相对经济资源承载力,relative carrying capacity of economic resources
1)relative carrying capacity of economic resources相对经济资源承载力
1.The impact of floods on relative carrying capacity of economic resources and sustainable development in Anhui Province;水患对安徽省相对经济资源承载力的影响与可持续发展
2.Ecological pressures and carring capacity in desertified areas were studied by use of the method of ecological footprint and the relative carrying capacity of economic resources in Kerqinzuoyihouqi county.用生态足迹的方法和相对经济资源承载力的研究思路,以科尔沁左翼后旗为例分析了荒漠化地区的生态压力和承载力。
3.The ideas and methods about relative carrying capacity of resources were introduced in this paper,the relative carrying capacity of land resources,relative carrying capacity of economic resources and synthetic carrying capacity of resources of Chongqing City from 1991 to 2003,have been calculated,their evolutionary have been described.本文采用相对资源承载力的研究思路和方法,计算了1991-2003年重庆市相对土地资源承载力、相对经济资源承载力和综合承载力的动态变化过程,研究结果表明:①重庆市的综合承载力一直处于超载状态;②重庆市的综合承载力压力远大于东部地区,其综合承载力超载程度也大于西部整体水平;③相对经济资源承载力持续增长,而相对土地资源承载力对综合承载力的贡献率呈下降趋势。

1.The impact of floods on relative carrying capacity of economic resources and sustainable development in Anhui Province;水患对安徽省相对经济资源承载力的影响与可持续发展
2.Relative Carrying Capacity of Resources and Problems of Sustainable Development in Jining City of Shandong济宁市相对资源承载力与可持续发展
3.Empirical Analysis on Carrying Capacity of Relative Resources Based on Harmonious Development between Population and Economy--A Case Study of Hubei Provence;人口与经济协调发展的相对资源承载力实证分析——以湖北省为例
4.Vice province level city relative resource capacity and its social economy development research副省级城市相对资源承载力及其社会经济发展研究
5.Development Circular Economy and Raising Natural Resources Carrying Capacity;发展循环经济 提升自然资源承载力
6.Research of Bearing Capacity of Water Resource in the Process of Western Economic Development西部经济发展中的水资源承载力研究
7.Dynamic Analysis of Relative Carrying Capacity of Resources in Baiyin City;白银市相对资源承载力演化过程分析
8.On Suzhou s Relevant Carrying Capacity of Resources and Sustainable Development;苏州市相对资源承载力与可持续发展
9.Analysis on the Relative Carrying Capacity of Resources in the Small Towns in Xinjiang;新疆区域小城镇相对资源承载力探析
11.Region Relative Resources Supporting Capacity and Sustainable Development Question Discussion--Taking Jinan Changqing Area as An Example;区域相对资源承载力与可持续发展问题探讨以济南长清区为例
12.Bearing Capacity of Urban Water Resources and It s Influence on the Sustainable Development of Regional Social-Economy in Baotou City;包头市城市水资源承载力对经济社会可持续发展影响研究
13.Discussion on the Dynamic Assessment of the Carrying Capacity of Water Resources in West Bohai Rim upon Economic Development环渤海西岸城市群水资源对经济发展承载力动态评价研究
14.Study on the Development of Social Economy and the Water Resources Carrying Capacity in Gansu Province;甘肃省社会经济发展与水资源承载能力分析
15.The Main Functional Region and Industrial Ecological Economy Based on Resource Carrying Capacity;基于资源承载力的主体功能区与产业生态经济
16.A study of carrying capacity of land resources in the cities of Shandong province;山东省地级城市土地资源经济承载力研究
17.Fundamental Ecological Economics Study on the Carrying Capacity of Water Resources in Heihe River Watershed;黑河流域水资源承载力的生态经济研究
18.Research on Relative Carrying Capacity of Resources and Competitiveness in City Group of Shandong Peninsula;山东半岛城市群相对资源承载力与竞争力研究

