传递闭包法,transitive closure method
1)transitive closure method传递闭包法
1.Environment quality appraisal analysis based on transitive closure method with regard to 5 cities in southwestern area of China基于传递闭包法的西南5城市环境质量评价分析
2.Taking into account the fuzziness in the process of partitioning and grading of water quality condition of lake in arid area,this paper integrated two fuzzy clustering analysis methods,transitive closure method based on fuzzy clustering analysis(TCM) and fuzzy clustering analysis of ISODATA,and one fuzzy clustering recognition method into a composite model of fuzzy clustering and pattern recognit.针对干旱区草型浅水湖泊水环境状态区划和评价分级过程中存在的模糊性,将基于模糊等价关系的传递闭包法、模糊划分的ISODATA技术与模糊模式识别方法有机结合形成模糊聚类识别复合模型。
3.This paper introduces the fundamental mind of fuzzy clustering analysis and carries on clustering analysis using the transitive closure method.介绍了模糊聚类分析的基本思想,用传递闭包法进行聚类分析,基于Visual C#。

1.Environment quality appraisal analysis based on transitive closure method with regard to 5 cities in southwestern area of China基于传递闭包法的西南5城市环境质量评价分析
2.The application of Warshall s algorithm in judging transitivity binary relation and solving the transitive closure;Warshall算法在判别传递性与求传递闭包中的应用
3.A New Algorithm of First Closure Based on Transitive Closure;基于传递闭包的First集合的求解算法
4.Methods of Neural Network on Transitive Closure of Fuzzy;模糊自反矩阵传递闭包的神经网络方法
5.Modeling Tasks Temporal Relations Based on Transferability Closure任务时序关系的形式化和传递闭包建模算法
6.Further Research on Transitive Closure and Interior of a Fuzzy Relation;模糊关系传递闭包与内部的进一步研究
7.The Calculation, Simplification and Application of the Transitive Closure of the General Fuzzy Matrix;一般模糊矩阵传递闭包的计算、简化与应用
8.On the Solution of Inverse Problem of Fuzzy Equivalent Matrix as Transitive Closure;关于Fuzzy等价矩阵作为传递闭包逆问题的解
9.DISCUSS A CONCLUSION OF TRANSITIVE CLOSURE ──a conclusion s correction about 《discrete mathematics》textbook of teacher college;传递闭包某结论的商榷──关于师专教材《离散数学》某结论的订正
10.Testing method of vibration transmissibility for package cushioning materialsGB/T8169-1987包装用缓冲材料振动传递特性试验方法
11.A New Method for the Packet Editing Command Transferring of Network Processor网络处理器中传递包编辑命令的一种新方法
12.The large packages were sent by water.大包裹由水路传递。
13.We have just defined four important sets in terms of the transitive closure of four very simple relations.我们根据四个非常简单的关系的传递闭包,恰好完成了四个重要的集合。
14.Research for Generating Min-Area Convex Encasing Box for Arbitrary Closed Contour Based on Genetic Algorithm;基于遗传算法的封闭轮廓最小面积凸包围盒生成算法
15.Analysis of Influencing Factors for Heat Transfer in Heat Exchange Coil Units of Closed Cooling Tower闭式冷却塔内换热盘管的热传递影响因素分析
16.The frequency response function includes an aerodynamic transfer function.频率的主函数包括主动力传递函数。
17.Document delivery:a special type of library outsourcing文献传递:图书馆业务外包的特殊形式
18.Document Delivery-A Special Type of Library Outsourcing Service文献传递——图书馆业务外包的特殊形式

transitive closure algorithm传递闭包法
1.A new arrival and departure flight classification method based on the transitive closure algorithm(TCA) is proposed.提出了一种基于传递闭包法的进/离场航班分类方法。
3)fuzzy transmission closure模糊传递闭包法
1.This paper describes the procedures of fuzzy transmission closure and fuzzy c-means, and we also cluster a series of noise targets with the two methods.本文详细介绍了模糊传递闭包法和模糊C均值法的计算步骤,并分别用这两种方法对一组噪声目标进行了聚类,最后对两种聚类方法进行了比较。
4)transferability closure传递闭包算法
1.Based on transferability of precedence relations,an algorithm is offered which constructs the transferability closure of goals relations and labels the precedence property of goals scientifically and correctly.基于时序关系的传递性,给出目标关系建模的传递闭包算法,帮助分析人员直观地判断目标间的时序关系及其存在问题,科学、合理地标记各个目标的时序等级属性,便于目标精化工作的完成。
5)transitive closure传递闭包
1.The application of Warshall s algorithm in judging transitivity binary relation and solving the transitive closure;Warshall算法在判别传递性与求传递闭包中的应用
2.A method of solving transitive closure based on backtracking spread information and coding technique;基于带回溯传播信息和编码技术的求解传递闭包方法
6)Fuzzy matrix transmission closureFuzzy矩阵传递闭包法
1.In this paper, cluster division has been made for climatic region suitable for trees to grow in the whole Songshan district by us of Fuzzy matrix transmission closure.本文应用 Fuzzy矩阵传递闭包法 ,对全松山区林木适宜生长气候区进行了聚类划分 ,为按气候因素和林木生物学特性确定适宜造林树种提供了依

闭包关系闭包关系closure relation  闭包关系「d渭u比比lati阅;、,aM峨a““,oT“o山en,,el.闭包运算(elosure operation),偏序集M中的 M到它自身的单值映射,使每个元素a任M,映为元素互〔M,称为a的闭包(dosure),使得下列条件戍立:l)a‘a;2)若a(b,则丁毛b;以及3)贡=丁.如果元素a就是它自己的闭包,则称a是闭的(d“ed).在集M中,只要定出它所有的闭元,就唯一地确定了M的一个闭包运算.特别在M是由任意集合X的所有子集构成的集合,按集合的包含关系为序时,我们可在X上来谈论闭包运算.在任意集合X上,一个闭包运算可以这样来规定:任取一个由子集所成的族,其中包含X自身,而且关于任意多的交是封闭的,以这个族作为X的闭子集族.两个带有闭包运算的偏序集,如果存在一个偏序集的同构,使得闭集的象和闭集的原象都是闭的,则称它们是同构的.对于由X的所有子集所成的集合来说,一类在数学上有相当重要性的闭包运算要求满足下述附加条件:空集是闭集,X的二个子集的并的闭包等于它们的闭包的并.满足此条件的闭包运算称作集合x上的拓扑(topology on the set)·【补注】闭包运算又称作印粤纂于(dosure Operator)或攀篡于(joino沐ra‘or)(见[l])·集合X的一族子集,如果在任意交下是封闭的,则称之为闭包系(d洗uresystem).例如仿射空间A中所有子空间所成的族,如上所述,它给出A的子集上的一个闭包运算. 与有限并可交换的闭包运算,为表示崇敬【AI]的作者,常称作Kuratowski闭包运算(Kuratowskid谓ureo讲ration).具有闭包运算的压双e代数(Boolean al罗-bra)有时称作甲粤华攀(d,ure al罗bra)(见[A2])·