西部民族地区,western minority areas
1)western minority areas西部民族地区
1.Optimizing the national political psychology to maintain social stability of the western minority areas;优化政治心理 保持西部民族地区社会政治稳定
2.By analyzing some major projects of endogenous development and their evaluation in the western minority areas, this paper discusses the concept and practice of "developing through culture", and argues that the implementation of new concepts should be guaranteed by corresponding methods.以相关中国西部民族地区内源发展项目社会评估的一些重要案例,讨论了“以文化引导发展”的理念和实践问题,认为新的发展观念的贯彻实施必须有相应的操作方法上的保障。
3.In order to make leap-style progress,the western minority areas must face up to the problems in the development of human resources,try to find out effective countermeasures on the basis of the analysis of concrete problems,carry out the strategy that human resources should be exploited at first,extablish effective system of personnel placement to gather capable people.西部民族地区要实现经济的跨越式发展 ,必须直面人力资源开发中存在的问题 ,在剖析具体问题的基础上探讨有效的应对措施 ,实现人力资源优先开发战略 ,建立良好的用人机制 ,实现人才聚集。

1.The Exhibitions of the Complexity of National Problems in Western National Areas;西部民族地区民族问题复杂性的表现
2.A Study of Countermeasures on Zoological Migration Development of China s West Minorities;西部民族地区生态移民发展对策研究
3.Western minority district human resources development and national education;西部民族地区人力资源开发与民族教育
4.On the Ethnic and Cultural Problems in the Western Minority Nationality Region During the Process of Urbanizing;论西部民族地区城市化进程中的民族宗教问题
5.Research on Rural Women Human Resource in Ethnic Area in West China;西部民族地区农村女性人力资源研究
6.Economics Discussion on the Drug Crime in the West Ethnic Minority Region;西部民族地区毒品犯罪的经济学分析
7.International Management Strategy of the Enterprises in the Western Minority Regions;西部民族地区企业的国际化经营战略
8.The Ecological Crisis of Areas for Nationalities in West China and the Strategies of Reconstruction;西部民族地区的生态危机与重建战略
9.Institutional Innovation of the Rural Cooperative Medical System in Western Minority Areas;西部民族地区农村合作医疗制度创新
10.The Traits of the Local Minority Documentary Resources of Natural Sciences in West China;西部民族地区自然科学文献资源特征
11.On the Development Road of Cultural Enterprises of the Western Ethnic Regions;论西部民族地区文化企业的发展之路
12.Thinking about Developing Characteristic Tourist Business in the Western Nationality Region;西部民族地区特色旅游业发展的思考
13.Exploration on Developing Tourism Economy of the Ethnic Areas in Western Region;对发展西部民族地区旅游经济的探索
14.Human Resource Development Research in Western National Area;西部民族地区人力资源开发问题研究
15.On Utilization of Foreign Investment in Western Minority Area;对西部民族地区利用外资问题的探讨
16.The Preconditions and Approaches for the Flying Development of Economy in the Minority Areas in West China;西部民族地区经济起飞的前提和路径
17.The Approaches to Economic and Social Development in the Ethnic Area of Western China;西部民族地区经济社会发展路径探析
18.The Stickers And Policies For Building The Digital In The Western National Regions;浅谈西部民族地区数字图书馆的建设

western minority area西部民族地区
1.New rural construction and human resource development in the western minority area;西部民族地区新农村建设与人力资源开发
2.There are rich course resources in countryside of western minority areas.西部民族地区农村课程资源较为丰富,然而,由于地区的差异和课程自身开发主客观因素的影响,西部民族地区农村课程资源开发还停留在浅层面。
3)western ethnic regions西部民族地区
1.There are abundant rural course resources in western ethnic regions.西部民族地区农村课程资源较为丰富,然而,由于地区的差异和课程自身开发主客观因素的影响,西部民族地区农村课程资源开发还停留在浅层面,农村学校课程尚未成为民族文化传承的主渠道。
2.Under the given circumstances of Anti-Japanese War,considerable importance was attached to the development of culture and education in western ethnic regions.在抗战时期的特定局势下,西部民族地区的文教开发受到了相当程度的重视,国立及地方办理的民族学校增多,使西部学校教育较过去取得了迅速的发展,但仍存在着很大的不足与缺陷,其经验教训值得反思与借鉴。
3.As preponderant industry, the tourism industry is very important in the construction of well-to-do society in western ethnic regions.旅游业是西部民族地区的优势产业。
4)Western minority region西部民族地区
1.A Research of the Construction of the RBLPO in Western Minority Regions in the New Era;新时期西部民族地区农村基层党组织建设研究
5)the west minority region西部民族地区
1.In despite of both economic and institutional infrastructure are quite poor in the west minority region of China, the most obstacle is still coming from the social infrastructure that directly determines the citizens quality and the ability of centralized economic resources.社会基础设施是广义基础设施的重要组成部分 ,尽管西部民族地区的经济基础设施和制度基础设施都比较差 ,但是 ,从以人为本的新发展观来看 ,最大的发展约束还在于社会基础设施 ,因为它直接决定本地区国民的素质和集中经济资源的能力。
2.The poverty in the west minority region severely restricts the development in the region.西部民族地区的贫困严重制约着西部地区的快速发展 ,减少贫困已经成为启动西部开发的首要动力 ,从根本上消除贫困则将成为检验和衡量西部开发成功与否的重要标准。
6)western ethnic areas西部民族地区
1.A harmonious society on western ethnic areas is generated by rationalization of social development,so it is a realistic effort to pursue the rationalization of social development of western ethnic areas in building a harmonious society.西部民族地区和谐社会是合理性发展的生成,因此追求合理性发展是西部民族地区构建和谐社会的现实努力。

国家西部地区“两基”攻坚计划国家西部地区“两基”攻坚计划《国家西部地区“两基”攻坚计划(2004-2007年)》(以下简称《计划》)是指为贯彻《国务院关于进一步加强农村教育工作的决定》,进一步推进西部大开发,实现西部地区基本普及九年义务教育、基本扫除青壮年文盲攻坚目标而制定的工作计划。计划是我国普及义务教育进程中的一件大事,是党中央、国务院扶持西部地区基本普及九年义务教育、基本扫除青壮年文盲,提高国民素质,缩小东西部差距,促进当地经济发展和社会进步的一项重大举措。其主要目标是:西部地区整体上实现基本普及九年义务教育和基本扫除青壮年文盲目标,“两基”人口覆盖率达到85%以上,初中毛入学率达到90%以上,扫除600万文盲,青壮年文盲率下降至5%以下。为实施《计划》,中央投入100亿元专项资金,采取集中投入、分步实施的原则,从2004年开始,到2007年,用四年时间帮助西部地区尚未实现“两基”的372个县(市、区)以及新疆生产建设兵团的38个团场达到国家“两基”验收标准。该《计划》 在国务院领导下,由教育部、发展改革委、财政部和地方人民政府共同组织实施。