邕江,Yongjiang river
1)Yongjiang river邕江
1.Application of gray Markov chain model in water quality forecast of Yongjiang river in Nanning;马尔可夫链式灰色模型在南宁邕江水质预测中的应用
2.Improvement of water quality in Yongjiang River by construction of wastewater treatment plant in Nanning City;南宁市污水处理厂建设对改善邕江水质的分析
3.Determination of the barrier clearance compensating means of the Yongjiang river;邕江河道清障补偿办法的确定

1.The Design and Realization of Prediction System for Water Quality Evaluation of Yongjiang River;邕江水质评价预测系统的设计与实现
2.Determining the Residues of Organochlorinated Pesticides in YongJiang river by SPE-GC/ECD邕江流域有机氯农药残留问题的初步研究
3.Water Environment Information Management System Researched by GIS for Yongjiang River in Nanning;基于GIS的邕江南宁段水环境信息管理系统的研究
4.On the Inducement of Micronucleus Effect in Vicia faba Root Tip Cell by Yongjiang River in Nanning Urban District Section邕江南宁市区段河水诱发蚕豆根尖细胞的微核效应
5.The major drinking water source of Nanning city is Yongjiang river at present. Single water source may lead to great trouble in case of unexpected pollution.南宁市主要饮用水源是邕江,供水水源单一,难以应付突发的污染事件。
6.Cai Yong disliked playing up to bigwigs and, to avoid frame-ups, he went into exile in the South, wandering about for twelve years in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces.蔡邕因为不愿趋附权贵,怕被人陷害,曾经亡命江南,往来于吴会之间(今江、浙一带)约十二年。
7.In the Han Dynasty, the famous calligrapher Cai Yong wrote about Jiuyi with deep feelings like this:汉朝蔡邕也感慨万千:
9.On the Influence of Li Yong s Calligraphy upon Zhao s Calligraphical Style in the Yuan Dynasty;简论李邕书法对元代赵体书风的影响
10.The Real Author of Two Poems Entitled to Cai Yong《饮马长城窟行·青青河边草》“蔡邕作”献疑
11.On Flattering Inscriptions Written by Cai Yong--Arguing with Mr.Wang Yinzhong论蔡邕碑文的“谀墓”——与王银忠先生商榷
12.Cai yan, alias: Weji, was the only child of cai young.蔡琰,字文姬,是汉朝著名学者蔡邕的独生女儿。
13.Strengthen Economic Cooperation of Guangdong and Nanning,Jointly Develop Southeast Asia Market;加强邕粤经济合作 联手拓展东南亚市场
14.Courrent Situation of County-level Cultivated Land and Iintegrated Evaluation of Food Security in Yongning County of Guangxi;广西邕宁县耕地变化态势与粮食安全综合评价
15.Cai Yongs Ecological and Aesthtical Thinking of Calligraphy;散怀恣性 物我同一——论蔡邕的书法生态美学思想
16.Six difficult problems in Chengdu-Chongqing-Guiyang-Nanning urban economic zone;成渝筑邕城市经济走廊共建面临的六大难题
17.Foreign citizens, foreign institutions within China, the institutions of the other provinces within this Autonomous Region are allowed to open settlement bank accounts,允许外国公民、境外驻华机构、外省驻邕机构异地开立银行结算账户,
18.The people in the Yuan Dynasty eventually learned a lot about both Tang and Jin Dynasties by learning from Li Yong's calligraphy so as to restore ancient ways for the new ones.元代人通过学习李邕书法,终至出唐入晋,复古为新。

the Yongjiang River邕江
1.Analysis of the space-time variation rule of the water quality in Nanning section of the Yongjiang River;邕江南宁市区段水质时空变化规律分析
2.Try to evaluate the Yongjiang river section's water quality with the probability method;概率法评价邕江河段水质的尝试
3)Yongjiang bridge邕江大桥
1.Inspection and defect analysis for Nanning Yongjiang bridge;南宁邕江大桥检测与病害分析
4)Along the Yong River邕江两岸
5)revetment of Yongjiang river邕江护岸
6)YongJiang river邕江流域
1.Determining the Residues of Organochlorinated Pesticides in YongJiang river by SPE-GC/ECD邕江流域有机氯农药残留问题的初步研究

Mastercam软件在大桥鞍座加工中的应用摘 要: Mastercam为一优秀的CAD/CAM软件,本文简要介绍了Mastercam软件的一些主要功能,并以钢索斜拉桥鞍座的加工为例,说明了如何利用Mastercam软件解决复杂零件的曲面数控加工问题。关键词: 数控编程 应用软件 鞍座 曲面加工一、 数控编程软件分析目前数控编程方法主要有三种: 1、手工编程 手工编程要用人工方法对零件的几何信息进行必要的数学处理,用手工方法编写加工程序单、穿制加工程序纸带。因而编程的速度慢、精度低,对所编写程序的检查也很困难。对某些形状复杂的零件编程问题,如多轴联动等,用手工编程根本无法解决。 2、利用APT语言自动编程 使用APT语言自动编程可将数学处理、编写加工程序单和穿制纸带的过程交给计算机完成,从而提高了编程的速度和精度,解决了某些手工编程无法解决的复杂零件的编程问题。然而,这种方法也有一些不足,由于APT语言是开发得比较早的计算机数控编程语言,它的图形处理功能不强,因而必须在APT源程序中用数控语言的形式来描述本来十分直观的几何图形、零件信息及加工过程,再由计算机做进一步的处理,生成加工程序。致使这种方法直观性差,编程过程比较复杂,不便于进行阶段性检查。 3、图形交互自动编程 图形交互自动编程是一种计算机辅助编程技术,通常以计算机辅助设计(CAD)为基础,利用CAD软件的图形编辑功能将零件的几何形状绘制到计算机上,生成图形文件,然后调用数控编程模块,采用人机交互的方法在计算机屏幕上指定被加工的部位,输入相应的加工参数,计算机便可进行必要的数学处理并自动生成加工程序。同时,还可在计算机屏幕上动态地显示刀具的加工轨迹。显然,这种编程方法较前两种具有速度快、精度高、直观性好、使用方便、便于检查等优点,并已成为目前国内外先进的CAD/CAM软件所普遍采用的数控编程方法。二、Mastercam 软件简介 Mastercam是美国CNC公司开发的基于PC平台的CAD/CAM软件,它具有以下优点: 方便直观的几何造型Mastercam提供了设计零件外形所需的理想环境,其强大稳定的造型功能可设计出复杂的曲线、曲面零件。 Mastercam具有强劲的曲面粗加工及灵活的曲面精加工功能。Mastercam提供了多种先进的粗加工技术,以提高零件加工的效率和质量。Mastercam还具有丰富的曲面精加工功能,可以从中选择最好的方法,加工最复杂的零件。Mastercam的多轴加工功能,为零件的加工提供了更多的灵活性。