relative carrying capacity of economy resources相对经济资源承载力
1.According to the theory and method in terms of relative carrying capacity of resources, relative carrying capacity of land resources, relative carrying capacity of economy resources and synthetic carrying capacity is computed in Liaoning province from 1993 to 2003 in the paper.采用相对资源承载力的理论与方法,计算了1993年-2003年的辽宁省相对土地资源承载力、相对经济资源承载力和综合资源承载力,并对2010年和2015年的相对资源承载力进行了预测分析。
2.The relative carrying capacity of land resources,relative carrying capacity of economy resources and synthetically carrying capacity of resources of Zhumadian from 1997 to 2006 is analyzed according to the theories and methods of the relative carrying capacity of resources in this paper.文章采用相对资源承载力的理论与方法,对1997~2006年的驻马店市相对土地资源承载力、相对经济资源承载力和综合资源承载力进行了分析评价。
3)relative carrying capacity of economy resource经济资源承载力
4)the relative carrying capacity of resources相对资源承载力
5)relative carrying capacity of resources相对资源承载力
1.There were several defects in the past research on the carrying capacity of resources,so this paper adopts the calculating methods of relative carrying capacity of resources.在计算1986-2002年山东省相对资源承载力及其演化的基础上,分析了山东省可持续发展存在的问题,进而提出了可持续发展的对策。
2.According to the theory and method in terms of relative carrying capacity of resources,relative carrying capacity of land resources,relative carrying capacity of economy resources and synthetic carrying capacity was computed in Hebei Province from 1996 to 2005 in this paper,also relative carrying capacity of resources was predicted and analyzed.采用相对资源承载力的研究思路与计算方法,分别计算出1996—2005年河北省土地资源、经济资源的相对承载力和综合承载力,并分析了其动态变化过程。
3.In this paper, the authors calculated the relative carrying capacity of resources and its dynamics of Southeastern Fujian from 1988 to 2004 by mean of the improved method of the relative carrying capacity of resources.运用并改进相对资源承载力的研究思路和计算方法,计算并分析了闽东南地区1988—2004年相对资源承载力及其演化过程。
6)bearing capacity of relative resources相对资源承载力
1.Dynamic simulation of bearing capacity of relative resources in Shaanxi Province;陕西省相对资源承载力时空动态初步研究
2.The dynamic analysis of bearing capacity reveals that the Northeast region in China,in comparison with other regions,has been rich in its bearing capacity of relative resources.以全国为参照区,通过对东北地区相对资源承载力的动态分析结果表明,东北地区的相对资源综合承载力一直呈富余状态,其中相对自然资源承载力对综合承载力的贡献率不断上升,经济资源对综合承载力的贡献率则不断下降。

水资源承载能力水资源承载能力bearing capacity of water resources shui ziyuan ehengzai nengli水资源承载能力(l犯aring ca户沈ityof”rater~~)一个流域、一个地区或一个国家,在不同阶段的社会经济和技术条件下,在水资源合理开发利用的前提下,当地天然水资源能够维系和支撑的人口、经济和环境规模总量。研究水资源承载能力是制定一个地域水中长期供求计划的基础,它对社会经济发展规模,资源配置与开发,生产力布局,产业结构,生产工艺,人口分布,城镇布局与发展规模,生态环境保护与建设,以及居民生活方式都会产生巨大的或决定性的影响。水资源承载能力的大小,受当地天然淡水资源总量和在一定社会经济与技术条件下可开发利用量以及人类生活与生产活动中利用水资源方式的影响。 水资源对地域社会经济发展的约束一般可分为以下3种类型:①刚性约束。即一个地域内可获得的水资源总量不仅受到当地天然水资源量大小的制约,而且不论在任何条件下,不可能从其他邻近地区获取额外水资源量。②弹性约束。即一个地域内,除拥有当地天然水资源量外,在一定条件下尚有机会从邻近地区获得一定水资源量。在这种情况下,当地水资源承载能力就不是该地区社会经济发展的决定性因素,但仍然起着制约作用。③无约束。即当地天然水资源可满足区域任何时期的社会经济发展和生态环境的总需求。以上3种约束类型在中国都存在,以第二种类型居多。因此,在研究各地区水资源承载能力的基础上,应全面系统地研究中国不同地区的水资源合理配置问题。 与水资源承载能力有关的主要因素:①当地水资源总量,包括地表水、地下水量以及根据有关法律规定的分配给当地可利用过境水量;②在不同阶段一定社会经济与技术条件下的可开发控制可利用水量;③不同阶段经济技术条件下水资源利用效率;④不同阶段社会经济环境发展需水总量。(何希吾)