达里湖,Dali lake
1)Dali lake达里湖
1.Exploratory Analysis of Nutrient Condition in Dali Lake达里湖水体营养状况探索性分析
2.April 30 to may 14,2005,The experiment on hatch Amur ide egg in different kind of water and experiment to survival Amur ide fry in Dali lake was carried,Keshiketeng banner,Chifeng city,the result of these experiment showed that the Amur ide egg can be hatched and the Amur ide fry can survive better in Qigainaoer lake,Erdos city.2005年4月30日至5月14日在赤峰市克什克腾旗达里诺尔渔场进行了达里湖东北雅罗鱼受精卵在不同水体中的孵化试验及其鱼苗成活试验,试验表明:东北雅罗鱼受精卵在鄂尔多斯市柒盖淖水体中能够孵化且鱼苗成活良好,为达里湖东北雅罗鱼向内蒙古自治区部分盐碱水域移植提供了科学依据。
3.June 1 to June 12,2005,The experiment of hatch Golden(Chinese) carp egg and to survive fry with Dali lake water and other 5 kind of lake water was carriecl,the result of these experiment showed that the Golden(Chinese) carp egg can be hatched and the fry can survive better in this water that pH is 9.2005年6月1-12日进行了达里湖鲫鱼受精卵在达里湖及其他5种不同水质条件下的孵化和鱼苗成活对比试验,试验表明:达里湖鲫鱼可在pH值、总碱度、总盐度分别高达9。
2)Dalinor Lake达里诺尔湖
1.Investigation of Water Quality in the Dalinor Lake in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古达里诺尔湖水质现状调查

1.Environmental Geochemical Characteristics of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Dalinuoer Lake达里诺尔湖碳、氮、磷环境地球化学研究
2.Study on the Flora of the Vascular Plants in the Dalinor National Nature Reserve;达里诺尔自然保护区维管植物区系研究
3.Development and Design of Dalinor Nature Reserve Geographic Information System达里诺尔自然保护区地理信息系统设计与开发
4.Design of GIS for Dalinuoer Nature Reserve Based on 3S基于3S达里诺尔自然保护区地理信息系统设计
5.Status of Bird Resources and Changes of Avifauna in Dalinuoer Nature Reserve of Inner Mongolia达里诺尔自然保护区鸟类资源现状及变化分析
6.WEIBERG AURDAL, Arnold阿诺德·韦贝格·奥尔达尔
7.The Studies on Avifauna and Community Structures in Dalinuoer Nature Reserve;达里诺尔自然保护区鸟类区系组成及群落结构研究
8.The Valuation of Service of Recreation and Culture Function of Dalinor National Natural Reserve;内蒙古达里诺尔国家级自然保护区游憩文化服务功能价值评估
9.Value Assessment to the Travel Recreation in Dalinor National Nature Reserve;达里诺尔国家级自然保护区游憩服务功能价值评估
10.A Survey on the Social Effects of Tourism on Dalai-Lake Nature Reserve旅游业对达里诺尔自然保护区带来的社会效应研究
11.Study on Database of Dalinor National Nature Reserve on GIS基于GIS达里诺尔国家级自然保护区数据库的研究
13.Christopher Cockerell, who had turned to boat-building on the Norfolk Broads,克里斯托弗?科克雷尔的,他曾改行在诺福克郡的湖泊地区从事造船业,
14.He had carried a copper ax and a dagger of flint from near Lake Garda, about150 kilometers to the south.他带著一柄铜斧,一把燧石小刀,燧石来自南方150公里处的加尔达湖。
15.King of the English(1042-1066) whose reign was marked by political conflict between Norman and English groups.爱德华湖中非扎伊尔和乌干达交界处大裂谷里的一个湖泊。它在1889年由亨利。M。斯坦利发现
16.The founder of Troy.达尔达诺斯特洛伊的创立者
17.Diversity of Alkaliphiles of Producing Enzymes in Chagannuoer Soda Lake in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古查干诺尔湖产酶嗜碱细菌的多样性分析
18.Manchester United have registered their interest with Juventus for youngsters Raffaele Palladino and Domenico Criscito.曼彻斯特联已经表达了他们对尤文图斯的年轻球员拉斐尔·拉迪诺和多米尼克·里斯奇托的兴趣。

Dalinor Lake达里诺尔湖
1.Investigation of Water Quality in the Dalinor Lake in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古达里诺尔湖水质现状调查
3)Wuli Lake五里湖
1.Eutrophication Assessment by Use of Grey Clustering Method in the Lakeside Zone of Wuli Lake;五里湖湖滨带水体富营养化程度的灰色聚类法评价
2.Study on the improvement of underwater light field in Wuli lake ecological demonstration project;五里湖南岸生态示范工程对水下光场的改善效果研究
3.DDT and HCH Residues in Anodonta woodiana in Wuli Lake of the Taihu Lake.;太湖五里湖背角无齿蚌体内滴滴涕和六六六的残留
4)Lake Wuli五里湖
1.Evaluation on tour value with comprehensive environmental regulation in Lake Wuli,Wuxi;无锡五里湖环境综合整治对旅游价值的影响评估
2.Seasonal and vertical distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus in the sediment under different ecological restoration measures in the West Lake Wuli,Lake Taihu;不同生态修复措施下太湖西五里湖沉积物氮磷形态的时空分布
3.Ecological restoration engineering in Lake Wuli, Lake Taihu: a large enclosure experiment;太湖五里湖生态重建示范工程——大型围隔试验
5)Salimu lake赛里木湖
1.Age and growth of Coregonus peled in the Salimu Lake;赛里木湖高白鲑的年龄与生长
6)Wulihu Lake五里湖
1.Relationship of Gray Connection Between Chlorophyll-a and Environmental Factors in Wulihu Lake in Taihu Region;太湖五里湖叶绿素-a与环境因子的灰关联分析
2.Effect of water diversion project on water environment of Wulihu Lake;调水工程对五里湖水环境影响分析
3.Aplication Study of RMA2 and RMA4 in the Water Diversion Silmulation of Wulihu Lake;RMA2和RMA4在五里湖调水模拟中的开发应用研究

里湖1.杭州里西湖或西里湖的省称。 2.指内陆湖。