偏好逆转,preference reversal
1)preference reversal偏好逆转
1.This research explored the phenomena of preference reversal for two kinds of problems by two experiments.通过两个实验,探讨了不同性质问题下的偏好逆转现象。
2.This paper was designed to testify one kind of them and to further explore the influence factor of preference reversal.通过对信息同时呈现和分别呈现两种情况下所产生的偏好逆转现象的检验,探讨不确定情况下优秀运动员决策偏好逆转的影响因素。
3.Kahneman advanced three heuristics that affect human judgment on the basis of Simon s bounded rationality, and elicit the preference reversal theory by which to interpret phenomena of economics.论述了作为心理学家的经济学家卡尼曼的经济学的理论基础 ,认为其方法是以实验的方法为主 ,在继承西蒙的有限理性的基础上 ,提出三个基本的试探法及其各自的偏差 ,并进一步提出偏好逆转的理论 ,用其解释各种经济现象。

1.Analysis on Influence Factors of Elite Athlete s Preference Reversal;优秀运动员偏好逆转现象的影响因素分析
2.Preference Reversal in the Value Estimates for Environmental Goods环境支付意愿测量中偏好逆转现象的研究
3.A counterclockwise rotation, especially of the plane of polarized light.左旋转逆时针方向旋转,尤指光的偏振面
4.An Interpretation of Rapid Frequency Drift and Polarization Sense Reversals by Radio Wave Propagation in the Solar Corona太阳射电快速频漂和偏振逆转波的传播解释
5.Turning or rotating the plane of polarization of light to the left, or counterclockwise.左旋的光的偏振面向左方向或逆时针方向转动或旋转的
6.US consumer preferences shifting from durables to services美国消费者偏好从耐用品转向服务
7.The Influences of Personality Types and Probability Characteristic on Preference Reversals;人格类型、概率特点对偏好反转的影响
8.The Effects of Risk Attitude and Probability Structure on Preference Reversals;风险态度、概率结构对偏好反转的影响
9.Analyzing the Preference of National Enterprises Financing Activity from the Point of View of Debt into Stock;从债转股看国有企业融资行为的偏好
10.An Experimental Study on Risky Features of Alternatives and Preference Reversal;风险任务特征与偏好反转的实验研究
11.Turn the wheel to the right to correct the steering.把方向盘往右边转转, 好修正驾驶上的偏差.
12.capable of reversing or being reversed.能够逆转或被逆转的。
13.The winds were contrary; we had to beat about for hours正碰上逆风,我们的船只好在数小时内辗转前进。
14.Everything had been well, but it unexpectedly took a turn for the worse halfway.一开始本来很好, 谁想到中途发生了逆转。
15.Individual Polarization Shift from Group Discussion群体讨论对个体偏好极端性转移的影响
16.The Effects of Task Features and Decision Rules on Preference Reversal in Group Decision Making;任务特征和决策规则对群体偏好反转的影响
17.Preference Reversals Induced by Self and Other Different Decision Roles;自我与他人不同决策角色对偏好反转的诱发

preference reversal偏好的逆转
3)Further Exploration of Preference Reversal再探偏好逆转现象
4)preference reversal偏好反转
1.In order to probe the existent conditions of preference reversal and the relation between risky features of alternatives and preference reversal,an experimental research of preference reversal was carried out by using the least probability bet (L bet) and adding imitate subject.为考察偏好反转的存在条件以及风险任务特征与偏好反转的关系,通过引进极小概率博弈(L博弈)、增加情景被试的方法进行偏好反转的实验研究。
2.judgment) often fails to be consistent, the phenomenon of which is called“the preference reversal”.然而,认知行为决策理论得出的结论恰好相反,人们经常在不同的反应模式下产生不一致的偏好关系,这种现象称之为偏好反转。
3.Preference reversal phenomenon is the phenomenon that non-economic factors give rise to reverse preference states which was confirmed to widely exit in daily human being decision behaviors.偏好反转现象是指非经济学因素引起的不同或相反的偏好状态,它广泛存在于人们日常决策行为中。
5)preference transform偏好转换
1.Explained the importance human factor impose on in the execution process of ERP implement from the perspective of economic and practice,analyzed the effect originated from preference transform of the relative beneficiary on the assumption of relative beneficiary and preference transform,illuminated two institutional factors called "Risk-bearing " and "Organiza-tion transform".从实践和经济学角度揭示了人因对ERP过程的重要作用,提出实施过程中的利益相关者及利益相关者偏好的假设,进而对利益相关者偏好转换对ERP实施过程的重要影响进行具体分析,并归纳出影响偏好转换过程的两个制度因素,即"风险承担"和"组织交换"。
6)reverse financing favouritism逆向融资偏好
