水磨河,Shuimo River
1)Shuimo River水磨河
1.Study on Nitrogen Content Distributing and Spatio-temporal Change of Shuimo River;水磨河氮含量分布及时空变化初探
2.The Application of Grey Associative Analysis on Water Evaluation of Shuimo River;灰关联分析法在水磨河水环境质量评价中的应用
3.Analysis on water pollution features and cause leading to pollution in Shuimo River;乌鲁木齐市水磨河水环境污染特征及成因分析

1.Study on the Assessment of Water Environment Quality in Shuimohe Valley of Urumqi;乌鲁木齐市水磨河流域水质评价研究
2.The Way of Compensation of Water Pollution for the Shuimo River Basin in Urumuqi;乌鲁木齐水磨河流域水污染补偿途径探讨
3.The Application of Grey Associative Analysis on Water Environmental Evaluation of Shuimo River应用灰色关联分析法对水磨河水环境质量的评价分析
4.Study on the Salty and Frost Swelling of Sulfate (Sulfurous) Salty Soil Fills in Shuimohe Plain, North of Tianshan;新疆水磨河细土平原区硫酸(亚硫酸)盐渍土填土盐胀和冻胀研究
5.The rocks were worn smooth by the river.岩石被河水磨光滑了。
6.a dam to make a millpond to provide power for a water mill.为磨坊提供水力而造的拦河水坝。
7.An Archetypal Study of the Flood Myth in the Mill on the Floss《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中的洪水神话的原型解读
8.The Displacement of the Flood Myth:Archetype Interpretation to George Eliot s The Mill on the Floss;变形的洪水神话——《佛洛斯河上的磨房》的原型解读
9.The dilemma of Maggie and the image of water in The Mill on the Floss;小说《佛洛斯河磨坊》中玛姬的困境与水的意象
10.Discussion on evaluation method for abrasion-corrosion failure of hydraulic turbine on heavy sediment-laden river多泥沙河流水轮机磨蚀失效评价的方法探讨
11.Concrete Construction Plan of Motan Hydroelectric Station’s Diversion Dam磨滩水电站拦河坝工程混凝土施工方案
12.Discussions on the Abrasion Abatement Evaluation Method of Hydraulic Turbine in Sandy River多泥沙河流水轮机磨蚀失效评价方法的探讨
13."An artificial cut was made from the river to bring the water at proper height to the water-wheel, and, in order to make sure of a supply of water at all seasons, the mill-owner usually built a weir across the river to hold back the water and so form an artificial reservoir. "为确保四季流水不断,磨房主通常在河上筑堰,形成人造水库以蓄水。
14.Research on Abrasion and Protection of Francis Turbine of Water Power Station in Yellow River Valley黄河流域水电站混流式水轮机的磨蚀与防护研究
15.A sluice gate for regulating the amount of water in a millrace or a canal or for emptying a lock.水闸门用来调整磨坊引水槽或运河的水流量或用来排空水闸的一种水闸门
16.Punishment and Salvation--An Archetypal Interpretation of the Final Flood In George Eliot’s The Mill on the Floss救与罚——《弗罗斯河上的磨坊》中洪水结局的圣经原型解读
17.Evolution of the Modaomen Channel of the Xijiang River Based on DEM during the Last 40 Years基于DEM的西江磨刀门水道近40年来河床演变特征研究
18.As he pondered over the dimly discernible piece of news he had received, he smelled the smell of river water that has been dyed a transparent black by humus soil.他琢磨着那一丝缥缈的消息。 他闻到了一股被腐植质染成清黑色的河水的气味儿。

Shuimohe river水磨河
1.Study on water environment assessment and the pollution trend in Shuimohe River of Wulumuqi City;乌鲁木齐市水磨河水环境评价及污染趋势分析
2.Organochlorine pesticides(OCPs)in sediments and sewage irrigated area soils from Urumqi Shuimohe river were determined by means of GC-ECD.用GC-ECD定量测定了乌鲁木齐市水磨河底泥及污灌区土壤中有机氯农药的含量。
3.Applying the mathematic planning and taking the water pollution control system of Shuimohe River as an example,the controlling system of water pollution in arid zone was discussed,from which the rational allocation of the cost for waste water treatment was presented ,the quantity and the quality of the pollutants were dependent on the natural conditions.应用数学规划方法,科学地组织污染物的排放或科学地协调各个治理环节,以乌鲁木齐市水磨河流域水污染控制系统为例,对干旱地区水污染控制系统进行了初步探索,从而得出干旱地区污水处理费用的合理负担,并得出污染物排放的数量、质量受自然地理条件制约的结论。
3)Shuimohe village水磨河村
1.Taking Shuimohe village in Henan Province as an example,the present situation of the environmental administration in the rural areas was studied by investigation.以河南省长葛市坡胡镇水磨河村为例,通过实际调查,明确我国农村基层环境管理现状。
4)Shuimo river valley水磨河流域
1.Based on the systematic study and analysis of the assessments methods of river water quality and the water quality monitoring of Shuimo river valley in Urumqi in three years, the gray decision making-comprehensive index assessment method was developed after the deep analysis on the traditional gray decision-making assessment method and comprehensive ind.本文通过对河流水质现状评价系统的调研分析和对乌鲁木齐市水磨河流域近三年水质状况全面了解的基础上,通过对传统的灰色局势决策法和综合指数水质评价法的深入剖析,建立了水质评价灰色局势决策—综合指数评价模型,并将该模型应用到乌鲁木齐市水磨河流域综合水质现状和时空变化趋势评价。
5)ground river-sand磨细河砂
1.32% and that of SO3 is higher than that of the State Criterion, we study the blending alternatives of ground river-sand with fly ash.32%及SO3含量超标问题,研究了磨细河砂与粉煤灰混掺方案。
6)river water河水
1.Determination of chromium(VI)and chromium(Ⅲ)in river water by flame atomic absorption spectrometry;萃取-火焰原子吸收法测定河水中的Cr(Ⅵ)和Cr(Ⅲ)
2.Dynamic observation on river water quality of coastal land region in Shangyu City;上虞市海涂垦区河水动态观测分析
3.Sulfur isotope composition characters of Wujiang river water in Guizhou province;贵州乌江水系河水硫同位素组成特征研究

乌鲁木齐传统八景之一的“香妃出浴”即在此处。1755年开始建乌鲁木齐城后不久,有人在这个长达一公里左右的狭长山谷开始建水磨磨面, 水磨沟因此得名。1900年,清朝宗室辅国公载澜因鼓动慈禧太后利用义和团与外国列强开战而被 八国联军提出严惩,遂被流放新疆。载澜非常喜欢水磨沟风光,并出资修建了“萧曹亭”、 “依斗亭”和“八卦亭”。时至今日,这里松柏苍翠,百泉喷涌,古木亭寺,已成为清幽秀丽的游览胜地。公园内有大陆 最现代化的“新安射击场”、可露天过夜的月亮岛、奥地利缆车、清泉寺等。水磨沟公园的水磨沟温泉和南京汤山温泉、临潼华清池温泉合为中国距城市最近的三大著名 温泉。水磨沟温泉水温恒定,冬夏均在38°c-40°c间,有6种化学成分达到国家医疗标准,可称 为硫化氢泉、氟泉、磷酸泉、偏硅酸泉和氯化物泉。这里的温泉疗养院,有日本国政府援助的价值 约3000万人民币的全套现代化医疗设备。