GDP,Gross Domestic Product
1)Gross Domestic ProductGDP
1.Analyzing the proportion and transfer among Total Health Expenditure, Gross Domestic Product and Out-of-pocket;中国卫生总费用、GDP与个人付费——三个比例关系及传导机制分析

1.The Scientific Development from "Green GDP" to "Effective GDP";从“绿色GDP”到“有效GDP”的科学发展
2.The Methodological Research on the Matching of Quarterly GDP and Annual GDP;季度GDP与年度GDP衔接方法研究
3.Some Differences between China s GDP Accounting and GDP Accouting of SNA in 1993;我国GDP核算与现行SNA的GDP核算之间的若干差异
4.Accounting of green GDP and environmental protection;绿色GDP和环保活动核算——兼论GDP修正中的方法论问题
5.Per capita GDP is 45 times higher in Iceland than in Sierra Leone.冰岛的人均GDP为塞拉利昂的45倍。
6.Gross domestic product,real实际国内生产总值(实际GDP
7.The estimates suggest that financial development boosts GDP growth, and it does not exist in reverse.但GDP的增长并不促进金融发展的结论
8.GDP-Based Research on Allocation of Urban Disaster Reduction Resources;基于GDP的城市抗震减灾资源配置研究
9.Green GDP Accounting Based on Value of Ecological Services;基于生态服务价值的绿色GDP核算
10.Estimate of Green GDP Based on Water Environment in Hangzhou;基于水环境的杭州市绿色GDP核算
11.Optimal Allocation of Water Resources and "Green GDP" Accounting of Hengshui;衡水市水资源优化配置与“绿色GDP”核算
12.In the first three quarters of 2001, China's GDP grew by 7.6 percent.2001年前三季度gdp增长7.6%。
13.ranks sixth among the provinces in GDPgdp在各省中排名第六
14.Efforts will be made to ensure the synchronic tax revenue /GDP growth, or a slightly faster increase rate of tax revenue than the growth of GDP.继续保持税收收入与gdp同步增长或略快于gdp增长。
15.Individual and Private Sector Contributes 18.3% Of China's GDP个体私营经济创造全国gdp总量的18.3%
16.Savings deposits now take up more than 35 percent of China's GDP.储蓄占中国gdp比率已超过35%;
17.In 2001 China's GDP totaled 9,593.3 billion yuan, up 7.3 percent on the previous year.2001年中国gdp为95933亿元,比上年增长7.3%。
18.China's 2002 GDP Growth Predicted by Major World Agencies世界各大机构对中国今年gdp增长预测

GDP[英][,d?i: di: 'pi:][美]['d?i 'di 'pi]GDP值
1.Decoupling Research between Change of Cultivated Land Quantity and Change of GDP in Representative Areas;典型区耕地变化与GDP值变化的脱钩研究
1.M_2/GDP is commonly used to analyze the level of an country s monetarization level.M2/GDP通常用来衡量一个国家的经济货币化水平。
2.This paper discusses the dynamic growth path of M_2/GDP,appropriate money supply in China.本文试图求解我国M2/GDP的动态增长路径,并对与此相关的金融政策选择进行分析。
5)green GDP绿色GDP
1.Green GDP Accounting Based on Sustainable Development;基于可持续发展理论的绿色GDP核算——以江苏省为例
2.By Green GDP Implementation in Question and its Solution;论绿色GDP实施中的问题及其解决办法
3.The Effect Valuation of Water Environmental Improvement Based on Green GDP;绿色GDP核算框架下的水环境治理效益评价
6)GDP per capita人均GDP
1.Analysis of the differences of GDP per capita between provinces by the Theil index;用泰尔指数分析省区人均GDP差异
2.Alternative Methodology: Weighted GDP per capita;一种可选择的新方法:加权人均GDP
3.Through on the analysis of 1998-2006 GDP per capita and water use per capita,Environmental Kuznets Curve has been established for determining the relationship of GDP per capita and water use per capita.选取上海市1998-2006年的用水量、经济数据,通过人均GDP与人均用水量之间的关系,探索上海市用水量与经济发展是否存在环境库兹涅茨曲线关系,剖析上海市经济增长与用水量的演变规律,结果表明:上海市经济增长与用水量之间不符合一般的环境库兹涅茨曲线特征,重新建立了曲线模型,通过模型计量分析,人均总用水量,人均农业用水量,人均生活用水量与人均GDP曲线均为"U+倒U"形,而人均工业用水量人均GDP曲线为"倒U+U"形,为合理开发上海市水资源提供较为科学严谨的依据。

GDPGDP(gross domestic product):国内生产总值。它是对一国(地区)经济在核算期内所有常住单位生产的最终产品总量的度量,常常被看成显示一个国家(地区)经济状况的一个重要指标。生产过程中的新增加值,包括劳动者新创造的价值和固定资产的磨损价值,但不包含生产过程中作为中间投入的价值;在实物构成上,是当期生产的最终产品,包含用于消费、积累及净出口的产品,但不包含各种被其他部门消耗的中间产品。GDP的测算有三种方法:生产法:GDP=%26sum;各产业部门的总产出-%26sum;各产业部门的中间消耗;收入法:GDP=%26sum;各产业部门劳动者报酬+%26sum;各产业部门固定资产折旧+%26sum;各产业部门生产税净额+%26sum;各产业部门营业利润;支出法:GDP=总消费+总投资+净出口。