商品粮基地,commodity grain base
1)commodity grain base商品粮基地
1.Studies on water resources carrying capacity and models of constructing commodity grain base in Sanjiang Plain;三江平原水资源承载力与商品粮基地建设模式研究
2.The comparative analysis of agricultural development of typical commodity grain bases in northeast China——A case study of Dehui and Hailun;东北地区典型商品粮基地农业发展比较分析——以德惠、海伦为例

1.The Coustruction of Merchandise Grain Base Counties and Its Developing Way in the Yongtze Valley;长江流域商品粮基地建设及发展途径
2.Revitalizing the Industrial Bases to Promote Commodity Grain Production in the Northeast China;振兴东北老工业基地与商品粮基地建设
3.Research on Formula Management Issue on Farmland of Commodity Grain County Based of Jilin Province;吉林省商品粮基地土地规模化经营问题研究
4.On Major Characteristics and Resource Matching Effects of Marketable Grain Basis in China;简论商品粮基地的基本特征及其资源配置效应
5.Regional Patterns Changes of Chinese Grain Production and Response of Commodity Grain Base in Northeast China;中国粮食生产的区域格局变化及东北商品粮基地的响应
6.The Research on the Problem of Increasing Peasant s Income in the Commodity Grain Bases in Jilin Province;吉林省商品粮基地农民增收问题的研究
7.Construction and Development of the Commodity Grain Production Base in the New Period;新时期商品粮基地的建设与发展——以吉林省为例
8.Analysis of the major characteristics and the resource matching effects of the marketable grain base in China;商品粮基地特征分析及其资源配置效应
9.On the model for construction of marketable grain base under the new situation in China;论新形势下财政支持商品粮基地建设的模式
11.Status Quo and Assessment on Heavy Metal Pollutions of Soils in Food-Supply Bases of Chongqing重庆市商品粮基地土壤重金属污染现状与评价
12.Principles of Layout and Strategy of Gradient Development for Advantageous Marketable Grain Base in China;我国优势商品粮基地的布局原则和梯级发展战略
13.The State shall establish production bases of commodity grain and commodity cotton in a planned way.国家有计划地建设商品粮、商品棉等生产基地。
14.Jilin is a big grain producing area in China, and a key base for commercial food production.吉林是中国产粮大省,主要商品粮生产基地。
15.Studies on layout of round-shaped rice production bases in Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省商品粮粳稻基地建设布局研究
16.The Construction of the Production Base of Marketable Grain of Special Quality Wheat;建设优质专用小麦商品粮生产基地之浅见
17.Suqian acts as not only a traditional agricultural city but also a famed base of commodity grain, commodity cotton and wood.宿迁是传统的农业大市,也是著名的商品粮、商品棉和林业基地。
18.Study on distribution of special high quality commercial foodstuff production base in Northeast of China;我国东北专用优质商品粮生产基地区域布局研究

marketable grain base商品粮基地
1.Analysis of the major characteristics and the resource matching effects of the marketable grain base in China;商品粮基地特征分析及其资源配置效应
2.On the model for construction of marketable grain base under the new situation in China;论新形势下财政支持商品粮基地建设的模式
3)Advantageous Marketable Grain Base(AMGB)优势商品粮基地
4)bases for commodity grain商品粮基地县
1.According to the analysis on the construction of the bases for commodity grain, the article sets forth that it is necessary to reinforce the construction of the bases on GuanZhong Hatlands and HanZhong Basin;mean-while,to improve the invironmental condition inYanAn and Ankang areas for the safty in Grain Production.对陕西省商品粮基地县建设的分析表明,该省商品粮基地县数量自1984年的20个增至2000年的38个,其粮食作物播种面积与粮食产量则呈波动性上升。
5)goods base商品基地
1.Based on soil and water conservation comprehensive control project of Lushan county (1992~1996),soil and water conservation engineering of slope and gully,forest and grass protective system constructing,soil and water resources utilizing,goods base constrcuting and benefits are studied.该文以鲁山县1992~1996年水土保持综合治理开发项目区为依托,通过水土保持坡面、沟道工程及林草配置防护体系建设和水土资源开发利用、商品基地建设等途径进行了探索性试验研究和效益分析,阐明水土保持是山区发展的生命线,是国土整治、江河治理的根本,对促进山区经济可持续发展战略目标的实现具有十分重要的意义。
6)commodity wheat商品粮
1.Application of NIR technology for commodity wheat grain trading;近红外技术(NIR)在小麦商品粮收购中的应用研究

商品粮基地商品粮基地  商品粮基地中国国家与地方联合投资建设的能稳定向国家提供商品粮的粮食主产区。通常以县、县级市或旗、区为单位。从1983年开始,国家拨出专款,采取国家与地方联合投资、共同管理以及投资与效益挂钩的办法,根据种植业发展的行业规划,有计划、有步骤地在全国粮食主产区选建了一批商品粮基地县(市、旗、区)。商品粮基地通过加强农业技术推广体系建设、良种繁育体系建设、中低产田改造和小型农田水利工程建设,以及小型农业机械的装备和配套,大大提高了农业综合生产能力和粮食生产水平。商品粮基地建设,对持续稳定发展中国粮食生产,提高粮食品质,以及振兴粮食主产区经济发挥了重要作用。具体体现在:,粮食产量持续增长,为国家提供了大量商品粮。②粮食生产水平处于全国领先地位。③高产优质高效农业发展迅速。许多商品粮基地县在稳步发展粮食生产的同时,积极调整品种结构,改革耕作制度,发展产前、产后服务实体和加工企业,提高农业产值。