1.The benefit of plant Anti-desertification is evaluated in this paper by using the information of weather,society, economy and the data of plant and soil in Xinhu Farm from 1998 to 2007;analyzing conditions of anti-desertification in this decade;selecting quantitative and qualitative targets as well as establishing the model of benefit evaluation.利用新湖农场1998-2007年气象、社会、经济资料及实测植被、土壤数据,分析了近10年来防沙治沙情况,并选取定量、定性指标,建立效益评估模型,对植物治沙产生效益进行评估。

1.Benefit Evaluation on The Plant Anti-desertification of Xinhu Farm in Manasi County玛纳斯县新湖农场植物治沙效益评估
2.sere vegetation at the edge of the desert.沙漠边缘上干枯的植物
3.the natural history of the Gobi desert戈壁沙漠的动植物学
4.There is practically no plant cover on the deserts.沙漠实际上没有植物层。
5.A Revised Classification of the Genus Pugionium沙芥属(Pugionium Gaertn.)植物的分类
6.Oral rifampin plus levofloxacin for treatment of chronic orthopedic implant-related infections利福平联合左氧氟沙星在治疗骨科内植物迟发性感染中的应用
7.a dune grass of the Pacific seacoast used as a sand binder.用作固沙植物的太平洋海岸的沙丘草。
8.To cultivate(land or plants).栽种培植(植物),整治(土地)
9.Physiological and Ecological Properties of Agriophyllum Squarrosum, a Pioneer Plant for Sand Control;固沙先锋植物沙米的生物与生理生态学特征
10.The Effect of Phytohormone on Ammopiptanthus Mongolicus, a Drought Resistant Plant抗旱植物沙冬青对植物激素反应特性的研究
11.We should reinforce our efforts in tree planting, and forestation making to prevent and cure sandstorms.我们要加大植树造林的力度, 防治沙害。
12.A plant adapted to living in a dry, arid habitat; a desert plant.旱生植物适应在干燥含碱的土壤里生长的植物;沙漠植物
13.Study on the Effects of Plant Sand Barriers on Improving Environmental Factors in Horqin Sandy Land;科尔沁沙地植物沙障对环境因子改善作用研究
14.Study on Diversity of Fungus Community of Sand-Fixation Plants in Wulan Buh Desert;乌兰布和沙漠固沙植物真菌群落多样性研究
15.Study on Design of Psammophyte Garden in Engebei Area of the Hobq Desert库布齐沙漠地区恩格贝沙生植物园规划研究
16.Study on Plant Reproductive Characteristics and Vegetation Stability in Shapotou Revegetation Area;沙坡头人工固沙区植物繁殖特性与植被稳定性的研究
17.Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration of Ammopiptanthus Nanus (M. Pop.) Cheng f.;濒危植物新疆沙冬青组织培养与植株再生
18.Ecological Adaptation of Vegetation and Characteristics of Plant Resources in Otindag Sand Land;浑善达克沙地植被的生态适应及植物资源特征

desert plant沙漠植物
1.Sodium ion contents of desert plants irrigation with waster water of paper making in different years and in different vegetal parts were measured.通过对造纸废水灌溉不同年限以及不同生长部位的沙漠植物体内Na+含量进行研究。
2.Temperate desert plants always grow in the high temperature, arid and water deficit environment throughout a year.通过分析河西走廊中部沙漠中几种木本植物叶片或同化枝的稳定碳同位素比率(δ13C)和碳同位素辨别力(Δ),以其作为水分利用效率(WUE)的指示,研究了本区沙漠植物叶片或同化枝δ13C值的季节变化特点,以及不同生境和不同水分状况下δ13C值的差异,并比较研究了绿洲防护林树种及绿洲作物。
3)plant sand block植物沙障
1.It is show that precipitation can sustain plant suvival, and plant sand block can be used for harness moving sand.通过连续5年的实地调查与观测,研究了10种流动沙地植物沙障治理模式的适用范围、植被恢复效果、沙丘移动距离及投入与产值情况。
4)sand-fixation plant固沙植物
1.Fuzzy overall judgment is applied to evaluate the experimental effects of sand-fixation plant on the water usage efficiency under eight different assemble patterns in Shapotou area. 本文将模糊综合评判方法应用于沙坡头人工生态防护林体系中固沙植物水分利用效率的研究。
1.Impact of palygorskite-bearing clay gel on the growth of psammophyte;坡缕石粘土胶体对沙生植物生长的影响
2.The special geographical condition and ecological environment breed a variety of psammophyte.其独特的地理条件和生态环境,孕育了多种多样的沙生植物,本文对该地区常见的沙漠植物梭梭、沙拐枣、合头草、胡杨、柽柳及其防风固沙作用作了简要介绍。
3.The tree spatial structure and the wind break function are studied on psammophyte,such as Holoxylom ammodendron Bunge,Hedysarum scoparium Fiseh.通过对民勤主要治沙造林树种梭梭、柠条、花棒和沙拐枣4种沙生植物空间结构及其防风作用的研究,结果表明:4种沙生植物枝条总数,直径为0~2,2~4,4~6,6~8,8~10 mm的枝条数和迎风面宽度随植株高度逐渐增大,达到最大值后随株高逐渐降低,直径>10 mm的枝条随植株高度呈下降趋势;4种沙生植物都具有明显的降低风速作用,且随植株后距离的增大降低风速作用逐渐减弱;植株降低风速作用与枝条阻挡面宽度以及迎风面宽度有密切联系,且随着阻挡宽度和迎风面宽度的增大而增大,迎风面宽度与枝条阻挡面宽度呈正相关。
6)sandy plant沙生植物
1.Nutrient compostition of five species of sandy plants growing in westInner Mongol ia(Hedysrum scoparium,Hedysrum leave,Caragana korshinskii,Calligonum mongolicum,Haloxylon ammodendron)Were analyzed.对内蒙古西部5种沙生植物的营养成分分析结果表明:随着生长期的推移,花棒、羊柴、柠条、沙拐枣和梭梭等5种植物的粗蛋白质含量呈线性下降的趋势;粗脂肪含量呈上升趋势;胡萝卜素含量呈先上升后下降的趋势。

沙漠嘎【通用名称】沙漠嘎【其他名称】沙漠嘎 (《中国沙漠地区药用植物》) 【异名】沙蒿。 【来源】为菊科植物差把嘎蒿的嫩枝叶。 【植物形态】差把嘎蒿 半灌木,高50~80厘米。茎自基部多分枝,常匍匐于沙面,遇湿沙生不定根。叶羽状细裂成松毛状,裂片狭线形。头状花序,半球形,下垂,径4~5毫米;花梗长1~2毫米。种子黑色,细长。花期7~8月。果期9~10月。 生于河岸沙地、盐土。分布辽宁、吉林、内蒙古等地。 【采集】春、夏割取嫩枝,晒干。 【性味】辛,温。 【功用主治】祛痰,平喘,解表。治慢性气管炎,感冒,风湿性关节炎。 【用法与用量】内服:研末,0.5~1钱;或制丸、熬膏。 【选方】①治慢性气管炎,哮喘:沙漠嘎,制成蜜丸(每丸含沙漠嘎干粉一钱),每天二次,每次一丸。 ②治风湿性关节炎:沙漠嘎,煎汤熬膏,配其他药制成蜜丸,内服。