城市景观水体,urban landscape water
1)urban landscape water城市景观水体
1.Characteristics of phosphorus adsorption in urban landscape water by three types of fly ash were studied.对城市景观水体的磷吸附实验表明,粉煤灰对总磷(TP)为0。
2.This paper introduced the definition of urban landscape water.城市景观水体是城市中重要的自然组分,具有多种服务功能,对维持城市生态系统的持续、稳定和健康发展起着积极作用。
3.With the rapid development of urbanization and the growth of urban population,the demand for leisure and entertainment based on urban water environment is increasing and the entrophication of urban landscape water is becoming an urgent issue.随着城市化进程的加快和城市人口的增长,人们对城市水环境的休闲和娱乐功能要求日益提高,这对城市景观水体的富营养状况提出了严重挑战,开展城市景观水体水质模拟和改善技术研究成为迫切要求。

1.A Study of Pollution And Renovation for Urban Landscape Waters城市景观水体污染现状及其修复对策
2.Research on Water Quality Simulation and Improvement Technologies for Unban Landscape Water;城市景观水体水质模拟和改善技术研究
3.Design of constructed wetland for water quality purification of urban landscape water城市景观水体水质净化的人工湿地设计
4.Study on Development and Sustainable Utilization of Urban Landscape Water in Liaocheng City;城市景观水体的开发与利用研究——以中国江北水城(聊城)为例
5.The Study of Evaluation Method-Comprehensive Indexes about City Landscape Water;城市景观水体的综合指标评价方法的研究
6.Study on Technology and Mechanism of Improvement of Aquatic Habitat in Urban Landscape Water城市景观水体生境改善技术与机理研究
7.Dispatch of Rain and Salt Drainage of Landscape Water of A Northern Coastal City in Flood Season北方某滨海城市景观水体汛期防洪排咸调度
8.Application of Plant Floating Bed in Purifying the Waters for Urban Landscape植物浮床在净化城市景观水体中的应用
9.Water Purification and Ecological Remediation for Cityscape Water in Northwest Region;西北地区城市景观水体的水质净化和生态修复研究
10.The Integrated Research of the Public Space in City s Urban Waterfront;城市滨水区公共空间景观整体性研究
11.The Eco-environment Protection of Landscape Water Bodies in Pingdingshan New Urban District;平顶山市新城区景观水体的生态保护
12.Aquatic Plants of Artificial Floating Bed Selected in the Pollution Water of Urban Landscape城市景观污染水体人工浮床植物筛选
13.Morphological Integrity of Urban Water Landscape System Design城市水体景观系统的形态完整性设计
14.Eutrophication evaluation of landscape waters in ten urban parks in Shanghai上海市10个城市公园景观水体富营养化评价
15.A Study on Water-bloom and Self-purification in Small-scaled Urban Scenery Water;城市小型景观水体水华成因及自净能力研究
16.Research on Water Quality Change and Control of Representative City Landscape River城市典型景观水体水质变化及调控研究
17.City Community Study on Sunstainable Waterscape;城市居住区“节水型”水景景观设计初探
18.Type Comparative Analysis and Design on Urban Water Landscape;现代城市水体景观的类型比较分析与设计

3)urban water landscape system城市水体景观系统
4)urban waterfront landscape城市滨水景观
1.This thesis argues that ornamental plaques,galleries and urban colors be applied to the design of urban waterfront landscape,and that the building be overall planned to better the landscape of Jiangnan and achieve sustainable development based on the analysis of imagery,artistic waterfront landscape,urban color image and humanities ima.通过对滨水景观意象分析、城市色彩意象分析与人文意象分析,初步探求出在江南城市滨水景观中应该将斑块、廊道与城市色彩在设计中灵活运用并加以整体规划,达到可持续发展。
5)landscape urbanization level景观城市化水平
6)the urban waterfront landscape城市滨水区景观

城市景观设计城市景观设计 城市景观设计运用建筑的型体、质感、色彩和自然水体、山石、植物等要素的相互组合、分隔和交替变化,创造出城市的空间环境特征和良好的空间环境效果。是城市设计的重要内容之一。城市景观具有两层含义:其一是指城市的各个景点或由几个景点有机结合所展现出来的城市空间环境艺术效果,相当于通常使月的风景一词的含义;其二是指人在城市中活动所感受和欣赏到的城市空间造型艺术与某种空间氛围,含有观景的意味。这两层含义是相辅相承的,但前者偏重于静态效果,后者则更注重动态效果井强调人的主观感受。早期的城市景观设计不太重视景观的动态舌动效果.现在则越来越注重从人的观赏移动顺序考虑的组合和由此而带来的多种变化的空间效果。这是一个进步。城市景观设计的主要素材有建筑物(包括尺度、型体、色彩、质感)、道路、水体、山石、植物,以及人工小品(如篱笆、桥亭、椅凳、雕塑、路标等)。城市景观设计的手法很多,如细部处理、视觉引导与会聚、对景、障景、夹景、景观的韵律与节奏等等。设计师需要根据城市不同地段的具体情况灵活地选用各种手法,以达到最佳的景观效果。成功的城市景观设计方案应该使城市的景观效果达到含义丰富、格局清晰、特征突出三个标准。同心带模型图示l中心商务区2过渡带3工人家庭带4高级居住带5通勤者居住带扇形模型图示1中心商务区2批发业与轻工业区3低级住宅区4中级居住区5高级住宅区多核模型图示 ┌─┐┌─┤2 ││3 │ │└─┴─┘1中七商务区2批发商业与轻工业区3低级住宅区4中级住宅区5高级住宅区6重工业区7外国商业区8近郊住宅区9近郊工业区 图4一2