1.Study on Comprehensive Management of Huangpuchuan River Basin in Variation Effect of River Channel Erosion and Deposition;皇甫川流域综合治理对河道冲淤变化影响的研究
2.Ways and Effects of Key Harness and Development in Huangpuchuan Watershed;皇甫川流域重点治理开发的成效与做法

1.Individual Transpiration Model of Stipa Bungeana in Huangfuchuan Watershed皇甫川流域单株本氏针茅的蒸腾模型
2.Quantitative Characteristics Primary Analysis on Slope Vegetation in Huanfuchuan Watershed;皇甫川流域坡面植被数量特征初步分析
3.Land Use Change and Eco-security Assessment of Huangfuchuan Watershed;皇甫川流域土地利用变化与生态安全评价
4.Analysis of Changing Characteristics and Tendency of Runoff and Sediment Transport in Huangfuchuan River Watershed皇甫川流域水沙变化特点及其趋势分析
5.Mathematical Model of Stem Sap Flow Flux for Hippophae rhamnoides L. subsp.sinensis Rousi in Huangfuchuan Basin皇甫川流域中国沙棘的树干液流量数学模型
6.Study on Strategies of Basin Comprehensive Harnessing and Responses of Runoff and Sediment to Soil and Water Conservation Measures in Huangfuchuan River Basin;皇甫川流域水土保持综合治理的水沙响应及治理方略研究
7.Studies on Soil Respiration under Differernt Land Use Types in Wufendi Gou Basin of Huangfuchuan Region;皇甫川五分地沟小流域不同土地利用方式下土壤呼吸特征的研究
8.Study on the Clonal Growth of Thymus Serpyllum Population in the Different Habitat of Huangfuchuan Watershed;皇甫川流域不同生境百里香种群的克隆生长研究
9.Effects of the Grain for Green Project on Rural Household’s Life--A case study in Huangfuchuan watershed;退耕还林(草)工程对农户生活的影响——以皇甫川流域为例
10.Spatial-Temporal Dynamic of Plants Nutrlent and Its Ecological Stoichiometry in Huangfuchuan Watershed皇甫川流域植物的营养动态与生态化学计量学研究
11.Study on Calorific Value Seasonal Dynamic of Major Plant Populations in Different Habitat of Huangfuchuan Watershed皇甫川流域不同生境主要植物种群热值季节动态研究
12.Study on the Changes of the Soil Animal Community Features under the Condition of Different Water-Soil Erosion Controlling Methods in Huangfu-chuan Watershed皇甫川流域不同治理措施下土壤动物群落特征的变化研究
14.Study on the Community Structure and Ecological Adaptation of Soil Scarab under the Condition of Different Water-Soil Erosion Controlling Methods in Huangfu-chuan Watershed皇甫川流域不同治理措施下土壤金龟子群落结构及生态适应性研究
15.A Comparative Study of Photosynthetic Characteristics of Caragana davazamcii Between Plants of Different Ages in Huangfuchuan Basin of Ordos Plateau皇甫川流域梁地生境中间锦鸡儿不同龄级植株光合生理特性的比较研究
16.Authenticity and value of Huangpu Mi s The Preface to San Du Fu;皇甫谧《三都赋序》之真伪及其价值趋向
17.Experiences on "Grass Family" in the course of New Countryside in Yibing City, Sichuan Province;四川宜宾市新农村建设的“禾甫”经验
18.Preliminary Ecology Study on Dalbergia Hupeana Community in Huangpushan Nature Reserve, Anhui Province, China;安徽皇甫山自然保护区黄檀群落生态学研究

Huangfuchuan basin皇甫川流域
1.Diurnal variation of Hippophae rhamnoides L. subsp. sinensis Rousi stem sap flow in Huangfuchuan Basin and related environmental factors;皇甫川流域中国沙棘树干液流日变化及其相关因子
2.A study on the water ecology of some dominant plants in Huangfuchuan Basin;皇甫川流域几种主要植物水分生态特征
3.Mathematical Model of Stem Sap Flow Flux for Hippophae rhamnoides L. subsp.sinensis Rousi in Huangfuchuan Basin皇甫川流域中国沙棘的树干液流量数学模型
3)Huangfuchuan Watershed皇甫川流域
1.Land Use Change and Eco-security Assessment of Huangfuchuan Watershed;皇甫川流域土地利用变化与生态安全评价
2.Effects of the Grain for Green Project on Rural Household’s Life——A case study in Huangfuchuan watershed;退耕还林(草)工程对农户生活的影响——以皇甫川流域为例
3.Land use change and soil erosion evaluation in Huangfuchuan Watershed;皇甫川流域土地利用变化与土壤侵蚀评价
4)Huangfuchuan Watershed内蒙古皇甫川流域
1.A study was done to reveal the distribution of soil microbial microorganisms in different eco- environmental types in Huangfuchuan watershed of Inner Mongolia.采用现场采样及室内培养方法,对内蒙古皇甫川流域不同环境条件下,结皮层和0~20cm土层中的微生物各类群数量分布特征进行了研究。
6)HUANG Fu-zhong皇甫中
1.HUANG Fu-zhong widely used the differentiation of symptoms and signs of Zang-fu in Finger and Palm of Famous Physician in Ming Dynasty.皇甫中就于《明医指掌》中大量运用脏腑辨证。
