酸性矿坑排水,acid mine drainage
1)acid mine drainage酸性矿坑排水
1.Schwertmannite was found in the sediment of acid mine drainage from the Malan coal mine,Shanxi Province,China.采用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜与能谱(SEM-EDX)、X射线荧光(XRF)、傅立叶红外光谱(FT-IR)、热分析(DTA-TG)等分析方法,在我国山西马兰煤矿的酸性矿坑排水(AMD)沉淀物中首次发现了“斯沃特曼铁矿”(Schwertmannite)。
2.Pyrite oxidation at mine sites has been blamed for the acid mine drainage(AMD),which becomes a long term environmental problem in the basin scale.矿山环境中因硫化矿物氧化,导致采矿产生大量的酸性矿坑排水
2)aicd mine drainage矿坑酸排水
3)acid mine drainage酸性矿坑水
1.Diversity of microbial community in acid mine drainage in ancient mine area;古矿井区域酸性矿坑水微生物群落的多样性
2.Mining activities result in the formation of a widespread environmental problem known as acid mine drainage (AMD), which results from chemical and biological oxidation of exposed sulfide minerals.采矿活动使金属硫化矿大量暴露于地表,经过自然与生物的氧化作用导致酸性矿坑水(AMD)的产生,并造成严重的环境污染。

1.Research on the Structure of Microbial Communities of Acid Mine Drainages of Yinshan Lead-zinc Mine;银山铅锌矿酸性矿坑水微生物群落结构分析
2.Analysis of Microbial Community Composition in Obturating Acid Mine Drainage封闭环境下酸性矿坑水中微生物生态多样性的研究(英文)
3.Analysis of Microbial Communities in Mine Drainages of Da Chang Lead-zinc Mine, and Influence of Different Culture Conditions on Community;大厂铅锌矿酸性矿坑水微生物多样性以及不同培养条件对群落的影响
4.The acid resistance and oxidizing power of the bacteria can provide a biochemical way for the treatment of acid mine water.同时,细菌的耐酸性和氧化功能,为酸性矿坑水的处理提供微生物化学途径。
5.Microbial Communities in Acid Mine Drainage from Dabaoshan Mine and Succession of Communities under the Selective Stress of Ferrous Iron;大宝山酸性矿坑水中微生物群落及其群落在亚铁选择压力下的演替规律
6.The basin acidification affected by AMD:A case study in Xingren county,Guizhou,China酸性矿坑废水对流域酸化的影响——以贵州兴仁县典型废弃煤矿区小流域为例(英文)
7.Column Bioleaching of Low-grade Copper Ore and Succession of AMD Bacterial Communities under High Fe~(3+) Concentration低品位铜矿柱浸及酸性矿坑废水微生物群落在高Fe~(3+)浓度下的演替规律
8.surveyor's level(矿坑)测量水准器
9.Research on the Diversity of Bacterial Communities in Acid Mine Drainage and the Succession of AMD Niche in Different Concentration of Fe~(3+);酸性矿坑废水微生物群落多样性及不同Fe~(3+)浓度下细菌群落变化的研究
10.horizontal underground passage in a mine(矿坑中的)水平巷道.
11.Analysis of Mineralization Group Workability of Skarn Molybdenum Ore and Diabase Molybdenum Ore in Makeng Iron Mine马坑铁矿区单钼矿成矿组可采性分析
12.Research on Mine Inflow Prediction of Longtangyan Iron-mine, Hexian County和县龙塘沿铁矿矿坑涌水量预测研究
13.Acid Mine Drainage Pollution and Prediction-Assessment Methods of Acid Producing Potential of Sulphide Mine Tailings硫化矿尾矿酸性矿山废水污染及释酸能力预测评价方法
14.Study on Characteristics, Mechanism Experiments and Preventions of Acid Mine Drainage;煤矿酸性矿井水特征、机理实验及防治研究
15.Experimental Study on the Utilization Technology of Drainage Pit Mine Water of HaiZhou Open Pit;海州矿排水坑矿井水资源化利用技术实验研究
16.Groundwater Dynamic Research and the Water Quantity Prediction on the Yutianbao Coal Mine鱼田堡煤矿矿坑水动态分析及涌水量预测
18.Management and Treatment Measures to Control Acid Mine Drainage in Australia澳大利亚矿山酸性废水的管理与处理

aicd mine drainage矿坑酸排水
3)acid mine drainage酸性矿坑水
1.Diversity of microbial community in acid mine drainage in ancient mine area;古矿井区域酸性矿坑水微生物群落的多样性
2.Mining activities result in the formation of a widespread environmental problem known as acid mine drainage (AMD), which results from chemical and biological oxidation of exposed sulfide minerals.采矿活动使金属硫化矿大量暴露于地表,经过自然与生物的氧化作用导致酸性矿坑水(AMD)的产生,并造成严重的环境污染。
4)mine drainage矿坑排水
1.The influence of mine drainage on the environment of underground water in Jiaozuo coal mine;焦作煤矿区矿坑排水对地下水环境的影响
2.Therefore,in this paper,a case study of Xulou iron ore in Huaibei City was taken to evaluate the effects of mine drainage on the urban water supply in safety.本文以淮北市徐楼铁矿为例,用数值法分析评价矿坑排水对城市供水安全造成的影响,并对越流系数的不确定性进行了定量分析。
3.PAHs in coal,coal waste stone,mine drainage,leaching water from coal waste stone and groundwater in Zibo coal mine,Shandong Province,are discussed.对山东淄博煤矿区的煤、煤矸石、矿坑排水、煤矸石淋滤水以及煤矿地下水中多环芳烃的含量进行了测试研究。
5)mining drainage矿坑排水
1.Massive mining drainage has been discharged from Zibo mines,Shandong Province.以博山区的夏庄煤矿及整个孝妇河为研究对象 ,分析了矿坑排水对孝妇河的影响 ,矿坑排水使孝妇河水pH降低 ,ρ(SO2 -4 )、总硬度升高 ,ρ(Fe)、ρ(Al)、微量元素含量升高。
2.In the study area, surface water quality is hanly controlled by the mining drainage, and the main river and reservoir have already been polluted.研究区内地表水体的水质主要受控于矿坑排水的质量,区内主要河流、水库已被污染。
6)natural coal mine drainage pit排水矿坑

布尔吉斯页岩矿坑栩栩如生和不可思议的——布尔吉斯页岩中的动物寻找化石的科学家偶尔会发现这样的地点:矿物质细粒迅速覆盖古代动物的整个身体,将它们的软体部分连同外壳或骨骼一起保存下来。在这种罕见的情况下,可以看到千百万年前的动物非常漂亮的细节,看起来就像它们活着的时候一样。位于加拿大的布尔吉斯页岩矿坑就是这样的神奇地点之一。在那里的岩层中发现了100多种 5.3亿年前的不同动物,有些像水母一样是软体的,有些像螃蟹一样是硬体的。当崩塌的海底陆架所产生的泥浆将它们轻轻覆盖时,这些动物就被保存下来了。