1.It is a universal rule that temperature changes alternately in different period.通过对地质时期和历史时期中外气候变化的梳理,指出气候的冷暖交替变化是各时期的普遍规律。

1.Spring has been playing Box and Cox with winter for months past.前几个月,天气冷暖交替,有时像春天,有时像冬天。
2.Bright warm days follow clear cool nights.明媚温暖的白天和清澈而凉爽的夜晚交相更替。
3.They alternate hot and cold compresses.他们使用冷热交替压缩法。
4.Do exercises and have contrasting baths.您要活动,而且用冷热交替法洗浴。
5.Put your foot in hot and cold water alternately three or four times a day.每天在热水和冷水中交替泡脚三四次。
6.Come out of the cold street into the warm.街上寒冷, 进来暖和暖和.
7.Put your foot in hot and cold water alternately three or four times a day, the pain and swelling should go.每天在热水和冷水中交替三四次,痛肿就会消失。
8.Study of alternate cooling and heating treatment induced tumor microvasculature injury冷热交替治疗对肿瘤微循环的损伤及机理研究
9.Biological Effects Study of Alternated Cooling and Heating Treatment肿瘤冷热交替治疗的生物学效应初步研究
10.Analysis of Thermal Impact Factors on Batching Transportation of Cool and Hot Oil for Long-distance Pipelines长输管道冷热油交替输送热力影响因素分析
11.There is a minimum of vertical mixing because the warm water can not displace the dense, colder deep water.在海洋中,因为表层暖水不能代替深部较高密度的冷水体,所以海水的垂直混合作用很
12.simple alternation problem单次交替题 单次交替题
13.Immunologic Response Induced by Synergistic Effect of Alternate Cooling and Heating of Breast Cancer;冷热交替热物理治疗引起小鼠乳腺癌抗肿瘤免疫响应研究
14.Numerical Simulation on Soil Temperature Field Around Pipelines in the Process of Alternative Transportation of Cool-Hot Crude Oil冷热原油交替输送管道周围土壤温度场的数值模拟
15.It is very cold in winter, but it is warm inside with radiatiors.冬天很冷,不过室内有暖气还暖和。
16.Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning Unit暖气、通风和冷气股
17.Lacking warmth of feeling.冷淡的缺乏温暖的感情
18.The heating went off and we were frozen out!供暖停了,我们冷得要命!

alternated cooling and heating treatment冷热交替
1.It is proved that,the results in curing the 4T1 breast cancer mice model showed that the alternated cooling and heating treatment not only induced severely vascular injury,but also the anti-tumor immune response,which is better than any of the existing thermal therapy.目的:在细胞水平及较大动物水平上研究冷热交替治疗方法。
3)cold and hot oils alternation冷热油交替
4)contrast Bath冷热交替浴
5)alternate ice and hot therapy冷热交替疗法
1.Objectives: To research the efficacy of exercise therapy, alternate ice and hot therapy and low power laser therapy on chronic lumbar muscle strain.试验目的:探明运动疗法、冷热交替疗法和低强度激光照射疗法对腰肌劳损的疗效。
6)alternate beating and cooling交替加热及冷却
