等学校在校生数的相关分析,运用SPSS软件建立了三者的线性预测模型,通过检验,有较好的实用性和可靠性,并对未来十年我国教育经费的投入量作了预测,发现满足我国高等教育大众化发展的教育经费筹措工作任重而道远。
3.The primary industry plays an important role in the development of county territory economy,this study aimed to categorize the county territory economy into developed,standard and designated poverty-stricken counties,and carry on the empirical analysis of the relations between the GDP and the primary industry output value using the econometrics theory.将贵州县域经济按经济强县、一般县和扶贫开发工作重点县进行分组,运用计量经济学理论,对国民生产总值与第一产业产值之间的关系进行了实证分析。
5)GNP[英][,d?i: en 'pi:][美]['d?i '?n 'pi]国民生产总值
2.GNP: A Material or A Value Target;国民生产总值是物量指标还是价值指标
3.Strengthening the environmental management and protecting the eco-environment is an essential condition for the net growth of GNP.从而使人们认识到 ,加强环境管理 ,保护好生态环境就是实现国民生产总值的净增长。
6)regional gross product地区生产总值
