屋面径流,Roof runoff
1)Roof runoff屋面径流
1.Preliminary investigation on characterization of urban roof runoff in Macau;澳门屋面径流特征初步研究
2.Roof runoff water quality was affected by rainfall,rainfall intensity,roof material,season and air temperature.分析比较了国内外屋面径流水质的研究情况,结果显示,屋面径流水质存在较大的污染性,而且我国的屋面径流污染比一些发达国家的屋面径流污染明显严重。
3.Roof runoff is an important source of the diffuse pollution; therefore roof runoff pollution becomes the significant source of urban diffuse pollution.以北京市典型的文教区为例,在2004年对沥青油毡屋面径流水质进行了为期4个月的监测,指标包括pH、SS、COD、TN、TP、BOD5及Cu、Cr、Zn、Cd和Pb等重金属。

1.Study on Outflow Types of Pollutants in Roof Runoff and Quality Characteristics屋面径流污染物的出流类型与水质特性研究
2.Roof runoff water quality was affected by rainfall, rainfall intensity, roof material, season and air temperature.屋面径流水质主要受降雨量、降雨强度、屋面材料、季节和气温的影响。
3.Research on Change Rule of Water Quality of Roof Rain-runoff in Handan City邯郸市屋面雨水径流污染物变化规律研究
4.A lively young man with dark hair and a ready smile made his way to the center of the room.一个朝气蓬勃的黑发青年,面带微笑,径直走到屋子中间。
5.The Impact Study on Urban Storm Non-point Source Pollution;城市暴雨径流面源污染影响规律研究
6.Experimental Research on the Impacts of Ground Slope on the Runoff of Turf;地面坡度对草坪径流的影响试验研究
7.Impact of rainfall-movement direction on hillslope runoff generation降雨移动方向对坡面径流的影响机理
8.Controlling efficiency of permeable pavement to runoff pollutant透水路面对路表径流污染的控制效能
9.Inquire into the Surface Runoff from Rainfall of Traffic Accident交通干道路面径流的重金属调查分析
10.Modeling of Rainfall and Runoff Relationship and Estimation of Influence of Land Surface Change on Runoff in Suzhou;苏州市降雨径流关系及下垫面变化对径流量影响研究
11.Flow pattern and hydraulic parameter characteristics in hillslope-gullyslope system坡沟系统坡面径流流态及水力学参数特征研究
12.Purification effectiveness of runoff pollution by the permeable asphalt pavement透水沥青路面对路面径流污染的净化功效
13.a roof having sloping ends as well as sloping sides.既有斜坡屋面又有斜坡屋头的屋顶。
14.Although termed flat roofs, they are often constructed with a slight fall to enable the rainwater to run off.即使是平屋顶,其屋面在构造中也还有一定的坡度,以使雨水经此坡汇集流下。
15.Just before the sun was up, we found a two-story house floating down.就在太阳升起之前,我们发现一栋两层房屋浮在水面顺流而下。
16.Nearly all civil engineering structures, roofs, roads, and any concrete work have a run-off coefficient of about 95 per cent.几乎所有的土木工程构筑物,屋顶、道路和所有的混凝土工程,其径流系数均为95%左右。
17.Housing area is the summation that each level accumulates the building.房屋建筑面积是房屋各层面积的总和。
18.Rising to the surface should follow a smooth and gradual path.要沿着一条流畅平缓的运动路径上升到水面。

roof runoff quality屋面径流水质
1.Based on the monitoring the urban roof runoff quality in Shanghai cultural and educational area during 2003~2006,the variations of pollutants concentrations were analyzed,and then the characteristics of roof runoff quality and the influential factors were studied by statistical methods.在对2003~2006年上海市文教区屋面径流进行监测的基础上,分析了屋面径流污染物的出流过程,并应用统计分析方法对屋面径流水质及其影响因素进行了探讨。
3)urban roof runoff城市屋面径流
4)roof rain-runoff屋面雨水径流
1.Through the analysis and measuring of the water quality of roof rain-runoff in Handan city,it is found that the water quality of roof rain-runoff is polluted seriously.通过对邯郸市城区屋面雨水径流水质进行分析测定,发现城区雨水径流水质污染严重。
5)Road runoff路面径流
1.Discussion on road runoff pollution and control techniques;公路路面径流水污染与控制技术探讨
2.Dissolved-particulate partitioning of heavy metals in urban road runoff of Shanghai城市路面径流重金属固液分配系数及其影响因素
3.Based on the study results of road runoff pollution at home and aboard as well as the preliminary result in Nanjing,the quantity and quality of the runoff was introduced in this paper.结合国内外的相关研究,及南京地区路面径流研究的初步成果,介绍了路面径流的水量和水质特性,比较了滞留池、氧化塘、植被控制、人工湿地和渗滤系统等路面径流污染物控制措施的处理效果,并提出了进一步研究的建议,为相关方面的研究和工程提供参考。
6)highway runoff路面径流
1.Artificial wetland is used to treat highway runoff pollution for Yu-Zhan Expressway in Guangdong Province in this experimental research.首先对路面径流试验的内容、方法及技术路线进行了设计,并结合实际情况确定了试验方案。
2.The rule of pollutant discharge of the highway runoff and its impact on water quality of the river were discussed.采用现场连续取样,在雨天某一时段对西安至临潼高速公路路面径流排水进行了监测。

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