乐安河,Le'an River
1)Le'an River乐安河
1.Study on the Mathematical Model of Heavy Metal Pollution in Le'an River's Water Environment and Its Application;乐安河水环境中重金属污染模型及应用
2.Research on heavy metals pollution status of Le'an River,Lake Poyang Basin;鄱阳湖流域乐安河重金属污染水平
3.Study on the Pollution of Le'an River and its Control;乐安河的污染及治理研究

1.Investigation and Analysis of Trace Elements in Hair form Children by the Le An River乐安河流域儿童头发中微量元素的调查与分析
2.Study on the Mathematical Model of Heavy Metal Pollution in Le an River s Water Environment and Its Application;乐安河水环境中重金属污染模型及应用
3.Application of Principal Component Analysis in Evaluation of Water Quality of Lean River主成分分析法在乐安河水质评价中的应用
4.Study on the Determination and Assessment of Metal Elements in the Sediment of the Le'an River Basin and Poyang Lake by Microwave-assisted-ICP-AES;乐安河流域及鄱阳湖沉积物中金属元素的微波消解-ICP-AES测定与评价研究
5.Comparative Study between "Music Association" and Wind-and Percussion Band in Quantou Village Anxin County Heibei Province;河北安新县圈头村“音乐会”与吹打班的比较研究
6.Distribution and Retention of Heavy Metals in Floodplain Topsoils of Le'an River乐安江河滩表层土中重金属的分布和残留分析
7.Investigation of the Pollution of Dawu·River-Le An River by Floatation Agent In Dexing Copper Mine德兴铜矿大坞河至乐安江段水体浮选剂污染的调查
8.Luohe is a national advanced city for comprehensive security, the residents are sincere and honest, and the society is steady.漯河市是全国社会治安综合治理先进城市,居民民风淳朴,社会稳定,人民群众安居乐业。
9.Oh, yes, the easy chair.噢,是的,安乐椅。
10.Happy birthday, Angel.生日快乐,安琪儿。
11.The cross-country show jumping events will be held at the Beas River Country Club and Hongkong Golf Club.越野赛部分安排在双鱼河乡村俱乐部会所和香港高尔夫球会会场内举行。
12.To allow binding arbitration clauses to be included in all contracts affecting land within the Gila River Indian Community Reservation.147允许具约束力仲裁条款纳入所有影响印第安人吉乐河保护区土地的契约内。
13.Spatial Variations and Pollution Characteristic of Heavy Metals in Sediments of Poyang Lake at the Inlet of Raohe River and Le'an River;饶河乐安江段及入鄱阳湖口处沉积物中重金属的空间变化和污染特征
14.The cat installed itself in the easy - chair.那只猫安睡在安乐椅上。
15."The people live a happy life, and the country enjoys peace and stability."人民安居乐业,政局安定。
16.River of life, River of joy, Gently flowing into my heart.生命的河﹐乐的河﹐缓流进我的心窝。
17.The Comparative Research on the Taoist Music in Julu County and Qinghe County of Hebei Province河北清河与巨鹿道教音乐之比较研究
18.To compose or arrange(music)for performance by an orchestra.配乐为交响乐队演出创作或安排(音乐)

Le An River乐安河
1.the present situation of heavy metal pollution in Le An River has been investigated,and contents of six kinds of trace elements in hair samples from 160 children living along the river measured.对乐安河重金属污染现状及沿岸儿童发中Cu ,Zn ,Pb ,Cd ,Mn ,Fe 六种微量元素的含量、重金属污染与发中微量元素含量的关系等进行了调查、比较和分析。
3)Dewu·River-Le An River大坞河-乐安江
1.An Investigation Report on the Biodiversity in the Le'an Region of Butuo County,Sichuan Province;布拖乐安地区生物多样性调查报告
1.Euthanasia Sentiments in Meng Haoran' Poetry试析孟浩然诗中的“安乐”情怀
6)Fengle River丰乐河
1.Research on Soil Erosion and Prevention and Controling Measures for Fengle River Valley in West of Anhui;皖西丰乐河流域水土流失及防治对策
2.Characteristics of pollutant export from Fengle River丰乐河污染输出特征研究

Kuang Ankun邝安Koang,N.K. (1902~  )[]中国内科学家1902年11月2日生于广东番禺。1919年赴法留学。1924年毕业于法国里昂大学医学院后,任法国国立医院住院医师。1933年获医学博士学位后回国。历任上海震旦大学广慈医院儿科主任,皮肤科主任,内科主任、教授。1952年后历任上海第二医学院内科主任、教授、副院长,上海市高血压研究所所长,上海市内分泌研究所所长,《中华内分泌代谢杂志》总编辑等职。1985年法国国家科技部长授予他法国国家骑士荣誉勋章。他最早在中国发现系统性红斑狼疮、血紫质病、西蒙-希恩(原译席汉)二氏综合征、原发性醛固酮增多症,也在世界上第一次用动物模型论证中医阴阳学说中的“阳虚”本质与肾上腺皮质功能之间的关系。继法国学者之后报道异烟肼治疗结核病过程中发生男性乳房变大是雌激素代谢紊乱引起的。他在设备极其简陋的情况下开展临床和实验室研究。应用现代医学方法探讨中医基本理论,为中西医结合作出了开创性的贡献。在阳虚动物模型成功建立的基础上,进一步发现阳虚者cAMP/cGMP下降,阳虚者cAMP/cGMP升高,对阳虚病人用助阳药物可在改善症状的同时,使cAMP/cGMP升高。在研究肾虚与性激素的关系中,发现冠心病、病态窦房结综合征、糖尿病和高血压的男病人中雌激素增高,而中医辨证治疗可纠正这种病态的性激素变化。他将内分泌学比作中西医结合的桥梁,认为用近代医学中内分泌学研究手段进行中西医结合的探讨是大有前景的方向。他和他的同事们共发表各种医学论文200余篇,主编了《内科学手册》、《实用内分泌学》等专著。                 李子良