1.This review covers the host range of some important phytophagous, carnivorous and omnivorous mirids species.盲蝽科是半翅目最大的科 ,该科昆虫既有植食性和肉食性类群 ,又有杂食性类群 ,有很大的经济价值。

1.The habit of feeding on many different kinds of food.杂食性以多种不同食物为食的习性
2.Bears are large carnivorous mammals.杂食性大型哺乳类动物,以肉食为主。
3.omnivorous mammal of Central and South America.中美和南美的杂食性哺乳动物。
4.stout-bodied short-legged omnivorous animals.身体矮胖、腿短的杂食性动物。
5.massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong claws.结实的食肉或杂食性跖行哺乳动物,皮毛长而粗糙,爪有力。
6.omnivorous nocturnal mammal native to North and Central America.原产于北美和中美夜间活动的杂食性哺乳动物。
7.omnivorous ant of tropical and subtropical America that can inflict a painful sting.美国热带和亚热带地区的杂食性蚂蚁,被其叮咬会引起疼痛。
8.Loss of Heterozygosity on p53 in Human Esophageal Cancer;食管癌中p53基因杂合性丢失的研究
9.Loss of Hetrozygosity in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Precursor Lesion;食管癌及癌前病变基因杂合性缺失的研究
10.Dynamic Complexities in Some Predatory and Parasitoidal Systems几类捕食和拟寄生系统的动力学复杂性
11.Chinese cuisine is really complex, geographic difference causes various characters, as well as food culture.中国的烹调很繁杂,南北地域差别造成人的性格和饮食文化不同。
12.Effect of Crossbred(genotype) Selection on the Meat Quality in Saba Pigs--Meat Quality and Fibre Characteristic杂交改良对撒坝猪肉品质的影响——肌肉食用品质及肌纤维特性分析
13.Loss of Heterozygosity on Chromosome 9 in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Its Precursor Lesion;食管鳞状细胞癌9号染色体等位基因杂合性丢失的研究
14.Synthesized of C Ring Diffierent Configuration and Heterocyclic Ring Substituted of Podophyllotoxin and Their Antifeedant Activities;C环不同构型及杂环取代鬼臼类化合物合成及拒食活性研究
15.Study on 10q23 LOH and Both Mutation and Expression of PTEN Gene of the Oesophageal Squamous Cell Carcinomas in Chinese Population;中国人食管癌10q23杂合性缺失和PTEN基因突变及表达研究
16.Loss of Multi-sites Allele Heterozygosity on Chromosome 9 in Esophageal Carcinoma;食管癌9号染色体多位点等位基因杂合性丢失的研究
17.Characterization of the changes in comparative genomic hybridization in esophageal cancer patients with family history河南林州食管癌家族史阳性患者比较基因组杂交特征
18.Research on Functional Properties and Its Application in Food Industry of Several Coarse Cereals几种主要杂粮的功能特性及其食品应用研究进展

1.auratus gibelio is omnivorefish most of which are consist of alage, protozoa, hydrophytes, aquatic insects, copepod larva and small fishes.结果表明 :额河银鲫是一种杂食性鱼 ,它的主要食物组成是藻类、水生植物、原生动物、水生昆虫、轮虫以及小鱼等。
4)omnivore natural enemy杂食性天敌
1.Omnivores have more complex gastrointestinal tracts, with a hindgut caecum in which some microbial fermentation takes place, and they have longer mean retention times (MRTs) of digesta.食肉动物的小肠很发达 ,这可能与对食物的高消化能力有关 ;杂食性动物有更复杂的胃肠器官 ,其后端有可进行发酵的盲肠 ,消化物的平均滞留时间 (meanretentiontimes ,MRTs)更长 ;最长的平均滞留时间见于食草动物 ,其消化道内高密度的微生物种群对不同滞留区内的消化物进行发酵。
6)omnivorous fishes杂食性鱼类
