1.Life cycle assessment of coal-fired power generation and its alternatives燃煤及其替代发电方案的生命周期评价

1.Life cycle cost analysis of coal-fired power generation and its alternatives燃煤及其替代发电方案的生命周期成本分析
2.Life cycle assessment of coal-fired power generation and its alternatives燃煤及其替代发电方案的生命周期评价
3.Scheme selection for substitutes of small thermal units based on economy evaluation基于经济性评价的小火电替代方案选择
4.2.1 Reducing coal use and switch to clean energy(一)煤炭替代和削减方案
5.There are two reasonable alternatives.有两个合理的替代方案。
6.The attribute-based alternative基于属性的替代方案
7.The Alternative Design Scheme for Bidding of the First Stage Land Reclamation Project of Xinluhuan Power Plant, Aomen澳门新路环电厂一期填海工程投标中的替代设计方案
8.The regulations of fishing capacity: traditional methods and substitutional scheme;捕捞能力调控的传统方法与替代方案
9.alternative to sb's plan可以代替某人计划的方案
10.the lawyers acting for the state to put the case against the defendant.替国家代理反对被告方案件的律师。
11.What is your backup solution compare to the criteria?与标准相比较,您的替代方案是什么?
12.solutions, such as switches, that replace PBXes;替代用户交换机的解决方案,如交换器;
13.An Analysis of the Alternative Plan of "One-dimensional Ideology";试析“单向度意识形态”的替代方案
14.Study of Alternative Solutions of GPS in TD-SCDMA SystemTD-SCDMA系统GPS替代解决方案研究
15.The power supply system adopted the direct replacement method.供电电源系统采用直接替代的方法。
16.The time information of the telephone service is a possible alternative.电话报时台是一种可能的代替方法。
17.By building dam instead of new coal plants to meet its growing demand for electricity,以造坝的方式代替煤炭燃烧产生电能,
18.Regarding the second assumption, a number of alternative hypotheses have been advanced.关于第二个假设,曾经提出过很多其它代替方案。

1.The main problems of planning environment impact assessment are to deal with properly the relation between self-assessment and third party assessment,the time of starting PEA,alternative and public participation etc.规划环境影响评价工作应注意的主要问题是处理好自我评价与第三方评价、介入时机、替代方案、公众参与等。
2.At the same time, the concept and function of alternative, PEIA methodology and the role of public participation are all elementarily discussed.同时 ,还对替代方案的概念、作用 ,规划环评的方法及公众参与在规划环评中的作用等问题进行了初步探
3.According to Law ofthe People's Republic of China on Environmental Impact Assessment, plans environmentalimpact assessment is a formal, synthetic and systematic process to appraisal theenvironmental impacts of plans and its alternatives.论文针对目前交通规划环境影响替代方案的制定范围有限和缺乏评价方法的现状,以可拓学为理论基础,探索性地提出以交通工程方面包括路网布局、公路等级、交通枢纽布局和交通方式等为主要内容的替代方案的制定和优化比选的程序和方法,为我国规划环境影响评价的全面实施与研究提供借鉴。
1.Hierarchical comparison of alternatives in water transfer project;调水项目替代方案的多层次比选技术
2.Based on the theoretical research and the practical experience of environmental impact assessment at home and abroad, the paper discusses the meaning of alternatives, the definition, screening and analysis of alternatives for planning environmental impact assessment, and also the function of public participation in the process of the definition and the screening.替代方案的筛选是环境影响评价工作中的重要内容。
3.The paper discusses the meaning and action of alternatives,analyzes the importance of urban transportation plan EIA,and then,discusses the definition and analysis of alternatives urban transportation plan EIA,and also the function of public participation in the process of the definition.阐述了替代方案的内涵和作用 ,分析了城市交通规划EIA的重要性 ,对城市交通规划EIA中替代方案的确定程序与分析比较方法、公众参与替代方案确定和分析过程中的作用等内容进行了探
4)alternative proposal替代方案
1.During tendering for the water intake works for Zhangzhou Houshi Power Plant, the Second Engineering Company of the Fourth Harbour Engineering Bureau under CHEC and China Communications the Fourth Investigation &Design Institute for Navigational Engineering jointly made an alternative proposal to substitute for the original one, which was finally accepted as the formal construction scheme.介绍在漳州后石电厂取水口工程投标中,中港第四航务工程局二公司与中交第四航务工程勘察设计院联合提出替代方案,取替原设计方案,成为正式施工方案。
2.During the tendering for the water intake works for Zhangzhou Houshi Power Plant,the Second Company of CHEC-Fourth Navigational Engineering Bureau and Fourth Design Institute of Navigational Engineering jointly made an alternative proposal to substitute for the original design porposal.本文介绍在漳州后石电厂取水口工程投标中 ,四航局二公司与四航设计院联合提出替代方案 ,取替原设计方案 ,成为正式施工方案。
6)alternative programs替代性方案

替代替代substitution  替代(substituti。n)一种防御机制,借此不能达到的或不能接受的目标或事物、情绪被较易达到的或较能为自己接受的东西所代替。例如,一个男青年意识到自己的意中人并不爱自己,便找一位面貌相似的女青年代之,借以减少精神上的痛苦和紧张。自然,这一过程是潜意识的,这位男青年并未意识到他这样做的目的。另一方面,对于自己在意识中不能接受的东西也可通过潜意识的替换机制加以表现。例如,杀人报复的情绪是不可接受的,一个人可能用骂人、挖苦或讽刺的方式来代替。 (梁宝勇撰牟丈博审)