战略安全,strategic safety
1)strategic safety战略安全
1.Combined with the influences of the "9·11" event happened last year, this paper proposes that the strategic safety of crude oil in our country should be guaranteed through adjusting .结合“9·11”事件的影响 ,提出我国原油战略安全应通过调整进口结构 ,实施走出去战略 ,及早建立国家原油战略储备体系来保障。
2)strategic security战略安全
1.The essay takes the stance that the strategic security relations between China and the United States is manifested in its content by the unbalanced interdependency and determined by the distribution structures of their power and interest,as well as by the relations between the two structures.中美两国权力和利益的分配结构及其关系决定了中美战略安全关系在内容上表现为两国在安全领域中的不平衡相互依赖。
3)security strategy安全战略
1.Role of petroleum enterprises in state petroleum security strategy;石油企业在国家石油安全战略中的作用
2.Security Strategy,Geography Characteristics and British Navy s Establishment;安全战略、地缘特征与英国海军的创建
3.On Indian Security Strategy and Sino-Indian Security Relations;印度安全战略及中印安全关系

1.U.S. National Security Strategies (1)美国的安全战略(1)
2.U. S. National Security Strategies(2)美国的安全战略(2)
3.The Impact of Strategic Culture on National Security Strategy;试析战略文化对国家安全战略的影响
4.India's Strategic Culture:Influences on Its National Security Strategy印度战略文化对国家安全战略的影响
5.Examining Post-cold War European Security Strategy from the Aspect of European Security Strategic Report;从欧洲安全战略报告来看冷战后的欧洲安全战略
6.Analysis of the U.S Security Strategy for the Asia-Pacific Region after the Cold War and Chinese Security Strategy Selection;冷战后美国亚太安全战略解析与中国的安全战略选择
7.Analysis of Japan s National Security Strategy in Post-cold War;冷战后日本国家安全战略的调整分析
8.A brief discussion on the geographical surrounding and the safety strategy of China;略论中国面临的地缘环境与安全战略
9.Russia's Security Strategy Saw a Complete Turn to"Attack in Order to Defend"俄罗斯安全战略全面转向“以攻为守”
10.Asian-African Strategy of The National Security Strategy of the USA(2006);美国2006年《国家安全战略报告》的亚非战略
11.On India s Strategic Thought;印度战略思维浅析——从国家安全战略的角度
12.The Influence of the Thought that Focus on Security of the Land on Security Strategy for Chinese Coastal Areas and Territorial Seas in Modern Times;“本土安全”思想对中国近代海疆安全战略的影响
13.The Historical Memory and the Choice of Russian National Security Strategy;历史记忆与俄罗斯国家安全战略选择
14.The Position of the Military Alliance between USA and ROK in America s Security Strategy of Asia-Pacific Region;美国亚太安全战略中的美韩军事同盟
15.Theoretical Analyses of the National Security Strategy of the United States of America in the New Century;美国新世纪国家安全战略的理论透析
16.The History Evolution of America Oil Security Strategy (1973~2000);美国石油安全战略的历史演变(1973—2000)
17.Dynamics of Iranian National Security Strategy (1953-2007);伊朗国家安全战略的动力学分析(1953-2007)
18.The Northeast Asia Security Strategy of the United States after "9·11";“9·11”后美国东北亚安全战略探析

strategic security战略安全
1.The essay takes the stance that the strategic security relations between China and the United States is manifested in its content by the unbalanced interdependency and determined by the distribution structures of their power and interest,as well as by the relations between the two structures.中美两国权力和利益的分配结构及其关系决定了中美战略安全关系在内容上表现为两国在安全领域中的不平衡相互依赖。
3)security strategy安全战略
1.Role of petroleum enterprises in state petroleum security strategy;石油企业在国家石油安全战略中的作用
2.Security Strategy,Geography Characteristics and British Navy s Establishment;安全战略、地缘特征与英国海军的创建
3.On Indian Security Strategy and Sino-Indian Security Relations;印度安全战略及中印安全关系
4)safety strategy安全战略
1.Research on the safety strategy of the Shanghai Electric Power System;上海电力系统安全战略研究
2.Urban disasters in Beijing and safety strategy in the new century;北京城市灾害及新世纪安全战略
3.A brief discussion on the geographical surrounding and the safety strategy of China;略论中国面临的地缘环境与安全战略
5)Security strategies安全战略
1.Security strategies of South Korea after the cold war;冷战后韩国的东北亚安全战略构想
2.Japan began to construct the security strategies towards the 21st century since the end of the cold war.冷战结束后,日本政府即开始构筑面向21世纪的安全战略。
6)water security strategy水安全战略
1.Research advances in regional water security strategy;区域水安全战略的研究进展
2.Research on the Simulation & Evaluation of Regional Water Security Strategy;区域水安全战略的仿真评价研究

《乏燃料管理安全和放射性废物管理安全联合公约》《乏燃料管理安全和放射性废物管理安全联合公约》Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioac-tion Waste Management  代卜Oronl一00 GuonJ一Anquon he Fongshex一ng Fe一wLJ GLJanllAnquon Llonhe Gongyue《乏燃料管理安全和放射性废物管理安全联合公约》(了访”tC加祖ventlon胡th£SafetyojSPent Fuel Mana岁ment and on th‘Safet少of尺。己~t姗WasteManageme力t)加强乏嫩料和放封性度物管理安全方面的一项鼓励性国际公约。1997年9月5日通过,1997年9月29日开放供签署。截至1999年3月10日,已有39个国家签署,6个国家交存了批准书。但按该公约规定,需得到25个国家批准,而且其中要包括15个拥有运行的核电厂的国家才能生效,因而目前尚未生效。 《公约》的目的是,通过加强缔约国的管理和国际合作,包括适当时与安全有关的技术合作,以在世界范围内实现和保持高安全水平的乏嫩料和放射性废物管理;确保在乏嫩料和放射性废物管理的一切阶段都有预防潜在危害的有效措施,保护个人、社会和环境免受电离辐射的有害影响;防止有辐射后果的事故发生,一旦发生尽可能地减轻其后果。 《公约》适用于民用核反应堆运行产生的乏燃料的管理安全以及民事应用产生的放射性废物的管理安全,但为后处理而在其设施中保存的乏燃料除外。对于军用或国防计划所产生的乏燃料和放射性废物,则仅当其被永久转为民用计划时才适用。 《公约》强调,确保乏嫩料和放射性废物管理安全的最终责任在于对应这些材料拥有管辖权的国家身上。 缔约国的主要义务为:应在其国家法律框架内通过立法、管理和行政的措施以及其他必要的步骤,确保在乏嫌料和放射性废物管理的所有阶段都能充分保护个人、社会和环境不受到辐射的伤害.就履约所采取的措施向缔约方审评会议提交报告。《公约》还对这类物质的踌越国界运翰做了规定。 中国派代表参加了《公约》的制订和审议工作,由于对其中关于放射性废物跨境运输的条款有保留,故未签署本公约。