上甸子本底站,Shangdianzi background station
1)Shangdianzi background station上甸子本底站
1.In this thesis, observational studies of OPE and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are conducted at the Shangdianzi Background Station, relationships between VOCs and OPE are discussed,and differences in pollutants concentrations and OPE values among different air parcel backward trajactories are studied.本论文对上甸子本底站的OPE和挥发性有机物(VOCs)开展了观测研究,对VOCs与OPE之间的关系进行了探讨,并研究了不同来向气流所应的污染物和OPE值的差异。

1.The Correlation between Ozone Production Efficiency (OPE) and VOCs at Shangdianzi Atmospheric Background Monitoring Station上甸子本底站挥发性有机物与臭氧生成效率关系的研究
2.Analysis of the Characteristics of Aerosol Scattering Coefficient at Shangdianzi Background Station上甸子本底站气溶胶散射系数变化特征的初步分析
3.The Quality Evaluation of Solar Radiation Data Measured in Shangdianzi Background Station上甸子大气本底站太阳辐射观测数据的质量评价
4.She just stood there with an ingot in her hand--it felt hard, cold and heavy.她站在那儿,手里拿着一块金子,摸上去,金子又硬又凉,沉甸甸的。
5.the capital and largest city of Myanmar; located in the south on the Rangoon river near its outlet in the Irrawaddy river delta.缅甸首都和最大城市;位于缅甸南部,在仰光河上,在仰光河注入伊洛瓦底江的河口上。
6.The bluebells were so thick underfoot that it was impossible not to tread on them.脚底下到处都是风信子,根本没法不踏在花上面。
7.At my stop, I hauled my heavy suitcase up the steep stairs and froze.到站了,我用力地拖着沉甸甸的手提箱上了台阶,愣在那儿,辩不清方向。
8."Then Gideon, the son of Joash, went back from the fight:"约阿施的儿子基甸由希列斯坡从阵上回来,
9.Particle Size Distribution Measurement and Analysis at Shangdianzi in Beijing北京上甸子地区气溶胶数谱观测与研究
10.I stood at the end of our village beneath the bare branches of an old persimmon tree and watched the road in the valley below, waiting for him to appear.我站在村口一棵已经落尽叶子的柿子树下,朝沟底下的那条大路上望着、等着。
11.The upstairs, so rumor said, was fitted out with the finest of plush upholstered furniture, heavy lace curtains and imported mirrors in gilt frames.据说楼上配备着最上等的豪华家俱,沉甸甸的花边窗帘和进口的金框镜子。
12.We put back the cover of the coffin, fixed it down well, and after locking the heavy door of the vault, went back upstairs into the gloomy house.我们将棺盖重新盖上,仔细钉牢,又锁好了地窖那沉甸甸的屋门,才爬上楼梯,回到阴悒的宅子里。
13.Visitors generally are not bothered by the fact that many other people have visited your site.人们基本上不会因为你这个站到底有多少其他访问者访问过而烦恼什么。
14.Myanmar government offers apology to Japan for the death of Japanese video journalist.缅甸政府对于日本摄影记者的丧命向日本致上歉意。
15.Study on the Imperial College's Block Printing Books of Ming Dynasty(Ⅰ)明代国子监刻书考略(上)——补版及新刻图书、底本及校勘问题
16.a chair that swivels on its base.底座上有旋转轴的椅子。
17.provide with a new seat, as of a chair.给椅子换上新的底座。
18.have one's Boots nailed(请人)在靴底上钉钉子

Shangdianzi regional background monitoring station上甸子区域本底站
1.ariations and source identification of chemical compositions in wet deposition at Shangdianzi background station;上甸子本底站湿沉降化学成分变化与来源解析
2.5) were observed continuously at Shangdianzi atmospheric background monitoring station and Baolian urban environmental monitoring station from 2006-01-01 to 2006-12-31.2006-01-01~2006-12-31在北京上甸子区域大气本底站和城区宝联环境观测站连续观测了SO2、NOx、O3和PM2。
4)background station本底站
1.The aerosol scattering coefficient (σsp) data observed at Shangdianzi atmospheric background station from 2004 to 2006 have been used to analyze the characteristics of aerosol in the background region.根据上甸子大气成分本底站从2004~2006年的连续观测数据,分析了区域大气粒子光散射系数的变化特点,以了解本底地区大气气溶胶粒子的基本特征。
5)regional background atmosphere station大气本底站
6)background monitoring station本底监测站
