外部不经济,External diseconomy
1)External diseconomy外部不经济
1.Based on the analysis of lakes pollution in Wuhan,this paper further explores the main source of lake pollution,analyses pollution of the lake from both the government and the market in economics perspective,and points out that the radical reason of lakes pollution is the external diseconomy of pollution emissions.分析了武汉市湖泊污染的现状,进一步探索了湖泊污染的主要来源,从政府和市场两方面对湖泊污染进行了经济行为分析,指出湖泊污染的根本原因在于污染排放的外部不经济
2.The flow of surplus labor of China s rural areas brings the society a series of external diseconomy in the promotion of industrialization and urbanization.农村富余劳动力流动在推动工业化、城市化进程的同时,给社会带来一系列的外部不经济
3.The rigorous meaning of ecotourism shouldn t include the problem of external diseconomy, which is the premise of sustainable development.严格意义的生态旅游应该是不存在外部不经济问题的,这是实现生态旅游可持续发展的前提。

1.Exterior Extravagance of Chinese Economic Growth and the Solutions;中国经济增长的外部不经济及其解决途径
2.On the external diseconomies of the heritage tourism and its governance strategies;遗产旅游的外部不经济及其治理策略
3.Research on the External Diseconomy of Tourism and Its Internalization;旅游业的外部不经济性及其内化研究
4.Negative External Economy of Natural Resource-Exploiting Enterprises in Our Western Regional;我国西部资源开发企业外部不经济问题探讨
5.A Probe into the External Diseconomy Nature of Tourism Exploitation and Operation Development and Its Internalization;旅游开发、经营的外部不经济及其内化探析
6.Analysis on the External Diseconomy of the Flow of Surplus Labor of China s Rural Areas;浅析中国农村富余劳动力流动的外部不经济
7.The Groverning Strategies for the External Diseconomy of the Urban Community Commerce;城市社区商业外部不经济的表现与治理策略
8.Countermeasures to Improve Our Country SME External Extravagance Problems;改善我国中小企业外部不经济问题的对策
9.Study on Region and Solution of Negative External Effect Environment;环境外部不经济性的产生根源和解决途径
10.External Diseconomy Analysis of Exploitation of Mineral Resources;矿产资源开发的外部不经济性问题分析
11.The External Diseconomy And Legal Policy Of Environmental Pollution;论环境污染的外部不经济性及法律对策
12.Study on Exterior Diseconomy of Ecotourism and its Countermeasures;生态旅游的外部不经济性及其对策研究
13.Emissions Permits Tnading--A New Thought to Solve External Diseconomy Problems;排污权交易——解决外部不经济问题的一个新思路
14.On the Negative Externality andIts counter Measures of the Holiday Tourism Market in Our Country;我国假日旅游市场外部不经济的表现及对策
15.Tourism externality would lead to the low efficient collocation of social resources.旅游业的外部不经济性将导致社会资源的低效配置。
16.The Thought of External Non-Economical Problem in Agriculture Productive Activity in Southern AnHui Mountain Areas;对皖南山区农业生产活动外部不经济性问题的思考
17.Discussion on Sustainable Development of Ecotourism;论生态旅游的可持续发展——兼谈生态旅游开发中的外部不经济
18.supportive external economic environment有利的外部经济环境

external diseconomies外部不经济
1.On the external diseconomies of the heritage tourism and its governance strategies;遗产旅游的外部不经济及其治理策略
2.The essay conducts an analysis of the external diseconomies of webonomics, demonstrating the limitation of traditional externalities theory in solving the problem of the external diseconomies of webonomics, pointing out that government intervention is not an effective means in solving the problem whereas a market-oriented deployment of resources still plays a part.从经济学角度分析了网络经济的外部性问题 ,揭示了传统外部性理论在解决网络外部不经济问题上的局限 ,指出了政府干预并非是解决网络外部不经济的有效手段 ,市场配置资源仍能在一定程度上起作用。
3)external diseconomics外部不经济
1.The transaction of pollution discharge licenses is an economic stimulating method based on market: The seller's economical return from selling the rest valid term of pollution discharge license is a kind of market compensation because it is helpful to reduce the environmental external diseconomics.排污权交易是一种以市场为基础的经济刺激手段,排污权的卖方出售剩余排污权获得的经济回报,实质上是市场对其有利于环境的外部经济性的补偿;因削减污染的代价过高而不愿意削减的企业购买其必须排污的排污权,其支出的费用实质上是为其外部不经济性而付出的代价。
2.Based on the externality theory,this paper presents,from the angle of social cost and welfare,an analysis of the external diseconomics caused by inherent defects in buildings,and the function of inherent defects insurance system to reduce this kind of negative effect,and demonstrates the necessity and value of inherent defects insurance system.运用外部性理论,从社会成本与社会福利变化的角度分析了建筑工程质量缺陷造成外部不经济的机理以及建筑工程质量保险制度对减少这一负面效应的作用,论证了质量保险制度的实施是必要和有价值的。
3.The property of the Quasi-common Pool Resource also leads to the external diseconomics in its development.旅游资源具有的经济、社会和环境等多重价值属性导致旅游开发的公共福利与旅游资源和旅游环境保护之间存在必然矛盾,旅游资源具有的准公共资源属性特征导致其开发具有外部不经济性(externaldiseconomics)特征,在没有有效管理工具干预的前提下,必将陷入"公地悲剧"(commons)的泥淖之中。
4)Negative Externality外部不经济
1.A Study of the Negative Externality of Tourism Operation;旅游经营活动中的外部不经济探析
5)exterior extravagance外部不经济
1.SME are an important force for growth of the national economy,But in the course of development and not by exterior extravagance problems of distress.中小企业是国民经济增长的重要力量,在国民经济中有着重要的地位与作用,但在发展中又深受外部不经济问题的困扰,针对中小企业外部不经济的主要表现,应该采取政府宏观调控、中小企业联合及大小企业合作等措施,以改善和解决这些问题,促使中小企业转入科学发展的轨道,走和谐发展之路,使企业既提高经济效益又增加社会效益。
6)outer economy外部经济和外部不经济
