2)agricultural non-point source pollution农业非点源污染
1.Application of constructed wetland in treating pollution factors in agricultural non-point source pollution;人工湿地对农业非点源污染中几种污染元素的控制
2.Research progresses in agricultural non-point source pollution caused by soil erosion;土壤侵蚀引起的农业非点源污染研究进展
3.Research progress of the agricultural non-point source pollution;农业非点源污染研究进展

1.Study on Control System of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution in Jilin Province;吉林省农业非点源污染调控体系研究
2.Preventing and Management Measures Research on the Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution;农业非点源污染防治及管理措施研究
3.The agricultural non-point sources pollution in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River based on source-sink ecological process基于“源-汇”生态过程的长江上游农业非点源污染
4.Study on Agricutural Non-Point Pollution in Shuang Yang Reservior Catchment of JiLin Province;吉林省双阳水库汇水区农业非点源污染研究
5.Modeling Study of Nonpoint Source Pollution of Watershed in Three Gorges Reservoir Area;三峡库区农业非点源污染及其模型模拟研究
6.Study on Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution of Wuchuan Catchment in Upstream Jiulong River;九龙江上游五川流域农业非点源污染研究
7.Investigation and Study on Laws of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution;三峡库区农业非点源污染规律调查研究
8.The Load Study and Synthesized Evaluation on Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution in Daqing Area;大庆地区农业非点源污染负荷研究与综合评价
9.Study on the Simulation of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution in Shuangyang River Watershed of Songnen Plain;松嫩平原双阳河流域农业非点源污染模拟研究
10.Study on Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution of Heigou Watershed in Danjiang Reservoir Area;丹江库区黑沟河流域农业非点源污染研究
11.Environmental Impact Assessment and Control Strategy of Pollution Caused by Agricultural Non-Point Source;农业非点源污染环境影响评价及防治对策研究
12.Research on Transport and Transformation Law of Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution;农业非点源污染迁移转化机理及规律研究
13.Estimation of the Annual Load of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution Illustrated with Huaihe River in Huainan;农业非点源污染年负荷量估算方法研究
14.The System of Economic Policies for Control and Management of Agricultural Non-point Sources Pollution;农业非点源污染控制管理的经济政策体系研究
15.External Diseconomy of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution and Its Internalization;农业非点源污染的外部性及其内部化途径分析
16.Environmental-economic assessment on agricultural non-point pollution technology;农业非点源污染控制技术环境经济评价
17.On countermeasures for agricultural non-point source pollution control in Chaohu Lake Basin;巢湖流域农业非点源污染控制对策研究

agricultural non-point source pollution农业非点源污染
1.Application of constructed wetland in treating pollution factors in agricultural non-point source pollution;人工湿地对农业非点源污染中几种污染元素的控制
2.Research progresses in agricultural non-point source pollution caused by soil erosion;土壤侵蚀引起的农业非点源污染研究进展
3.Research progress of the agricultural non-point source pollution;农业非点源污染研究进展
3)agricultural non-point pollution农业非点源污染
1.Best management practices for controlling agricultural non-point pollution;农业非点源污染控制的最佳管理实践
2.The investegation data shows :the agricultural non-point pollution has been one of the main pollution to FuZhou ShanZi reservoir.福州山仔水库是福州第二水源地,现已对福州市民供水,建库十余年的水质监测结果显示,山仔水库水质富营养趋势日趋明显,调查资料显示,农业非点源污染已成为福州二水源水质主要污染之一。
4)agricultural nonpoint source pollution农业非点源污染
1.The primary issue of efficiently controlling and managing agricultural nonpoint source pollution is how to identify critical source areas or the sensitive regions of pollutants loss from agricultural lands.在农业非点源污染研究中 ,确定农业非点源污染的关键源区或危险区域是开展有针对性研究和控制农业非点源污染的首要问题之一。
2.According to the investigation, the main causes of agricultural nonpoint source pollution have been analysed.在调查的基础上 ,分析了淮安市农业非点源污染的主要原因 ,并据此提出了一些防治对
3.In this paper,the relationship between agricultural nonpoint source pollution and different tillage methods,such as no tillage,little tillage and conventional tillage,the amount of fertilizer application,application methods and seasons,and various irrigation methods,such as furrow irrigation,basin irrigation and sprinkle irrigation is analyzed.随着化肥和农药大量使用,农业非点源污染已经成为全球水污染的主要来源。
5)model of agricultural nonpoint source pollution农业非点源污染模型
6)phosphorus pollution from agricultural non point sources农业非点源磷污染
